Saturday, February 15, 2020

*Vaastu mistakes which we all make every morning...*
_Almost all of us receive a minimum of 2-3 good morning messages on our whatsapp in the morning. This is the importance of a morning. It brings with itself hope, joy, health, happiness and lots of energy. But what if we drain out all that fresh energy with silly vaastu mistakes?_

*1-Do NOT start your morning by checking messages on phone*
_It is hard to believe but its actually true that almost every one of us, starts our day by checking the messages on our mobile phone. One negative comment, one rude joke and your day is all gone. Start your day by talking to yourself for few minutes. Reaffirm yourself that you have one full day to live life to the fullest and then get out of the bed._

*2-Never wear clothes you are not satisfied with*
_Newly bought or not! If you just do not like a piece of clothing, you are under no pressure to wear it on your skin no matter what. Take out the outfit which you just love to wear. Tight-fitting, loose or clumsy clothing can really spoil our day like anything._

*3-Do NOT use cracked coffee mugs*
_However expensive it may have been, just throw away that cracked piece of bone china. Do not use cracked tea/coffee mugs right at the start of the day._

*4-Clear all clutter from your bag*
_Do you know that every single object gathers a good amount of dust around itself. Even a safety pin lying in your bag from last 6 months carries good amount of dust and shar energies which you are totally unaware about._

*5-Always carry water with yourself*
_No matter the designation you work at, make it a thumb rule to carry a flask with water in it. Each element has its own fundamental qualities. Keeping water close to you, will certainly help you stay cool and calm under pressure._

*6-Never leave home empty stomach*
_This is one rule which is often neglected by many of us. Have you ever driven a car without petrol? Try dragging your body with its dose of morning meal!_

*7-Never shout/beat the child to wake her up*
_Never ever start your day by thrashing the child to get out of the bed. Do you love to work at gun point? Put yourself in the shoes of your kids. The negative energy from your child will spoil your day, trust me on that._

*8-Do not drive a dirty car*
_Layers of dust on your car will not only spoil your image but is also a bad vaastu to drive unkempt vehicles. It takes not more than 3 minutes to dust off the front and side glasses._

*9-Enter office with a fresh mind set*
_Do not enter office carrying forward yesterday's hurt or disappointment with boss or colleague. It is your office and not your family. You come here to work, so act professionally and stay detached from office politics._

*10-Do not leave food on plate early in morning*
_It is extremely bad vaastu to leave food on your plate early in the morning. Imagine the condition of farmers in our country who are sweating in day in and day out to make food available on your plate._

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