Friday, July 10, 2015

तू भी इन्सान होता, मैं भी इन्सान होता,
…….काश कोई धर्म ना होता....
…….काश कोई मजहब ना होता....

ना अर्ध देते , ना स्नान होता
ना मुर्दे बहाए जाते, ना विसर्जन होता

जब भी प्यास लगती , नदिओं का पानी पीते
पेड़ों की छाव होती , नदिओं का गर्जन होता

ना भगवानों की लीला होती, ना अवतारों
नाटक होता
ना देशों की सीमा होती , ना दिलों का

तू भी इन्सान होता, मैं भी इन्सान होता,
…….काश कोई धर्म ना होता.....
…….काश कोई मजहब ना होता....

कोई मस्जिद ना होती, कोई मंदिर ना होता
कोई दलित ना होता, कोई काफ़िर ना

कोई बेबस ना होता, कोई बेघर ना होता
किसी के दर्द से कोई, बेखबर ना होता

ना ही गीता होती , और ना कुरान होता

तुझको जो जख्म होता, मेरा दिल तड़पता.
ना मैं हिन्दू होता, ना तू मुसलमान होता

तू भी इन्सान होता, मैं भी इन्सान होता।

%गर्मी के दोहे ߒ%

रहिमन कूलर राखिये ..बिन कूलर सब
 सून। 😒
कूलर बिना ना किसी को ..गर्मी में
मिले सुकून।।😁

एसी जो देखन मैं गया ..एसी ना
मिलया कोय।
जब घर लौटा आपणे ..गर्मी में ऐसी-
तैसी होय।।😝😝

बिजली का बिल देखकर ..दिया
कबीरा रोय।
कूलर एसी के फेर में ..खाता बचा ना

बाट ना देखिए एसी की ..चला
लीजिए फैन।
चार दिनों की बात है ..फिर आगे सब

पंखा झेलत रात गई ..आई ना लेकिन
मच्छर गाते रहे कान में ..तक तना तंदूरी

एक सेठ जी थे -
जिनके पास काफी दौलत थी.
सेठ जी ने अपनी बेटी की शादी एक बड़े घर में की थी.
परन्तु बेटी के भाग्य में सुख न होने के कारण उसका पति जुआरी, शराबी निकल गया.
जिससे सब धन समाप्त हो गया.

बेटी की यह हालत देखकर सेठानी जी रोज सेठ जी से कहती कि आप दुनिया की मदद करते हो,
मगर अपनी बेटी परेशानी में होते हुए उसकी मदद क्यों नहीं करते हो?

सेठ जी कहते कि
"जब उनका भाग्य उदय होगा तो अपने आप सब मदद करने को तैयार हो जायेंगे..."

एक दिन सेठ जी घर से बाहर गये थे कि, तभी उनका दामाद घर आ गया.
सास ने दामाद का आदर-सत्कार किया और बेटी की मदद करने का विचार उसके मन में आया कि क्यों न मोतीचूर के लड्डूओं में अर्शफिया रख दी जाये...

यह सोचकर सास ने लड्डूओ के बीच में अर्शफिया दबा कर रख दी और दामाद को टीका लगा कर विदा करते समय पांच किलों शुद्ध देशी घी के लड्डू, जिनमे अर्शफिया थी, दिये...

दामाद लड्डू लेकर घर से चला,
दामाद ने सोचा कि इतना वजन कौन लेकर जाये क्यों न यहीं मिठाई की दुकान पर बेच दिये जायें और दामाद ने वह लड्डुयों का पैकेट मिठाई वाले को बेच दिया और पैसे जेब में डालकर चला गया.

उधर सेठ जी बाहर से आये तो उन्होंने सोचा घर के लिये मिठाई की दुकान से मोतीचूर के लड्डू लेता चलू और सेठ जी ने दुकानदार से लड्डू मांगे...मिठाई वाले ने वही लड्डू का पैकेट सेठ जी को वापिस बेच दिया.

सेठ जी लड्डू लेकर घर आये.. सेठानी ने जब लड्डूओ का वही पैकेट देखा तो सेठानी ने लड्डू फोडकर देखे, अर्शफिया देख कर अपना माथा पीट लिया.
सेठानी ने सेठ जी को दामाद के आने से लेकर जाने तक और लड्डुओं में अर्शफिया छिपाने की बात कह डाली...

सेठ जी बोले कि भाग्यवान मैंनें पहले ही समझाया था कि अभी उनका भाग्य नहीं जागा...
देखा मोहरें ना तो दामाद के भाग्य में थी और न ही मिठाई वाले के भाग्य में...

इसलिये कहते हैं कि भाग्य से
से पहले न किसी को कुछ मिला है और न म��

एक बार एक सास अपनी बहु से परेशान थी ,क्यूंकि वो कोई काम नहीं करती थी ,

एक दिन सास ने अपने बेटे के साथ मिलकर सलाह करी कि –कल सुबह मैं घर में झाड़ू लगाऊँगी , और तुम मुझे टोकना कि लाओ माँ मैं कर देता हूँ ,

इस तरह चुड़ैल (बहु ) को कुछ तो शर्म आएगी ,

सुबह जैसे ही माँ झाड़ू लगाने लगी ,,,

लड़का – लाओ माँ मैं कर देता हूँ ,,

बहु – अरे इसमें झगड़ने की क्या बात है..

एक दिन माँ लगाएंगी एक दिन तुम लगा लेना । 😜😜😜

: Ek Bewafa Ne Zakhm Diya Bade Shauk Se,
Phir Ghar Bolaya Bina Kisi Rok Tok Ke,
Us Bewafa Ne Yu Kiya Mere Zakhmo Ka Elaj,
Marham Bhi Lagya To Kanto Ki Nok Se.

DUA hai k teri duniya me koi ghum na ho,
DUA hai k teri muskan kabhi kam na ho,
Agar kabhi TERI palko me aansu aye,
DUA hai k us ki vajha HUM na hoon…

. It's killing ...
टीचर- रामस्वरूप बीमार हुआ फलस्वररूप मर गया.....
सब लोग इसका अंग्रेजी में अनुवाद करो. .

पप्पू- मास्टर साहब अगर बीमार रामस्वरूप था तो फलस्वरूप क्यों मरा.????

टीचर- मूर्ख इसका मतलब है रामस्वरूप बीमार हुआ
परिणामस्वरुप मर गया.
पप्पू - ले अब तीसरा मर गया... 😜

इंटरवल के बाद अंधेरे में
अपनी सीट की ओर लौट
रही महिला ने कोने की
सीट पर बैठे दर्शक से कहा,

भाई साहब, क्या अभी बाहर जाते समय मैंने आपका पैर
कुचल दिया था?;

दर्शक (गुस्से में) : हां, कुचला था,अब क्या माफी के लिए
पूछ रही हैं?

महिला : माफी नहीं भाई
साहब, इसका मतलब मेरी
सीट इसी लाईन में है..!!!


एक auto wale की शादी हो रही

जब उसकी दुल्हन फेरों के वक्त उसके

 पास बैठी तो वह बोला,

थोड़ा पास होकर बैठो, अभी एक

 सवारी और बैठ सकती है।😜😜😜😜😝😝😝😝😂😂😂😂

ज़रूर पढ़ें और सयानी होती बेटियों को भी पढ़ायें।

क्यों करता है भारतीय समाज बेटियों की इतनी परवाह...

एक संत की कथा में एक बालिका खड़ी हो गई।
चेहरे पर झलकता आक्रोश

संत ने पूछा बोलो बेटी क्या बात है
बालिका ने कहा- महाराज हमारे समाज में लड़कों को हर प्रकार की आजादी होती है। वह कुछ भी करे, कहीं भी जाए उस पर कोई खास टोका टाकी नहीं होती।
इसके विपरीत लड़कियों को बात बात पर टोका जाता है। यह मत करो, यहाँ मत जाओ, घर जल्दी आ जाओ आदि।
संत मुस्कुराए और कहा...
बेटी तुमने कभी लोहे की दुकान के बाहर पड़े लोहे के गार्डर देखे हैं? ये गार्डर सर्दी, गर्मी, बरसात, रात दिन इसी प्रकार पड़े रहते हैं।
इसके बावजूद इनका कुछ नहीं बिगड़ता और इनकी कीमत पर भी कोई अन्तर नहीं पड़ता। लड़कों के लिए कुछ इसी प्रकार की सोच है समाज में।

अब तुम चलो एक ज्वेलरी शॉप में। एक बड़ी तिजोरी, उसमें एक छोटी तिजोरी। उसमें रखी छोटी सुन्दर सी डिब्बी में रेशम पर नज़ाकत से रखा चमचमाता हीरा।
क्योंकि जौहरी जानता है कि अगर हीरे में जरा भी खरोंच आ गई तो उसकी कोई कीमत नहीं रहेगी।

