Friday, December 27, 2013


What are the risks of obesity?

Obesity is a serious condition as it increases the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, joint pains, high blood pressure and some types of cancers such as colon, breast and uterine cancers. Obese people are also more prone to diseases and problems such as stroke, gall bladder disease, breathing problems (sleep apnoea syndrome), low back pain, swelling of the feet and ankles, imbalances and accidents. Obese people have a low self-esteem and they avoid company, which makes them insular and insecure.

AnchorHow is it diagnosed?

Obesity is determined by measuring body weight and fat. There are different ways of calculating body fat. Body mass index (BMI) is one of the best methods used to measure body fat. BMI is calculated as the ratio of the weight in Kg and height in square metre. Guidelines define overweight as a BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg/square meter and obesity as a BMI greater than 30. The doctor may also suggest blood test for sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides. In case insufficient thyroid functioning (hypothyroidism) is suspected, the doctor will ask for a thyroid stimulating hormone test.

What is the treatment?

The simplest and the most basic principle is to reduce food intake,
especially the fat content, and increasing physical activity.
Increasing physical activity alone is not an easy way to lose weight
unless one combines it with a reduction of fat intake. Physical
activity includes walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics or any other household activity such as cleaning, washing, climbing stairs etc. The sense of well-being and weight loss motivates an individual to make changes in his or her diet as well. The best way of keeping a good control on ones dietary intake is to keep a daily diary, and writing down whatever one eats as one eats. Avoid high oil content in the curries and do not use butter on chappatis, which may be tasty without the fat. The doctor or health care provider evaluates the daily diet and plans a diet providing calories enough to maintain the weight below the ideal body weight.

Increase your physical; activity and reduce the intake of food. Your initial goal of weight loss therapy should be to reduce the bodyweight by 10% from baseline. With success, further weight loss can be attempted.Weight loss should be 1-2 kg for 6 months. Reducing dietary fat alone without reducing calories is not sufficient for weight loss. Reducing dietary fat along with dietary carbohydrates can help reduce calories.Weight maintenance program should be priory after 6 months.

In order to maintain one's weight, calories consumed should be equal to calories used. Energy balance is like a scale. When calories consumed are more than calories used, it results in weight gain. Let physical activity tip the scale in your favour. You can perform aerobic exercises 30 minutes a day thrice week. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

Certain medicines are also available for weight reduction. There are two main types of weight reducing drugs: one class decreases appetite while the other prevents dietary fat from being absorbed by the body. These drugs should be taken only with doctor”s advice, as there are a lot of side effects related with their use. Surgery to cure obesity should be undertaken as the last resort for people who are very obese, have tried all the other options available and have medical problems. The main surgical option is to have your stomach banded or stapled so that it cannot accommodate more food. Why not eat less voluntarily?

Few tips to bring about weight loss as well as ensuring good health:

 Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products like wheat.
 Increase the consumption of complex carbohydrates like whole wheat, millet (jowar) and barley (bajra)
 Restrict refined products such as flour (maida) and its products such as bread, noodles, macaronis and pastas in regular diet
 Restrict fat and cholesterol rich foods. Only non-vegetarian foods (like eggs and dairy products) are good sources of cholesterol, however saturated fatty acids present in butter, ghee, vanaspati and coconut get metabolised to cholesterol in our body
 Reduce the amount of sugars consumed
 Consume raw fruits and vegetables in form of salads and raitas in every meal.These provide adequate vitamins, minerals and fibre. Fibre is essential as it aids in digestion, has an effective role in managing obesity and cardiovascular problems
 Limit salt intake
 Have small portions of food at a time
 Do not skip meals
 Have regular meal timings
 Do not eat while cooking and watching television
 Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses) in a day
 Exercise regularly. Do brisk walking at least for 20-40 minutes in a day
The best exercises that are sustainable and safe to loose weight are
aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises usually involve vigorous exercises sustained over a period of several minutes and their effect is to increase the efficiency of the lungs, heart and blood circulation,which are collectively known as the aerobic system. Short and sharp bursts of activity which rely on the body”s reserves of oxygen do not produce a similar improvement. Exercises should increase strength and mobility and also aid relaxation. You can choose walking, swimming,bicycling as per your fitness level and increase gradually. You should plan on 20-minute sessions at least 3 times per week. Gradual changes in eating habits will help encourage a permanent lifestyle change. A slow weight loss of 1 or 2 pounds a week, until the desirable body weight is reached, is best.

