Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Departure Instructions Note from
Wife to Husband...

I am going to My Mom's Place for 6-7 days with kids &
These are the instructions and warning for you. .

1 - No need to call your friends and cousins.
Last time I got 4 large pizza bills beneath the sofa...

2 - Don't forget mobile on the soap holder in the bathroom like last time...
Why would anyone need a mobile in the bathroom.??

3 - Keep your specs in the box..
Last time around it was found in the refrigerator.

4 - Salary already paid to maid.
No need to be extra generous.

5 - Don't disturb neighbors early in the morning asking if they have got newspaper or not??
Our newspaper vendor is different from theirs..
And our laundry person and milkman are also different.

6 - Your Underwear are on left side of wardrobe and on right side are kid's...
Like last time, don't say I was uncomfortable at work....

7 - All reports have been checked and you are alright. 
No need to go to that lady doctor again and again. 

8 - My sister and Bhabhi's birthdays have  gone last month which you already attended. 
No need to go to them at midnight and wish belated happy birthday..

9 - Have cut off WiFi for 10 days.
So sleep early....

10 - Stop smiling and being happy...
as Mrs. Khanna, Mrs. Avasthi, Mrs. Kulkarni, Mrs. Trivedi, Mrs. Ansari, Mrs. Rastogi, Mrs. Chatteerjee...
They all will be out of station in this period....

And last but not the least.

11 - Don't try to be oversmart..
I will be back anytime without informing you


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