समाज में बेटियों की अहमियत भी कुछ इसी प्रकार की है। पूरे घर को रोशन करती झिलमिलाते हीरे की तरह।
जरा सी खरोंच से उसके और उसके परिवार के पास कुछ नहीं बचता।
बस यही अन्तर है लड़कियों और लड़कों में।

पूरी सभा में चुप्पी छा गई।
उस बेटी के साथ पूरी सभा की आँखों में छाई नमी साफ-साफ बता रही थी लोहे और हीरे में फर्क।।।Ⓜ👍please share with your daughters nd sisters

✏ ऐ "सुख" तू कहाँ मिलता है
क्या. तेरा कोई. स्थायी. पता. है

✏क्यों बन बैठा है. अन्जाना
आखिर. क्या है तेरा ठिकाना।

✏कहाँ कहाँ. ढूंढा. तुझको
पर. तू न. कहीं मिला मुझको

✏ढूंढा. ऊँचे मकानों. में
बड़ी बड़ी दुकानों. में

स्वादिस्ट पकवानों. में
चोटी. के. धनवानों. में

✏वो भी तुझको. ढूंढ. रहे थे
बल्कि मुझको. ही पूछ. रहे. थे

✏क्या आपको कुछ पता है
ये सुख आखिर कहाँ रहता है?

✏मेरे. पास. तो. "दुःख" का पता था
जो सुबह शाम. अक्सर. मिलता था

✏परेशान होके रपट लिखवाई
पर ये कोशिश भी काम न आई

✏उम्र अब ढलान. पे. है
हौसले थकान. पे. है

✏हाँ उसकी. तस्वीर है मेरे. पास
अब. भी. बची हुई. है आस

✏मैं. भी. हार नही मानूंगा
सुख. के. रहस्य को. जानूंगा

✏बचपन. में मिला करता था
मेरे साथ रहा करता. था

✏पर. जबसे. मैं बड़ा हो. गया
मेरा. सुख मुझसे जुदा. हो गया।

✏मैं फिर भी. नही हुआ हताश
जारी रखी उसकी तलाश

✏एक. दिन. जब आवाज. ये आई
क्या. मुझको. ढूंढ. रहा है भाई

✏मैं. तेरे. अन्दर छुपा. हुआ. हूँ
तेरे. ही. घर. में. बसा. हुआ. हूँ

✏मेरा. नही. है कुछ. भी "मोल"
सिक्कों. में. मुझको. न. तोल

✏मैं. बच्चों. की. मुस्कानों. में हूँ
हारमोनियम की. तानों में. हूँ

✏पत्नी. के. साथ चाय. पीने. में
"परिवार" के. संग. जीने. में

✏माँ. बाप के. आशीर्वाद में
रसोई घर के पफवानो। में

✏बच्चों। की सफलता। में। हूँ
माँ। की। निश्छल। ममता में हूँ

✏हर। पल। तेरे। संग रहता। हूँ
और अक्सर। तुझसे कहता। हूँ

✏मैं तो हूँ बस। एक "अहसास"
बंद। कर दे तु। मेरी तलाश

✏जो मिला उसी। में। कर "संतोष"
आज को। जी। ले। कल की न सोच

✏कल के लिए। आज। को न खोना
मेरे लिए कभी दुखी। न। होना      


Worth reading.....
Once there was a farmer who discovered that he had lost his watch in the farm. It was not an ordinary watch because it had sentimental value for him.
After searching the hay for a long while, he gave up and called the help of a group of children playing outside the barn. He promised them that, the person who found it, would be rewarded.
Hearing this, the children hurried inside the barn, went through and around the hay but still could not find the watch. Just when the farmer was about to give up looking for his watch, a little boy went up to him and asked to be given another chance.The farmer looked at him and thought, “Why not.? After all, this kid looks sincere enough.”
So the farmer sent the little boy back in the barn. After a while the little boy came out with the watch in his hand. The farmer was happy and surprised and so he asked the boy how he succeeded where the rest had failed. The boy replied, “I did nothing but sit on the ground
and listen. In the silence, I heard the ticking of the watch and just looked for it in that direction.”

MESSAGE : A Peaceful mind can think better than a Worked up mind. Allow a few minutes of Silence to your mind every day, and see, how sharply it helps u to set your life the way you expect it to be.

MORAL : The soul always knows what to do to heal itself...
The challenge is to silence the mind…
Dayar-e-ghair me kaise tujhe sada dete
Tu mil bhi jata to aakhir tujhe ganwa dete

Tumhi ne hamko sunaya na apna dukh warna
Dua wo karte ke ham aasma hila dete

Hame ye zom raha abki wo pukarenge
Unhe ye zidd thi ki har bar ham sada dete

Tumhe bhulana hi awwal to dastaras me nahi
Jo akhtiyar bhi hota to kya bhula dete

Tumhari yad ne koi jawab hi na diya
Mere khyal k ansu rahe sada dete

Sama'ato ko mai ta umr kosta sayed
WO kuch na kahte magar hont to hila dete...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ways To Make Your Relationship More Romantic

Ways To Make Your Relationship More Romantic

They say that romance is the key to any good relationship, but so many of us are clueless about how it works! Most people think of doing something romantic for their partner, but can't pinpoint exactly what to do. These are 10 ways to show your partner that you care and that you know that romance counts.

breakfast in bed

1. Morning Surprises

Try to make your morning time special by making coffee for your partner while they are still in bed, or even make them breakfast in bed if you have time! This gesture will make your partner feel important and cherished.

2. Show Affection At Every Opportunity

When you come home at the end of the work-day, make sure that you give your loved one a long hug and kiss. This will make you both feel more deeply connected to each other throughout the evening and into the coming days. It is also good to touch your partner affectionately throughout the day and not only when you want to be romantic to show that you always care about them.


3. Make Time During the Week

Set aside special time for the two of you, even during the week. Plan a romantic outing or dinner for your partner after work, get a room at a hotel, or make sure the kids are out of the house for the night. Only the anticipation of being together will add a romantic spark to your love life.

4. Give Them Your Full Attention

Make sure to try and give your partner 100 percent of your attention when they want to talk to you about something. Peel your eyes away from the T.V. or put down what you are reading and face your partner and say "What would you like to talk about?" This will make your partner feel important and show that you are ready and willing to listen to what they have to say.


5. Compliments!

Make the effort to tell your partner that they look beautiful, handsome, sexy or great. Everyone needs a bit of encouragement sometimes, and the person that your partner most wants to hear it from is you.

6. Keep Looking Forward

Before you leave for work in the morning, tell your partner that you are looking forward to seeing them when you return. Don't leave the house without acknowledging your partner and telling them "I love you", no matter the circumstances.


7. Little Gifts to Cheer Them Up

Next time you go out shopping, look for little 'surprise gifts' for your partner that you know he or she would like. Next time they are feeling down, give them one of the gifts and see how they perk up. This act of kindness will uplift you and your partner with love, and they will remember it fondly for a long time to come.

8. Offer to Help Them Out

If your partner is having a tough day, offer to make them dinner or take them out for a drink. If they usually do the cooking they will welcome the change and thank you for your effort to help them unwind.


9. Be spontaneous!

Rent a convertible and take your partner for a surprise ride around town, or drive to the beach. Such a romantic and simple gesture will show your partner that you are thinking of them and their happiness. Of course, you can be as extravagant as your want, but know that your partner will appreciate anything you do for them.

10. Step It Up

If you want to be really romantic, fill the house with candles and rose petals and surprise your partner when they come home. Tell them to cancel any plans for the night because you two will be in for the night.


Lastly, don't forget, romance leads to a fulfilling love life when you really mean it!



1. Drink lots of water.

2. Eat your breakfast kings, your lunch princes, and your dinner beggars.

3. Eat more things that grow on trees and plants and less things that are made in factories. Remember your digestive system doesn't know it's the 21st century, so help it out by feeding it stuff it's built for.

4. It's always a good time for some TEE - Truth, Energy and Empathy!

5. Walk 10-30 minutes a day.

6. Get more actual games in your life, games that have no gain but the simple pleasure of playing them.

7. Read more books than you've read last year.

8. Sit silently (without a tv) for at least 10 minutes a day and take time to ponder things (for some - pray).

9. Invest at least 7 hours a night in your sleep. It'll pay back big time later on.


10. Smile while you walk those 10-30 minutes a day.

11. do not compare your life to those of others, it's easy to see the good but the bad is as well hidden as yours, or better. You have no idea what their lives are really or if they are happy inside, get on with yours instead.