Thursday, December 26, 2013



Walking 30 minutes a day cuts the rate of people becoming diabetic by more than half and it cuts the risk of people over 60 becoming diabetic by almost 70 percent.

Walking cuts the risk of stroke by more than 25 percent.

 Walking reduces hypertension. The body has over 100,000 miles of blood vessels. Those blood vessels are more supple and healthier when we walk.

 Walking cuts the risk of cancer as well as diabetes and stroke.

 Women who walk have a 20 percent lower likelihood of getting breast cancer and a 31 percent lower risk of getting colon cancer.

 Women with breast cancer who walk regularly can reduce their recurrence rate and their mortality rate by over 50 percent.

 The human body works better when we walk. The body resists diseases better when we walk, and the body heals faster when we walk.

 We don't have to walk a lot. Thirty minutes a day has a huge impact on our health.

 Men who walk thirty minutes a day have a significantly lower level of prostate cancer. Men who walk regularly have a 60 percent lower risk of colon cancer.

 For men with prostate cancer, studies have shown that walkers have a 46 percent lower mortality rate.

 Walking also helps prevent depression, and people who walk regularly are more likely to see improvements in their depression.

 In one study, people who walked and took medication scored twice as well in 30 days as the women who only took the medication. Another study showed that depressed people who walked regularly had a significantly higher level of not being depressed in a year compared to depressed people who did not walk. The body generates endorphins when we walk. Endorphins help us feel good.

 Walking strengthens the heart. Walking strengthens bones.

 Walking improves the circulatory system.

 Walking generates positive neurochemicals. Healthy eating is important but dieting can trigger negative neurochemicals and can be hard to do.

 Walking generates positive neurochemicals. People look forward to walking and enjoy walking.

 And research shows that fit beats fat for many people. Walking half an hour a day has health benefits that exceed the benefits of losing 20 pounds.

 When we walk every day, our bodies are healthier and stronger. A single 30 minute walk can reduce blood pressure by five points for over 20 hours.

 Walking reduces the risk of blood clots in your legs.

 People who walk regularly have much lower risk of deep vein thrombosis.

 People who walk are less likely to catch colds, and when people get colds, walkers have a 46 percent shorter symptom time from their colds.

 Walking improves the health of our blood, as well. Walking is a good boost of high density cholesterol and people with high levels of HDL are less likely to have heart attacks and stroke.

 Walking significantly diminishes the risk of hip fracture and the need for gallstone surgery is 20 to 31 percent lower for walkers.

 Walking is the right thing to do. The best news is that the 30 minutes doesn't have to be done in one lump of time. Two 15 minute walks achieve the same goals. Three 10 minute walks achieve most of those goals.

 We can walk 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night and achieve our walking goals.

 Walking feels good. It helps the body heal. It keeps the body healthy. It improves our biological health, our physical health, our psychosocial health, and helps with our emotional health. Walking can literally add years entire years to your life.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Diabetic Care - Some Smart Tips

Some smart tips a diabetic should follow includes:

Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor on time everyday.

 Check your blood glucose levels regularly. This is a way to prevent complications of diabetes and stay healthy. The levels should be below 120 mg/dl before meals and 180 mg/dl after meals.

 Eat a well balanced diet that includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and whole-wheat breads; but reduce their fat intake. Limit alcohol consumption.