12. Don't waste time and energy thinking of things you will never be able to change. Instead, use that energy to works towards future positive moments. Make your spouse laugh for a moment, isn't that better than feeling bad?

13. Don't be extreme in any action. Remember that truth is mostly in the middle, and life is hardly black and white.

14. Accept the fact that you will sometimes lose the arguement, and that you were wrong. Or if you still think you are right, agree to disagree. Very few people have ever been shouted into true agreement.

15. Don't waste your energy complaining about people you don't know and their actions. You have no idea what motivates or what lead them to that decision. Judging is so easy even 4 year olds can do it. The driver honking at you might have had a horrible day, or is anxious to see his sick wife at the hospital while worried about making rent. We only see the behavior, never the events leading to it.

16. Dream more while you are awake.

17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have what you need, and being envy won't create more for you.

18. Try to never again bring up your spouse's past mistakes. It WILL destroy your present happiness, and even being right -  just isn't worth it.

19. Life is too short to hate people. You should fear some and pity others, but hate is a bigger waste of time than any other emotion.

20. Make peace with your past, or it will make short work of your future.

21. No one controls your level of happiness but you.

22. Life is the school, remember that you are here to learn. Problems are tests, and the lesson you take will help you solve the next one correctly.

23. Smile and laugh more with your entire face, including your

eyes. Find humor when you can.

24. Don't take yourselves so seriously, no one else will!


25. Call your family often enough so they feel you are walking besides them in this life.

26. Every day - do at least one good thing for others that really helps them out. It will make you feel better about your own and later on - someone grateful will help you when you need it.

27. Try to forgive, it's the hardest thing there is, much harder than hate, but it's doable.

28. Spend some time with people over 70 and under 6 - it will teach you patience and empathy.

29. Try to make at least 3 people smile, every day.

30. What other people think of you is none of your concern, since they'll never tell you! So why bother? Live your life and stop wondering what's on the other side of their skulls, you will never know the complete truth!

31. Your work buddies won't take care of you when you're sick. Your family and friends will. Don't let people that care about you out of your life. We all need help at some point, don't throw caring away.


32. Do the right thing.
The kind that doesn't leave anyone hurt, despite your personal feelings. It will be worth its while in the long run.

33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, sentimental or brings you true pleasure in life.

34. Forgivness can heal more than you can ever imagine. It can revive relationships and rekindle love and true appreciation. Forgivness is way to show strength, and strength is impressive and attractive.

35. Doesn't matter how good or bad the situation is - it will change at some point. So plan for either and don't lose your head to overjoycing or over fearing.

36. Doesn't matter how you feel at this particular moment - get up, get dressed and be there on time. A good start will help get rid of that feeling.

37. If actors can become huge successes in their 70's, you can believe that the best is yet to come. And if it isn't, then try to create the best for someone else, it will often be surprisingly great for you as well.

38. When you wake up alive in the morning, don't take it for granted - embrace life!

39. The biggest secret is that anyone can be happy. But some decide they won't be and then look for reasons to support that theory. Don't fall for that! Assume you are happy and find reasons to support that claim! Keep creating these reasons, and you just might start believing it.

40. Enjoy yourself, every day. Remember, life is just a ride, and you are shown many different things, some wonderful, other awful. But you always continue and it is always just a ride. Enjoy it.

So remember! "Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think... enjoy yourself, while you're still in the pink... The years go by... as quickly as a wink...."

20 Great Uses for Black Pepper

20 Great Uses for Black Pepper

1. To keep your cholesterol low - Add a 1/4 spoon of black pepper to a glass of buttermilk. Mix in some finely cut onion and drink.

2. Dealing with cold feet - Put black pepper grains, a few pieces of garlic and mustard grains in a cloth bag and hang around your neck.

3. To lose weight - Add a 1/4 spoon of ground black pepper to a glass of water and add 2 spoons of lemon juice and a spoon of honey. Mix well and drink daily.

4. To reduce fever - Take 7-8 leaves of basil and 3-4 grains of black pepper and chew them together.
5. To treat a cold - Make some tea and add 2-3 grains of ground black pepper, a piece of ginger and basil leaves.

6. To relieve a dry cough - Grind 5-6 seeds of black pepper and mix with natural honey. Swallow a spoon of this mix daily until relief is achieved.

7. To relieve asthma attacks - Boil 8-10 grains of pepper, add 2 clove buds and 10-15 basil leaves to the water. Let the brew sit for about 15 minutes, strain it and add 2 spoons of honey. Tip: Drink with milk!

8. Treating a sore throat - Squeeze some lemon juice, add a bit of salt and ground black pepper - and gurgle.

9. To treat a chronic cold - Consume ground black pepper with some dates.

10. To open a blocked up nose - Mix equal amounts of black pepper, cinnamon, Cumin and cardamom seeds. Grind to a thin powder and smell or inhale the mixture. This will cause healthy sneezing and will open the nose ducts.

11. To relieve any kind of cough - Grind some black pepper and add sugar. Consume the mix with clarified butter.

12. To ease a heavy cough - add 2-3 grains of black pepper to a glass of boiling hot milk, wait for it to cool a bit and then drink.

13. Treating toothache - Mix ground black pepper with clove oil. Smear the ointment on the afflicted area.

14. To treat indigestion - Mix some black pepper with ginger juice and sip after every meal.

15. Relieve nausea - Mix black pepper and water in a glass, add some fresh lemon juice, mix and drink slowly.

16. Treating skin conditions - Prepare an ointment from ground black pepper and refined butter. Apply to skin conditions such as allergy rash, Eczema and scabies.

17. To fight baldness - Make a thick mix from black pepper and lemon seeds. Apply it daily to the balding areas about 10 minutes before showering. The solution should help revitalize hair growth.

18. To deal with hemorrhoids - Grind and mix 20 grams of black pepper, 10 grams of cumin and 15 grams of sugar. Mix in water and drink morning and evening, each day.

19. To stop bleeding - Cover the bleeding wound with
 ground black pepper. Bandage with a paper towel and tighten with cello-tape. Wait 10 minutes and the bleeding will stop.

20. To stop hiccups - Hold a small plate with black pepper to your nose, exhale strongly a few times and the hiccups will cease

7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Vitamin C

7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Vitamin C

Time and time again, we hear about the importance of vitamin C. And it’s true – it is essential for the growth, development and repair of body tissues.
It's also an antioxidant that protects against damage caused by free radicals, toxic chemicals and pollutants.
Here are the seven major benefits of vitamin C.
1. Promotes hair health

7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the most useful nutrients that helps strengthen hair. It helps build collagen, which is vital for hair growth, and plays an essential role in iron absorption, which keeps your tresses strong and healthy.
2. Improves energy levels

7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Vitamin C
Vitamin C is crucial for the absorption of Iron in the body and helps secure your overall health and well-being. On the other hand a deficiency of iron leads to anaemia, fatigue and weakness.
3. Strengthens nails

7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps fortifies nails by strengthening and developing the skin, connective tissue, bones, and walls of the blood vessels.
4. Inhibits skin ageing

7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Vitamin C
A 2007 study shows that middle-aged women who had more vitamin C from natural sources had fewer wrinkles and healthier skin. Researchers suggest that vitamin C slows down the signs of ageing by preventing free radical damage.
5. Supports immunity

7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Vitamin C
Vitamin C builds immunity, and research shows that vitamin C is especially important for people with immune systems that have been weakened by stress. Vitamin C is the first nutrient to be depleted in the bodies of heavy drinkers, smokers, and obese individuals. It’s an ideal indicator of overall health and wellness.
6. Prevents complications after a cold

7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Vitamin C
Vitamin C can’t really cure the common cold, but research shows that it can prevent more serious complications. Taking vitamin C during a cold or flu can lower the risk of developing further complications like pneumonia and lung infections.
7. Lowers risk of stroke

7 Reasons Why Your Body Needs More Vitamin C
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved, that individuals with the highest concentrations of vitamin C in their blood had a 42 percent lower stroke risk than people who had the lowest concentrations.

A good 30 laughs

A good 30 laughs at Dilbert's one liners:

1. I say no to alcohol, it just doesn't listen.
2. A friend in need is a pest indeed.
3. Marriage is one of the chief causes of divorce.
4. Work is fine if it doesn't take too much of your time.
5. When everything comes in your way you're in the wrong lane.
6. The light at the end of the tunnel may be an incoming train..
7. Born free, taxed to death.
8. Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
9. Life is unsure; always eat your dessert first.
10. Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.
11. If you keep your feet firmly on the ground, you'll have trouble putting on your pants.
12. It's not hard to meet expenses, they are everywhere.
13. I love being a writer... what I can't stand is the paperwork..
14. A printer consists of 3 main parts: the case, the jammed paper tray and the blinking red light.
15. The guy who invented the first wheel was an idiot. The guy who invented the other three, he was the genius.
16. The trouble with being punctual is that no one is there to appreciate it.
17. In a country of free speech, why are there phone bills?
18. If you cannot change your mind, are you sure you have one?
19. Beat the 5 O'clock rush, leave work at noon!
20. If you can't convince them, confuse them.
 21. It's not the fall that kills you. It's the sudden stop at the end.
22. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
23. Hot glass looks same as cold glass. - Cunino's Law of Burnt Fingers
24. The cigarette does the smoking you are just the sucker.
25. Someday is not a day of the week
26. Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock.
27. To Err is human, to forgive is not a Company policy.
28. The road to success.... Is always under construction.
29. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems, but if you think again, neither does Milk.
30. In order to get a Loan, you first need to prove that you don't need it.

The Ten Most Important

The Ten Most Important

Things in Life...


The Special Feeling That Makes You Feel
All Warm And Wonderful.

.. .

Treating Others As Well
As You Would Like To Be Treated.


To Be Grateful For All The Good Things
Life Has To Offer.


The Full Enjoyment Of Each Moment.
A Smiling Face.


The Ability To Let Things Be
Without Anger.

.. .

The Joy Of Giving
Without Thought Of Receiving.



The Quality Of Always

Telling The Truth.



The Purity Of Doing What's Right,

No Matter What.


The Essence Of Feeling Another's Pain,
While Easing Their Hurt.

.. .

The Reward For Living
Here are 16 other things that you can do with tea:
1. Tired Eyes
Tired and red eyes can be caused by irritation, too much crying or simple tiredness. While ice bags or cucumber slices are a workable solution, tea bags get you the same results but are also warm and pleasant. Put them in hot water, allow them to cool a bit and then place them on the eyelids like a compress.

2. Improving the taste of meat
Meat tastes great when properly cooked, but when not, it can become stale, hard and dry. Here is an effective solution to the problem: Use used tea bags to make a marinade that will restore its flavor. Soaking hard meat in black tea can also soften it again.

3. Cleaning wood surfaces
Tea can be a great and gentle cleaning material for wood floors and surfaces. Wipe the wood surfaces or furniture with a clean cloth soaked in cool tea water, then use a clean and dry towel to prevent stains.

4. Removing fat and dirt
The astringency of the tea will reduce the fatty buildup in pots and pans. Just soak the used tea bag in the container you wish to clean.

5. Cleaning Rugs
Clean moldy and dirty rugs by spreading some used (dry) tea leaves on it. Leave them be for 10 minutes and then vacuum the rug. If these are delicate carpets, you can brush the tea leaves gently away.

6. Cleaning fatty fingerprints from glass
Tea can remove those pesky fingerprints from glass, and make it shine. Just rub a moist tea bag on the glass surface, then use a spray bottle filled with tea water and wipe.

7. Cleaning the toilet
Use tea to remove stubborn stains in the bottom of the toilet. Soak several bags of tea for several hours in the toilet water and then remove them gently and brush the sides.

8. Getting rid of fish smell
To get rid of that overpowering smell of fish, wash your hands in tea water.

9. Air freshener
Bags of tea can absorb those bad odors in the pantry, in your shoes or in your car. Put a few tea bags on a tray and put them in the closet, shoe or car. Let them absorb the odors.

10. Getting rid of bad foot odor
If you suffer from stinky feet, soak them for 20 minutes in a tea bath. Use black tea for extreme caes. The stringency in the tea will close the sweat glands that give off the smell and that tanin will kill the bacteria.

11. Removing warts and blisters
Soak a tea bag in water and put it on the blister for 20-30 minutes. Make sure to throw away the bag afterwards.

12. Diminishing mouth ulcers
Get your mouth wounds to heal faster by gently biting a used tea bag. The healing powers of the tea will reduce the pain, shring the blood vessels and stop the bleeding.

13. Treating burns
If you suffer from a really bad case of acne or irritated skin from a burn or sun tanning, use used tea bags to bring relief. Wash the areas burnt with a cold tea bag, but if most of the skin needs it, make a bath of tea water

14. Treat acne
Many find that washing your face with a cool brew of green tea is an effective solution for acne.

15. Avoiding fleas
To turn back fleas from your dog or cat, spread some dry and used tea leaves around the place they sleep.

16. Softening and dying your hair
Washing your hair with a cup of tea can make it shiny and soft to the touch. However, if your hair is light colored, it may turn it darker, which is perfect if you want to dye it.

10 Tips to Keep Our Bones Strong

10 Tips to Keep Our Bones Strong

1. Consume milk products - Every child knows that milk is rich in calcium and is essential for strengthening bones. This goes for all milk products, including cheese, yogurt and alike. If you don't like cow's milk, try soy milk enriched with calcium.

2. Add nuts to your diet - Although milk has the highest ratio of calcium to volume, it is not the only source. Some nuts and seeds have handsome amounts of calcium. A 30 gram course of almonds contains 75mg of calcium, 30 grams of sesame seeds contains 37mg of calcium and sunflower seeds have 33mg of calcium.

3. Eat dark green vegetables - Broccoli, Chinese cabbage, arugula, parsley, lettuce and others are excellent sources of calcium, and contain many additional health advantages. This will help you to also diversify your sources of calcium, which is important to maintain your health.

4. Take the right Vitamin A - Vitamin A appears in two forms. The first is retinol, which appears in animal products, such as the liver. The second is beta carotene and it is the way the vitamin comes from plants, especially orange vegetables like carrot, squash or sweet potato. Studies have found that consuming too much of retinol vitamin A raises the risk of bone fraction, while vitamin A in its plant form, Beta Carotene, does not damage the bones.

5. Strengthen your bones with Vitamin K - This vitamin helps activate 3 essential proteins that are crucial for bone health. As in the case of calcium that comes from green vegetables, vitamin K also comes from teh same sources. Two daily helpings of green vegetables a day give the body as much as it needs.

6. Physical activity strengthens the bones - Sorry, you knew this was coming and its of very little surprise. When we carry out a physical activity, we create pressure on our skeleton. While it is bad to overdo it, a moderate pressure is actually very health, as it sends the body signals to create more bone cells, increase the density and make it stronger. Operate the body with moderation, and don't go to far with it.

7. Eat fish - 100 grams of sardines contain an amazing amount of over 400mg of calcium! It's recommended to consume the fresh fish of course and not the canned variety. The little bones are also edible and contain a lot of calcium. Sardines, like the salmon, are also a great source of vitamin D.

8. Reduce your consumption of carbonated drinks and treats - The acid that exists in some of the popular carbonated drinks raises the amount of acid in the blood. To compensate, the body uses the body's minerals, including calcium. If the calcium is not readily available in the blood, the body will take it from the bones and this will hard the density and strength of the bone. There is no problem drinking them once in a while, but if they are a daily habit then you can do a lot of damage to your bones over time.

9. Avoidance measures - Like a lot of other health problems, we return to smoking. Studies have shown that smoking harms bone density, as well as over consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

10. Resource allocation - We must carry out our calcium consumption in a smart way. Our body absorbs calcium best when it is no more than 500mg at one time. So, if you are planning on consuming a large amount of calcium rich foods or drinks, try to perhaps divide the meal or eat again later, to make sure the body is able to absorb all you are giving it.

Stay Energized Awake With These Great Tips

Stay Energized Awake With These Great Tips

Are you constantly feeling tired, even after you've had a good night’s sleep? How about after lunch time, let’s say around 1pm? How on earth can you go through your day without feeling so drained? If you follow these 16 rules - you’ll be as awake and energetic as a 5 year old on a sugar-rush!

1. Drink plenty of water – Staying hydrated is one of the main secrets to staying energized. Your body is comprised of about 60% water, so if you don’t have enough water, you’re not your whole self. If you find it difficult to drink the needed 10 cups of water, make sure you eat water-rich fruits and veggies.

2. Get enough sleep – When we sleep, our body repairs itself and our brain organizes all the information it absorbed during the day, without enough of either – we can’t function correctly and our body will demand more sleep by making us lethargic.

3. Avoid Caffeine in the middle of the day – Caffeine is great in the morning! It keeps you awake and energized, but it also stays in your system for several hours, so drinking it in the afternoon can actually diminish the quality of your sleep. Caffeine also causes increased urination, which can dehydrate you – making you tired again.

4. Exercise – A body that is used to exercise burns more calories during the day. Calories are our fuel, so the more our body burns – the more energy we have.

5. Eat a proper breakfast – Grabbing a snack for breakfast is a quick and easy way to start your day, but it’s definitely not the right way - the energy you get from it will only last you a short time. Instead, eat whole-wheat bread, nuts, fruits and vegetables – they’re rich in complex carbohydrates that break down slower, giving you longer energy boosts.