 Moreover, never skip a meal because this may cause blood sugar levels to drop. Your diet should include carbohydrates, fats (healthy fats) and lean protein. Your health care dietician provides you the meal planning guidelines. Your diet plan will not tell you the specific foods to eat, but it suggests mealtimes, food groups to select from, and amounts to eat from these food groups. A healthy diet will also reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and other serious diseases.

Check your feet closely after bath and before you go to bed. Use a mirror to check the soles of your feet, Wash and dry them carefully, especially between the toes. You will need to see a doctor if you have a sore that doesnt  begin healing in couple of days. Wear shoes and socks that are the right size to protect your feet.

Schedule regular visits to the doctor for the examination of eye and dental problems. Get regular flu shots in winter and stay physically active.

 Keep Hydrated. Drink at least 64 ounces of water everyday. Drink non-sugar, non- alcoholic, non-caffeinated fluids to stay hydrated.

 Brush and floss your teeth to avoid gum diseases. Gum diseases are often more seen in diabetics. High cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases are also linked to gum diseases.

 Ensure you sleep adequately. The standard recommendation is to sleep between seven and eight hours a day. Go to bed at regularly the same time every night, and get up at a regular time every morning.

 Exercise regularly. Get your body moving since it will help you deal with stress, reduce your blood glucose levels, benefit your heart, lowercholesterol and will aid in elevating your mood. Take a walk; even walking slowly is beneficial. Some exercise is always better than no exercise at all.

 You should include multivitamin in your healthy living plan. It is important that the vitamin includes antioxidants, betacarotenoids, zinc, and selenium.

 Be prepared with the phone numbers ready before the illness strikes. Consult your physician if your blood sugar levels are consistently 50% higher than usual and if you experience symptoms of high or low blood sugar that occur two days in a row or three times in one week.

Caring for your health is an important part of living with diabetes. Diabetes does not have to mean the end of an active normal life. If does mean that your lifestyle will need to change to be healthier.

Balanced diet
For being healthy and strong, you must eat the right amount of food containing the right amount of each nutrient component. Such a food is balanced food. A meal in which you eat balanced food is called a balanced diet.

Balanced diet has three important qualities
It is rich in essential quality. Such as vitamins, minerals and certain amino acids.
 It provides enough energy raw materials for growth of cells, tissues, and organs.
 it provides the energy required by the body
Nutrition and the importance of the food
Food and nutrition is necessary for the survival of organisms, because they are essential for the growth of the healthy body. Food and nutrition is also essential for creating resistance against the disease causing germs and for giving energy to the body. Activities like in take of food, digestion, absorption, metabolism and excretion together constitute nutrition. Nutrition enables us to grow well and enjoy good health.

Constituents of food
Everyday, we eat varieties of small food items like wheat, rice, pulses, greens, vegetables, fruits, and milk. The nutrients, like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins and mineral salts are present in these food items and they perfume some important functions.

Balanced diet
A particular type of food itself does not give all required nutrients so, taking different type of diet. A nutritionally adequate diet containing proportionate proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water are known as balanced diet. It should also contain some quantity of indigestible fiber content food to avoid constipation

Why You Should Drink More Tea (and Less Coffee)

It's safe to say that most people you ask will say that if they had to choose between tea and coffee, they would choose coffee hands down. This may be because its rich taste and high caffeine content gives us a boost that keeps us going. However, most of the time you should drop that cup of Joe and pick up a cup of hot and fragrant tea, and we'll tell you why!

1. Tea Hydrates the Body
Although coffee is also considered a hydrating liquid, tea has the added benefit of being hot water with tea flavoring. This means that it is much more beneficial to sit down and have a cup of tea because the beverage hydrates your body immediately. With coffee, it take time for the water to be absorbed because it so well mixed.

2. Serious Health Benefits
In a number of scientific studies it has been shown that tea can reduce the chances of certain kinds of cancers and diseases. This fact mostly applies for green tea, which has been glorified in many areas of Asia as the reason for their lean figure and better bill of health. Coffee does have some beneficial antioxidants, but not any more than a cup of tea can provide.