6. Dress for success – When you’re dressed well, you fell more energetic! Get a haircut and do some grooming in the morning, it will help you start the day feeling a winner!

7. Be social – Now that you’ve made yourself an attractive individual, surround yourself with people. You’ll enjoy the admiring looks and your confidence will give you an energy boost! Also, try and surround yourself with fun people who will make you WANT to be alert and energized.

8. Smile – Believe it or not, smiling makes you happier. Even a fake smile affects the brain, causing it to release dopamine, making you happier and more energetic. Plus, if you smile at people, they usually smile back, and the effect can double itself!

9. Avoid Alcohol before bed – While a night cap sounds just the right thing to get you to fall asleep faster – it’s actually a bad idea! Alcohol damages the REM cycle, which is imperative for out mental rest. Without proper mental rest we become irritable, can have lapses in moral decisions, and even suffer ADHD- symptoms.

10. Release stress – Stress takes a toll on our energy levels. It causes mental fatigue that directly affects our physical level of energy. Get a massage or some other relaxing treatment. If you’re having problems at home, try tackling them ASAP so they don’t get a chance to tire you out later in the day.

11. Take a shower – Preferably a cold one! We all know that taking a shower is a great way to start your day because it wakes you up. You’re also forced to stand and the water doesn’t allow you to go back to sleep, meaning you’re going to have to wake up.

12. Listen to Music – There’s a reason that gyms play a certain kind of music. The right kind of music can motivate you to move and perform. The reason is that music can affects your brain, causing it to release dopamine and adrenaline, which makes you happier and energized.

13. Get some fresh air – Being stuck indoors all the time can also make you lethargic. Go outside and get some sun (an added benefit is that this produces vitamin D in your body). Wind and rain will also stimulate your senses, increasing your level of alertness.

14. Write your daily tasks – Rank them according to urgency and follow through. This helps in keeping you focused, reducing stress and giving you a clear purpose for the day – all are influencing factors on your level of alertness.

15. Forget jealousy – You might not realize it, but jealousy is very taxing. It takes your mind off of tasks you need to accomplish, it causes you unhappiness that reduces your energy and it can even cause mild insomnia sometimes. Concentrate on all the good things in your life instead, and remember that even though someone else’ life might look amazing, you don’t really know what they might be going through…

16. Motivate yourself – Sport teams use cheerleaders for a reason! They help motivate the team, even when the game is not going the way they want it to. Self-pity is a known energy drainer, so compliment yourself when you do well, don’t give yourself a hard time when you don’t, and push on through!

Foods You Should Never Refrigerate

Refrigerators are great - They keep our drinks cool and our food fresh. However, despite our tendency to just toss whatever food we have into the fridge, there are certain foods that will fare much better outside of the cold environment than in it. Here are the 10 most common foods people keep in the fridge, but shouldn’t.

1. Tomatoes

The fridge does keep tomatoes fresh, but it does this by stopping the process of ripeness. When this process is stopped, the tomato loses its flavor. In addition to the loss of flavor, the refrigerator also changes the texture of the tomato, making it powdery or floury. Tomatoes are best kept out of cold environments.

2. Basil

When one keeps fresh basil in refrigeration, it withers very quickly, but before it withers all the way and becomes unusable, it absorbs the taste of the foods kept closest to it. The best way to keep fresh basil is outside the fridge and in a glass of fresh water, just like flowers.

3. Potatoes

The cold of the fridge turns the starch in the potato into sugar at a faster pace than normal, and we're left with a sweet yet grainy potato. Keep your potatoes in a sealed sack and in a cool place that isn't actually cold. They should also be covered, because being exposed to sunlight makes them grow 'eyes'.

Tip: Keep an apple between them to keep them fresh!

4. Onions

The dampness in the fridge makes onions soft and moldy. The best way to keep onions is in a cool and dry place, outside the fridge. Green onions can be kept in the fridge because of their high % of water content. Be sure not to keep onions next to the potatoes, because it'll make them both go bad faster.

5. Avocado

If you're waiting for the avocado to ripen, you should never put it in the fridge. A refrigerator does well by the avocado, but only if it has already ripened and you want to prevent it from going bad.

6. Garlic

When we keep garlic in the refrigerator, it begins to shoot out and grow green stalks. Also, it'll get a moldy, sticky texture. It is best to keep garlic in a dry, cool place.

7. Bread

When it comes to bread, there are a number of options. If this is sliced bread you are going to use within a few days, it can be kept in the fridge. When you keep bread for longer, the fridge will make it dry out faster, and so it's best to keep it somewhere closed off, but not in the refrigerator. If you only rarely eat the bread, it can even be kept in the freezer.

8. Olive Oil

Olive oil should be kept somewhere dark and cool, but when placed in refrigeration, it freezes and becomes similar to butter. That said, you can thaw it again to its original state.

9. Coffee

Storing coffee in the fridge makes it quickly lose its flavor and even absorb the flavor of foods stored near it. Coffee should be kept somewhere dark and cool. However, if you want to keep a large amount of coffee at home, you can keep it in the depths of the freezer - not near the door.

10. Honey

One of the most fascinating facts about honey is that it nevergoes bad. You can eat honey from a thousand years ago, and it'll still be good. There is no reason to keep honey in the fridge and it should be avoided since the cold will make it a solid and it's always better kept at room temperature.

14 Psychological Tricks to Try Today

14 Psychological Tricks to Try Today

1. Agreeableness

When you ask someone a question, get them to agree with you by simply nodding your head. This action makes them start thinking that what you’re saying is true and that they should nod “yes” too, since we’re social creatures.

14 Psychological Tricks

2. Word Conditioning

When having a conversation with someone, pick a word they say and then whenever they say that word, or similar words, just smile, nod, or give them some kind of positive affirmation. Watch in amusement as they start saying that word all the time.

3. The Broccoli Trick

14 Psychological Tricks
Want your kids to eat their broccoli? Ask them if they want 2 pieces or 5, rather than asking if they even want it. This way, their choice isn’t whether they want or don’t want it, but rather how much of it they want. By giving them a lower and higher option, you make them feel they got the lesser evil when they choose 2. This trick works for other things in life as well.

4. The Zeigarnik Effect

Got a song stuck in your head? Think (or sing) the last verse of the song. Our mind tends to continue thinking about unfinished tasks, this is known as the Zeigarnik Effect. By thinking about the end of the song, you signal your brain that the task is finished.

5. How to Build Attraction

When you first meet someone, if you’re going for a handshake you better make sure your hand is warm. A warm handshake is more inviting than a cold one. You should also subtly mimic the other person's posture and actions, as it builds trust and makes you seem the both of you fit well together.

 14 Psychological Tricks

6. Getting Information

Want your friend to open up? Ask him or her a question, keep eye contact and remain silent for a few seconds. They will compelled to continue talking, albeit possibly more irritated, but talk they will.

7. Rock, Paper, Scissors

14 Psychological Tricks
Want to be a Rock, Paper, Scissors champion? Simply ask your opponent a question before you start the game. If you ask and immediately start into the “RPS” chant, they’ll almost always go on the defense and use scissors.

8. I Know What You’re Thinking

Want to convince your kids that you’re psychic? If you catch them misbehaving, look away for a few seconds. While your back is to them, call them out on their behavior. They’ll be sure you can read their minds.

9. Paternal Advice

Want people to take you more seriously? Tell them that the advice you’re giving them, was given to you by your father. People tend to trust fatherly advice inherently.

 14 Psychological Tricks

10. Confrontation

If you think someone is going to confront you in a meeting, sit right next to them. It is an awkward thing to talk ill of someone or to be aggressive towards them when they’re up close. No one wants to sit next to someone they just bad-mouthed – take advantage of it.

11. To Catch a Stalker

Are you worried someone’s stalking you? Pretend to yawn while glancing at the potential stalker. Since yawning is contagious, they should yawn as well, and you will know that they were watching you.

12. Selling a Dollar at a Premium

14 Psychological Tricks
Get a group of friends together and hold up $1 bill for auction. Tell them that whoever makes the highest bid will win the bill, but anyone who makes the second-highest bid will have to honor their bid. Now, sit back and watch as the bid goes from a couple of cents to as much as $5. Your friends will quickly forget the value of the dollar, as long as they “don’t lose”. When the bid gets close to a dollar, the second highest bidder will overbid on the bill, thinking it’s better to lose 10 cents, rather than 99.

13. Find Your Way Through a Crowd

Got a whole bunch of people blocking your way? Simply look in the direction in which you intend to walk and watch as a path is formed. In busy areas, people watch other people’s eyes to see where they’re going, and move away from that path.

14. The Talk and Pile

If you want your friend to carry something, for example if you just purchased books at the store and want your friend to carry them for you, just keep talking as you hand them the bag. Most people will automatically take a bag without thinking about it. Some people, however, will become confused, and only a very rare few will call you out on it.

25 Incredible Facts About the Human Heart

The humanheart is perhaps one of the biggest engineering miracles in the world. It works tirelessly, for the many years of ourlives, to pump vitality through our body. Since ancienttimes, we have expressed our admiration for this amazingorgan, keeping us alive and well. Our heart is our biggest defender as well as the chink in our armor, being the most
prevalent cause of death in many countries, specifically  developed countries.

Here are 25 facts you may not have known about your incredible  heart.

Every day you are alive, your heart  creates enough energy to power a truck for 20 miles of  driving.

For your whole lifetime, that wouldbe enough to drive that truck to the moon and  back.

Your heart pumps blood to almost allof your cells, quite a feat considering there are about 75  trillion of them.

Only our corneas receive no blood  supply.

Of all your muscles, the heart does  the most physical work.

During a normal life span, the heart  will pump about 1.5 million barrels of blood - enough to  fill about 200 train tank  cars.

The first heart - a tiny group of  cells, begins to beat as early as when the pregnancy is in  its 4th week.

The biggest heart on earth belongs  to the blue whale, with a heart that weighs 1,500  pounds.

Studies show an interesting linkbetween education and heart disease. More education=less  heart disease.

That said, heart disease is still  the greatest threat to your  health.
It has even been found in mummies  over 3,000 years old.

A few things that keep your heart  healthy: Lack of stress, exercise, happiness and a healthy  diet!

Of the days of the year, Christmas  Day sees the most heart attacks, followed by December 26th,  followed by New Year.

The time when the most heart attacks  occur? Monday morning.

The size of a heart valve is roughly  the size of a 50 cent coin.

The very first pacemakers had to be  plugged into the wall. Suffice to say, those patients did  not do much walking.

The heart is amazingly resilient,  and provided with oxygen, can continue beating even after  separated from the body.

The first cardiac catheterization  was performed in 1929, with the doctor, a German surgeon bythe name Wener Forssmann, putting the catheter in his own  arm vein, and examining his own  heart.

The first successful heart  transplant was performed in 1967 by Dr. Christian Barnard ofSouth Africa. The recipient only lived 18 days, it was a  huge medical breakthrough.

If you grab a tennis ball and  squeeze it with all your might, you would roughly understandhow hard the heart works to pump blood, every second of  every day.

Typically, a woman's heart will  beat faster than a man's.

Laughter has terrific benefits for  your heart. Laughter can actually send 20% more bloodflowing through your entire body, relaxing the walls of your  vessels.

Why has the heart become such a  symbol of love? Maybe it is because the ancients believedthe heart was the center of our soul and emotion?

Some historians believe it began with the Greek culture, and not  before.

People can actually die from a  broken heart. After suffering a terrible loss or traumaticevent, the body releases stress hormones into your bloodstream that can temporarily mimic the symptoms of a  heart attack, even causing heart  failure.

A recent study in Sweden found that  when a choir sings, an amazing thing happens - their heart  rhythms actually  synchronizes!

Classes For Married Men on

Classes For Married Men on

"A man's guide on how to live with one's woman..."

WICOE (Women In Charge Of Everything)
is proud to announce the opening of its Evening Classes For Men!

(Note: Due to the Complexity and Difficulty Level of Their Content, Each Course Will Accept a Maximum of 8 Participants Each...)

Day 1

Topic 1 - How to Fill up the Ice Cube Trays. Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.

Topic 2 - Toilet Paper Rolls: Do They Grow on the Holders? Round Table Discussion.

Topic 3 - Fundamental Differences Between the Laundry Hamper and the Floor. Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.

Topic 4 - After-dinner Dishes and Silverware: Can They Levitate and Fly into the Kitchen Sink? Examples on Video.

Topic 5 - Empty Milk Cartons: Do they belong in the fridge or the bin? Group discussion and role play

Topic 6 - Loss of Identity: Losing the Remote to Your Significant Other.

Topic 7 - Learning How to Find Things, Starting with Looking in the Right Place Instead of Turning the House Upside down While Screaming. Open Forum.
Day 2

Topic 8 - Health Watch: Bringing Her Flowers Is Not Harmful to Your Health. Graphics and Audio Tape.

Topic 9 - Real Men Ask for Directions When Lost. Real Life Testimonials.

Topic 10 - Is it Genetically Impossible to Sit Quietly as She Parallel Parks? Driving Simulation.

Topic 11 - Learning to Live With Adults: Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife. Online Class and Role Playing.

Topic 12 - How to Be the Ideal Shopping Companion: Relaxation Exercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques.

Topic 13 - How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy: Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries, Other Important Dates and Calling When You're Going To Be Late. Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies Offered.

Topic 14 - Getting Over It: Learning how to live with being wrong all the time. Individual counselors available.

How To Live Die

How To Live Die

I have often thought about what it is that makes people happy—what one has to do in order to achieve happiness.

1- First and foremost is good health.
If you do not enjoy good health, you can never be happy. Any ailment, however trivial, will deduct something from your happiness.

2- Second, a healthy bank balance.
It need not run into crores, but it should be enough to provide for comforts, and there should be something to spare for recreation—eating out, going to the movies, travel and holidays in the hills or by the sea. Shortage of money can be demoralising. Living on credit or borrowing is demeaning and lowers one in one’s own eyes.

3- Third, your own home.
Rented places can never give you the comfort or security of a home that is yours for keeps. If it has garden space, all the better. Plant your own trees and flowers, see them grow and blossom, and cultivate a sense of kinship with them.

4- Fourth, an understanding companion, be it your spouse or a friend.
If you have too many misunderstandings, it robs you of your peace of mind. It is better to be divorced than to be quarrelling all the time.

5- Fifth, stop envying those who have done better than you in life—risen higher, made more money, or earned more fame. Envy can be corroding; avoid comparing yourself with others.

6- Sixth, do not allow people to descend on you for gossip.
By the time you get rid of them, you will feel exhausted and poisoned by their gossip-mongering.

7- Seventh, cultivate a hobby or two that will fulfill you
—gardening, reading, writing, painting, playing or listening to music. Going to clubs or parties to get free drinks, or to meet celebrities, is a criminal waste of time. It’s important to concentrate on something that keeps you occupied meaningfully.

8- Eighth, every morning and evening devote 15 minutes to introspection.
In the mornings, 10 minutes should be spent in keeping the mind absolutely still, and five listing the things you have to do that day. In the evenings, five minutes should be set aside to keep the mind still and 10 to go over the tasks you had intended to do.

9- Ninth, don’t lose your temper.
Try not to be short-tempered, or vengeful. Even when a friend has been rude, just move on.

10- Above all, when the time comes to go, one should go like a Person without any regret or grievance against anyone.


Here are color common changes to be aware of:

The tiny bumps on a tongues surface are sometimes referred to as ‘hairs’, or papillae, and can sometimes turn black as a result of trapping bacteria and yeast. The color can also be attributed to the papillae becoming stained by some foods and tobaccos. Often poor oral hygiene is a major factor. This is a harmless but unsightly condition often referred to as ‘Black Hairy Tongue’.
However some antibiotics, mouthwashes and other medications can be responsible. It can be a sign of dehydration or drinking too much coffee. Heavy smokers may also suffer from this. It can result in a metallic taste in your mouth and bad breath. Use a tongue scraper or soft toothbrush to clean the tongue regularly and be sure to brush and floss your teeth properly. Consult a physician if this lasts more than 10 days.

As with a black hairy tongue, this is a result of trapped bacteria. The papillae can become inflamed through being dehydrated, breathing through the mouth instead of nose, suffering from a fever or heavy smoking. As with black tongue ensuring meticulous oral hygiene should clear the problem, quickly returning the tongue to a healthy pink.

Some people develop a white colored coating or white spots appear on the tongue surface. This can have several causes:

Dehydration – easily rectified by drinking more water
Oral thrush – a yeast infection, or candida, can result in white sores appearing both on your tongue and mucus membrane lining of the mouth. People suffering from immune disorders and denture wearers are more at risk as are young infants and elderly people. Candida is also a common side effect in patients prescribed some harsh antibiotics.

Leukoplakia — Leukoplakia is a condition where there is an excessive growth of cells resulting in white patches inside the mouth as well as on the tongue. This most commonly occurs following any tongue irritation and is more common amongst smokers. It is usually harmless but can be a precursor to oral cancer – note changes and seek medical advice.