3. Tea Keeps You Going Longer
The adamant coffee drinker will interject here that tea may be healthier than coffee, but it can't compare when it comes to caffeine levels. This it seems is actually a myth. It has been shown that tea has the same amount of caffeine as coffee, but unlike coffee, tea does not have such a drastic energy depressing effect.

When you drink coffee, you get a large and quick dose of caffeine that causes your energy levels to drop at the same speed. Tea, however, has just as much caffeine, but because it is absorbed slower, energy depression will take place over a longer period of time. If you need a drink to keep going throughout the day, drink tea instead of coffee.  

4. More Antioxidant Power
The other thing an avid coffee drinker might tell you is that coffee has more and better antioxidants than tea. It appears that this too is a myth. Companies now put good antioxidants into things like tea to improve their health benefits, so it is uncertain that coffee has more antioxidants than tea.

5. Tea is a Great Weight loss Tool
Recent Research has shown that green tea may be a tremendous aid in weight loss. This is due to the fact that green tea helps kick-start your metabolism, but also that it is a much healthier substitute than sugar soft drinks. In comparison to any drink with added sugar, even coffee, tea is less likely to remain on your waistline, especially if you drink it with honey or a bit of sugar.

6. Dental Health
To be honest, excessive amounts of tea and coffee aren't good for your dental health, especially not for the whiteness of your teeth. However, if you must choose the lesser of the two evils, it is best to choose tea. Drinking a cup or two a day of tea will keep your levels of fluoride normal without any discoloration, while a few cups of coffee means even less fluoride and more discoloration.

7. Aids Bone Health
In a new Australian study it was found that people who drank tea on a regular basis had stronger bones and were less likely to develop osteoporosis thanks to high levels of tea catechins. A separate study found that drinking tea could too promote healthy bone formation. There aren't any positive things to say about coffee and bones, in fact your grandmother probably told you that drinking coffee too early could stunt your growth!

8. Helps Reduce Stress
Ahhh...That's the best word to describe the feeling of drinking a hot cup of tea. Unlike coffee that makes you jittery and puts you on high alert, tea soothes and relaxes your brain. There must be a reason why it is used by so many cultures as a bonding tool!

9. Give Your Immune System a Boost!
Although tea will most likely not cure you of the flu, it flushes the bug out of your system and will improve your immune system so you won't get sick in the future. This also depends on what kind of tea you are drinking. One cup of regular Earl Grey tea most likely won't do you much good, but a cup of ginger or honey and lemon tea will do the trick!

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Six Keys to Success" - ADVICE

Don't confuse how much money one has as to his or her success!
These keys will not unlock any opportunities of success without first having a strong and unfailing faith in God or that Being which is greater than you.

I encourage you to memorize these six keys by using the word ADVICE to do so.

1.    Attitude
Bloom where you are planted. You have a choice to get back up after temporary set backs. Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference!

2.    Direction
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Write your short term goals down on paper. I have discovered and continue to discover that putting your dreams and goals down on paper lock in or focus your belief that they can be achieved--even if you have to take a course correction in achieving your goals. Success comes in cans, failure comes in can'ts.

3.    Values
Explore what is important to you. Maybe it is family, friends, your spirituality or working hard at any given task. I can assure you that your priorities will change as you grow older. Very important that you value yourself and treat yourself like the valuable gift from God that you are.

4.    Interests
Birds of a feather flock together. This is to say that if you are hanging around winners or others with a "can do" mind-set, you'll likely adapt to this same kind of thinking. Remember--"SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES!

5.    Commitment
Feelings may change, commitments do not. "Success is getting up one more time than you fall." I have often wanted to give up, and then I must think to myself about what the consequences of giving up will be. Generally, this is more than enough of a motivation to make us stick to the task at hand even if we don't feel like it. When the task is achieved, Whow!--IT FEELS GREAT!

6.    Encouragement
Be an encourager and comforter to friends that are feeling discouraged. I promise that you will not regret this as you will be encouraged by one, if not many, when you are feeling down. Encouragement and love are contagious qualities that can change the minds of the most stubborn and "hard-to-get-along-with" people you know. I have seen it happen over and over again.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Stomach Gas...