If your tongue is a bright shade of red and you have a fever seek medical attention immediately.
‘Strawberry tongue’ is so called as the red taste buds become swollen and appear to dot the surface of the normally smooth tongue just like the seeds of a strawberry. This can be as a result of the following:

Vitamin deficiency – Check your diet. Increase your levels of folic acid and vitamin B-12, by diet or supplement, as being deficient in these can cause your tongue to take on a reddish appearance.

Scarlet fever – This streptococcal infection often causes strawberry tongue. Contact your doctor immediately if you have a high fever and red tongue.

Kawasaki disease – Kawasaki disease (KD) is more common in children less than 5 years old, although it can also affect some  older children or teenagers. It is a disorder characterized by the inflammation of blood vessels throughout the body. This can manifest itself as strawberry tongue alongside a high fever – seek medical advice.

A spot on the tongue that has turned brown or darkly discolored could possibly be a form of skin cancer called melanoma. Seek medical advice if you notice such changes.

Do you have a painful tongue in any area, or have small sore bumps appeared? Here are the main reasons these can occur:

Diabetes and anemia can cause a sore tongue
Smoking can irritate a sensitive tongue and cause soreness
Scalding is common if you eat food that is too hot, or bite your tongue whilst chewing
Some women report a burning feeling in their tongues post-menopause
Stress can result in canker sores
An irritated or infected taste bud can cause the papillae to swell and become painful
Oral cancer is more common amongst smokers and drinkers, consult a physician if a lump or sore spot lasts longer than 2 weeks.

Cracks or small cuts on the surface of the tongue can indicate a fungal infection such as oral thrush and can also mean increased sweating, irritability and trouble sleeping.


The absence of feeling or sensations on your tongue most commonly occurs following damage to your nervous system. This could be following dental procedures including wisdom tooth extraction, root canal work or dental implants.
Stroke sufferers can also have damaged nerves leading to the tongue which results in numbness or tingling feelings.

Tips for a Healthy Tongue
* Eat organic yogurt with natural probiotics
* Quit smoking and using tobacco products
* Reduce alcohol intake
* Brush twice a day and floss on a regular basis
* Gargle with salt water
* Rinse your mouth after you eat

Any time that you notice pain, burning, swelling, changes in your ability to taste, abnormal movements, or difficulty moving the tongue, do not hesitate to see a doctor.

15 Remedies You Can Make From Turmeric!

15 Remedies You Can Make From Turmeric!


The yellow/orange spice of Turmeric has been in use for over 2,000 years, and is considered one of the most effective medicinal herbs through its active ingredient - Curcumin.

Studies have found that a daily intake of Turmeric can do a great deal of actual benefit to our breathing, digestion, blood flow, heart and even brain. The curcumin has strong anti-inflammation and anti-cancer properties. It's amazing what just a spoon of turmeric, mixed with the right ingredients, can do.

But beyond these uses, old and wise men and women, through the centuries, have come up with great home remedies using turmeric.

Here are 15 uses for this wonder spice that will bring you relief, healing and better living:

1. Treat ulcers and digestion problems: Mix one spoon of turmeric powder in a cup of boiling water, let it cool and then drink (you can sweeten with sugar or honey).

2. To relieve problems of digestion and acidity in the stomach: Mix half a spoon of turmeric with 1/4 spoon of black pepper and a 1/4 spoon of cardamom, and swallow after your meal.

3. To relieve a sore throat: Mix a spoon of honey with a spoon of turmeric and swallow about 4 times a day.
A second option: Mix 1/2 a spoon of turmeric and 1/2 a spoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gurgle in the throat.

4. To treat fungus on the foot and nails: Mix turmeric powder with lemon juice until an ointment is created. Smear the ointment on the problematic area for a week. Recommendation: Put socks on them and sleep through the night this way.


5. Treating acne: Smear a mix made of a tablespoon of milk and a bit of turmeric. This may stain your face, so best to put it on at night and wash your face well in the morning.

6. To stop a bleeding caused by cuts or scrapes: Dab generously with turmeric powder for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammation effects.

7. For quick healing of wounds: Make a thick mixture of turmeric with a bit of water. Smear on the wound and bandage it for at least 24 hours.

8. To treat arthritis: Boil a glass of milk with a spoon and a half of turmeric powder. Wait till it cools and drink.

9. To relieve asthma attacks: Mix 1/4 spoon of turmeric powder in a glass ofturmeric mix hot water and drink in small sips.

10. To stop your gums from bleeding: Massage the teeth and gums with a mixture made of equal parts turmeric powder, mustard, oil and salt.

11. To treat mouth wounds: Mix a 1/4 spoon of turmeric in a glass of hot water and wait till it cools. Gargle several times a day.

12. Treating stubborn calluses: Prepare a thick mix of 50 grams of turmeric powder with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix well to receive the salve and then smear it on the callus.

13. To treat insect bites: Make a mixture of turmeric and lemon and smear on the injured area to stop both the itching and suck away the small amount of poison they leave behind which irritates the skin.

14. For rough PMS syndromes and cramps: Mix a spoon and a half of turmeric in a glass of hot milk.

15. To ease labor: It is recommended for women that are 9 months pregnant to swallow 1/2 a spoon of turmeric with hot milk every day. This combination, taken late in the pregnancy, should make giving birth a little easier.

Beautiful / Valuable Statements-Enjoy the Trip of Life

Beautiful / Valuable Statements-Enjoy the Trip of  Life

Six Best Doctors in the World-
   5.Self Confidence
Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life

Five undeniable Facts of Life :
 White right pointing backhand index1.
Don't educate  your children to be rich.
Educate them to be Happy.
So when they grow up they will know
the value of things not the price

White right pointing backhand index2.
Best awarded words
in London ...

"Eat your food as your medicines.
Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food"

White right pointing backhand index3.
The One who loves you will never leave you because
even if there are 100 reasons to give up
he will find one reason to hold on

White right pointing backhand index4.
There is a lot of difference between human being
and being human. A Few understand it.

White right pointing backhand index5.
You are loved when you are born.
You will be loved when you die.
In between You have to manage...!

Nice line from Ratan Tata's Lecture-

If u want to Walk Fast Walk Alone..!
But if u want to Walk Far, Walk Together..!!

If   you   see   the   Moon ..... You   see    the    beauty    of    God .....   If    you   see    the   Sun ..... You   see    the    power   of    God .....   And ....    If   you   see   the   Mirror ..... You   see     the    best    Creation of   GOD .... So    Believe   in     YOURSELF..... :) :) :).

We all are tourists & God is our travel agent who
already fixed all our Routes Reservations & Destinations
Trust Him & Enjoy the "Trip" called LIFE.

Seven Amazing Benefits of Clapping

Seven Amazing Benefits of Clapping

“Clapping” a Simple Striking of Hands but it’s much more than you Think.

Normally People clap to Appreciate others for their Good works and achievements or when they are in mood of Joy.

People also Clap while Singing songs, Bhajans, and Prayers at Holy places.

It is Scientifically proved that Clapping is very effective Exercise to cure many Human Diseases.

Clapping activates the Receptors in the Palms and cause activation of the large area of the Brain which leads the improvement in Health.

There are 39 different Acupressure points for almost all Organs on our Palm which are activated by Clapping and this action improves Your Health slowly but effectively.

Daily 10-20 minutes of Clapping in morning keeps You Fit and Active.

1. Clapping is an effective Medicine for the Person who suffers from Digestive Disorder.

2. Best Cure for Back pain, Neck pain and Joint pain.

3. Gout is a common problem with Old age People and can be easily cured by Clapping.

4. Helpful for Patient of Low Blood Pressure.

5. If someone is suffering from any Heart and Lung related disease then Clapping plays important role in curing these diseases also.
Clapping removes the obstacles from the Main and Collateral Channels and keeps You Fit and Healthy.

6. Children that practice clapping exercise daily make only few Spelling mistake and are Hard worker than others.

It improves their Handwriting.

The whole abstract of above given points is, Clapping sharpen the Brain of the Children.

7. Clapping increase the Immunity of the Person which provides the Strength to the Human body to fight against Diseases.
You think it is good.

I believe in Home, family and children,
I believe in love, culture and tradition;
I believe friendship to be a beautiful garden,
The returns, being exactly what you invest in.

I believe freedom is a pearl of great price
Only when lost, its value you realize;
I believe in living life to the hilt,
I believe in sleeping each night without guilt.

I believe respect, like wealth we should earn,
For happiness and peace we will ever yearn;
I believe kindness should be unspoken,
I believe pride to be a false notion.

I believe random acts of kindness without reason,
I believe gaiety to be wiser than wisdom,
I believe really living one day at a time,
I believe that all I survey is mine.