 How To Get Rid Of Stomach Gas

Stomach gas is a common phenomenon that affects everyone at some time or the other. It is also on the increase nowadays due to the kind of food items we consume as well as the sedentary lives that people lead. Passing gas or flatulus is a normal bodily phenomenon but when the gas build up is in excess, it leads to embarrassing and discomforting situations. There are certain food groups that lead to intestinal gas build up and could also be related to indigestion problems. There are many common home remedies available that helps one to ease the discomfort that is felt when there is excessive gas build up in the stomach.
Causes Of Stomach Gas

When gas pain is felt in the chest, it is mainly due to the build up of stomach gas in the abdominal region:
•    When undigested food comes to the colon it gets fermented by the bacteria that resides here and the process of fermentation leads to gas build up
•    Healthy and high fiber products usually fall in the category of products that are difficult to digest. Thus, consequently, there is gas buildup in the stomach
•    If one is intolerant towards certain food groups then excess gas can build up in the stomach
•    Consumption of carbonated beverages like soft drinks or beer can also lead to excess gas formation
•    Constipation can lead to gas or bloating
•    Excess air might be gulped while eating due to which gas accumulates in excess
Symptoms Of Stomach Gas

The symptoms of stomach gas accumulation in excess are several:
•    Frequent passing of gas
•    Belching
•    Feeling bloatedness
•    Jabbing pain felt in the chest
•    Tightness felt in the abdomen
•    Loss of appetite
Even if gas pain is not serious and it tends to pass on, sometimes, the symptoms might become severe and one may mistake them for chest pain. Often, gallstone, appendicitis and other stomach ailments produce similar pain. If stomach gas accumulates in excess frequently, it might signify a more serious underlying cause.
How To Get Rid Of Stomach Gas

If you are looking to relive yourself of the excess gas that has accumulated in your stomach, you can take help of these remedies mentioned below.

1.    Lie Down

If you are feeling discomfort in the stomach due to gas having accumulated you need to:
•    Lie down keeping the head elevated
•    Rest in such a position for some time till the discomfort has reduced

2.    Increase Fluid Intake

When gas develops in the stomach it signifies poor digestion:
•    When fluids are drank in plenty, it helps to move the undigested food from the colon and out from the system
•    When one consumes fiber rich food they need to drink enough water to prevent the undigested food particles from accumulating in the colon and causing gas

3.    Reduce The Consumption Of Carbonated Drinks

When one consumes carbonated drinks it leads to:
•    Increase in discomfort as the gas accumulation increases
•    Pain in the chest will increase if one intakes such beverages

4.    Position To Take Up To Reduce Gas

There are some positions that are helpful to eliminate gas from the system:
•    One needs to kneel on the head and keep their buttocks in the air. When one is in such a position with the head facing down they allow the gas to pass out of the system
•    One can lie down and press their legs against the stomach. At the same time, one needs to breathe in and try and force the gas out while breathing out
•    When one is trying to push the gas out of their abdomen they need to ensure that the stomach is empty
[Also Read: Home Remedies For Gastric Problem]

5.    Helpful Positions When Lying Down

There are certain positions that are recommended when one suffers from frequent gas attacks. There are many women who suffer from such bloatedness during pregnancy and it helps to:
•    Lie down on one’s side
•    Keep the head elevated as compared to the legs

6.    Add Mustard To The Food

It would help to use the simple ingredient in one’s cooking:
•    Mustard is said to help relieve gas symptoms
•    It can be used as an ingredient in many dishes and helps to keep or prevent gas from building up

7.    Use Of Indian Spices

If one used Indian spices in their cooking they are known to have beneficial properties that aid digestion:
•    Cardamom
•    Turmeric
•    Cumin
[Related Post: Home Remedies For Gas Pain In Chest]

8.    Increase The Intake Of Hot Fluids

When one increase hot fluids that will help the gas to pass out of the system:
•    Hot beverages like tea or coffee will help to move the gas along
•    It is best to opt for herbal tea that aids the digestion process

9.    Increase Intake Of Ginger

If you are suffering from indigestion and gas problem you could:
•    Increase the intake of ginger by adding it to your food
•    Chew the ginger root and allow the juices to take effect

10.    Consumption Of Fruits

If vegetables are leading to gas build up in your system you could take up certain fruits that will help to reduce the gas:
•    Drink lemon juice or other citrus fruits
•    Consume papaya which will help to reduce the feeling of bloatedness

11.    Increase Exercises

It is important to do exercises in order to avoid the frequent buildup of excess gas:
•    One should exercise for thirty minutes every day
•    One needs to be more active physically

12.    Using Baking Soda

If one has gas in their stomach they can use baking soda in the following manner:
•    Add a spoonful of baking soda to a cup of hot water
•    Consume it to aid digestion
Are you suffering from stomach gas frequently? Do you wish to find easy and simple ways of getting relief? You need not resort to medication but use the above natural methods mentioned to get relief. There are many who have used the above methods in order to get relief from excessive gas formation in the stomach.

8 Effective Cold Prevention Strategies

1. Wash your hands -
The world we live in is filled with viruses and bacteria that can make us ill. Your hands are no exceptions. Wash your hands often to keep them clean. If you cannot wash them, at least use some hand sanitizer, such as Purel.

2. Drink hot fluids, especially in the morning -
The rhinovirus incubates in the back of the throat and spreads in the upper respiratory area because it's cooler than the body temperature. Rhinovirus can't survive at 98.6 (hence it doesn't travel far down into the bronchi or the lungs). By drinking hot fluid (such as hot tea and lemon) you can prevent the virus from incubating.

3. Keep your hands out of your face -
We have already discussed the germs and viruses on your hands. You cannot wash them continuously, so in between washings keep your hands out of your face. Your face is an open portal to your insides. Keep the germs away from your portal.

4. Drink water -
Drinking more water is my answer to everything. Water will help clean out your body and keep it clean. It will also keep your body functioning at 100%. You should drink at least (eight) 8oz glasses of water everyday. This will also help you lose weight.

5. Eat your fruits and vegetables -There are phytochemicals and antioxidants in fruits and vegetables that can help strengthen your immune system and prevent diseases. You should eat at least four servings of vegetables and two servings of fruits every day.

6. Multivitamins -
If you are not eating all of your fruit and vegetable servings, you should take a multivitamin to ensure you are getting all of the vitamins your body needs to function properly. Take a simple one-a-day multivitamin everyday.

7. Stay warm -
Being cold weakens your immune system and makes your body more susceptible to illness. Look at the day’s temperature at before leaving your home. Wear layers in and out of your home when it is cold.

8. Relax and rest -
Stress weakens your immune system. You can reduce your stress levels by relaxing and getting more sleep. Sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy immune system. Sleep will also boost your recovery time if you become ill.

Feelings of a Married Girl

 (Dedicated To All Girls)

Here I Am siting in my Room at night

Thinking hard about life...

How it change from a careless university life

to strict in laws life.. ?

How tiny pocket money changed to

husband's huge pocket full of salary..

But then why it gives less happiness ?

How a single plate of snacks with friends

changed to a remaining food of kids.

but then why there is less hunger ?

How a limited prepaid card changed

to postpaid package;

but then why there are less calls and sms?

How old computer changed in to laptop

but then why there is less time to put it on ?


How a small bunch of friends changed to

mother-in-law, Brother-in-law, sister-in-law

but then why we r always feel loneliness ?

When I Was College Going Student , I Never Care About My Mom Dad N Now M Missing Them Like Hell..

"When You Will Get Married , Everything Will Gonna Change.. So Enjoy Each n Every Moment Of Your Life"

No Doubt Your Married Life Will Be Best But This One Is "AWESOME" !!!