I believe life is beautiful and good
And Integrity the rarest virtue;
I believe in the Divine called God,
I believe in myself and so should you.

The Six Most Important Minerals and Vitamins!

The Six Most Important Minerals and Vitamins!

When we diet and cut down our calories, we usually limit the intake of certain foods, which means we may not get all the vitamins and minerals that are vital to our health.

While keeping our weight down is important, we have to be careful not to harm our health in the process, and to do so, make sure your intake always includes the following vital materials:


- Minimal Daily recommended amount: Men: 420 mg. | Women: 320 mg.

- Why we need it: Magnesium is essential for muscle performance and the operation of our nervous system. It keeps the heart healthy, regulates the levels of sugar in the blood, supports the immune system and keeps our bones strong.

- Signs of shortage: Lack of appetite, nausea, headaches, forgetfulness, aching or twitching muscles, tension and chronic fatigue.

- Sources: Almonds, leafy vegetables such as basil, Parsley and Spinach. Salmon, Cashew Nuts, Soy Beans, Pinto Beans, Whole grains, Lentils, Bananas and Yogurt.

Vitamin D

- Minimal Daily recommended amount: 5-15 micrograms (mcg)

- Why we need it: Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium, is crucial for bone growth, muscle performance and maintaining the immune system. The vitamin also reduces the risk of bone degeneration and along with calcium may prevent osteoporosis.

- Signs of shortage: Rickets in muscles and bones. Symptoms for this disease include repetitive bone pain and muscle weakness.

- Sources: consumption: salmon, tuna, mackerel, cod liver oil, beef, cheese, egg yolks, fortified milk, soy milk, orange juice and yogurt (small amount), 10-15 minutes in the sun.


- Minimal Daily recommended amount: 1000-1200 mg.

- Why we need it: Calcium is essential for maintaining strong bones and healthy teeth, as well as daily bodily functions such as muscle contraction, blood clotting and transmitting neural signals.

- Signs of shortage: No immediate symptoms, but long term effects include osteoporosis.

- Sources: Dairy products, yogurt and cheese, fortified orange juice, almonds, leafy vegetables like kale and spinach, sardines, tofu, tahini, salmon, soy milk, broccoli and black beans.

Folic Acid

- Minimal Daily recommended amount: 400 mcg.

- Why we need it: It isn't that folic acid is only crucial for pregnant women or women who are trying to get pregnant, but it is also essential for all human beings to create DNA and RNA strands (the building blocks of our bodies). Folic acid also helps in the creation of red blood cells and prevent the occurrence of anemia. It may also prevent cancer cells from forming.

- Signs of shortage: Diarrhea, loss of appetite, losing weight, weakness, tongue sores, headaches, heart palpitations, irritability and forgetfulness. Pregnant women who aren't getting enough folic acid risk premature birth or birth defects.

- Sources: Temples greens like broccoli, spinach and Brussels sprouts, legumes such as chickpeas and beans, peanuts and nuts, corn, avocado, brown rice, fruits like bananas, oranges and papaya.


- Minimal Daily recommended amount: 8-18 mg.

- Why we need it: The body needs iron to create hemoglobin, a material in red blood cells that allows oxygen to move throughout the body. Iron helps create red blood cells and fights anemia and fatigue, improves our memories and is essential to the growth process. Without it, we may suffer a degeneration of the spine, problems with our reproductive system and blood shortage.

- Signs of shortage: Dizziness, fatigue, anemia, pallor, low energy levels and headaches.

- Sources: Spinach, oatmeal, lentils, chicken, tofu, clams, barley, baked potatoes with skins, peanuts and flaxseed.


- Minimal Daily recommended amount: 8-12 mg.

- Why we need it: Zinc keeps our immune system healthy, heals and protects the skin, increases brain activity, is essential for emphasizing the senses of taste and smell and can even give some relief to PMS symptoms.

- Signs of shortage: Loss of appetite, weight loss, slow healing of wounds, dry skin, hair loss, diarrhea, disruptions in senses of smell and taste and 'foggy' memory.

- Sources: Lean beef, oysters, chicken, beans, yogurt, cashews and sunflower seeds.

Dirty Place to Clean

The Bathroom


Bath Mat

No one s to step out of the shower / bath and onto a cold, slippery floor. This is why bath mats are so fantastic! The only problem is, they soak up all that water while lying on the floor – this slows down the evaporation process considerably, creating a perfect environment for bacteria and mold.

What you need to do: Replace the bath mat at-least once a week, and launder it in hot water with bleach (unless the tag says otherwise). It’s also recommended to install a separate drying pole for the mat, to help it dry faster after you’ve finished your shower. Finally, consider disinfecting the floor each time you replace the mat.


Laundry Basket

You throw all your dirty clothes into it, so it shouldn’t surprise you that some of that filth stays in the hamper.

What you need to do: Use a laundry bag as lining for the hamper. One for dirty clothes, and another for clean ones (and wash the dirty bag with the clothes) If you’re using a plastic hamper, any disinfectant will do, just remember to avoid ones with potential to discolor, bleach.


Several studies show that when you flush the toilet, it can spray fecal bacteria into the air. If that’s not enough, if your toothbrush is kept in close proximity to the toilet, there’s a good chance some of that nasty bacteria will contaminate it.

What you need to do: Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after use and let it dry completely. Replace your brush every three to four months. If you want to really wash the brush, you can put it in your dishwasher – it’s very effective.


The whole point of a shower is to be clean, but if you’re reusing damp towels – you’re probably getting yourself dirty again. When you towel yourself down, it doesn’t just remove the water from your skin, it also removes dead skin and bacteria, and if your towel isn’t dry – it becomes a bacteria nursery!

What you need to do: Change your towels once a week and let them dry completely after every use. If your towel even has a hint of mildew smell, change it immediately.


Makeup and Makeup Brushes

Wearing makeup shouldn’t make you sick, but current research indicates that it might. In a recent study, researchers discovered that after only 3 months of use, around 40% of mascara tubes were infested with bacteria and fungus.

What you need to do: Replace old eye makeup every 3 months, lotions and liquid foundation should be thrown away every six months, and finally, lipstick and nail polish should be replaced every two years.

Contact Lenses

A recent study showed that as much as 80% of contact lens cases are contaminated with bacteria, even when the owners used non-wipe cleaners on the case.

What you need to do: Wipe the case after every use and replace it every month. If you are using a hydrogen peroxide cleansing case, make sure you use fresh solution in the case for 24 hours before using it again. You might also want to consider using daily lenses instead of weekly / monthly ones.

The Kitchen


Kitchen Buttons, Knobs, and Handles

When you cook, you often touch things raw chicken and dirty bits of fruits and veggies when you prep them. Since most of us are not responsible enough to wash our hands each and every time, we tend to touch other things in the kitchen, transferring nasty bacteria onto knobs, handles, etc.

What you need to do: Use a disinfectant on any frequently used kitchen surfaces, especially before and after preparing food. (Pro tip: make it easy by keeping disinfecting wet-wipes on the kitchen counter)



Sponges are a perfect habitat for bacteria – It’s porous, damp and dark, with the occasional food deliveries.

What you need to do: Use antibacterial dish soap and sponges in your everyday use. Disinfect your sponge at least once a week by microwaving it on high for two minutes. (This method has been shown to kill 99 percent of bacteria!)

Cutting Boards

Most of your meal’s ingredients stop at the cutting board at one point, making it a hotbed for cross-contamination. Researchers still debate whether wooden or plastic boards are better: Plastic ones are easier to clean, but when they’ve been used for a while, it’s very hard to clean between the microscopic grooves. Wood sucks bacteria into its core, but it’s not sure if the bacteria ever resurfaces.

What you need to do: Regularly wash plastic boards in the dishwasher or pour boiling water on them. You can microwave the wooden boards, but be careful as in some cases they can catch on fire. Allow your board to air-dry completely before storing it. Finally, make sure you replace heavily scored boards regularly.

Coffee Makers

While the antibacterial properties of coffee are known, coffee makers don’t share them. The water reservoir and the internal piping are dark and wet, providing an excellent environment for bacteria and fungi.

What you need to do: Use equal amounts of water and white vinegar through the machine at least once a month. Let half the mixture run through the machine, then switch it off for an hour before letting it finish. Oh, and don’t forget to deep-clean the carafe!

When You're On The Go



Whether they’re ear-buds or big ear-covering ones, using them for an hour causes the number of bacteria in the ears to triple (!) and many of those nasty bugs also migrate to the earphones.

What you need to do: If you have detachable rubber nubbins (that’s the technical term) – you can soak them in a vinegar and water solution for 15 minutes then leave them in water for 10 more minutes before drying. If your earphones don’t have detachable nubbins, you can use a gentle mixture of soap and water on the plastic parts, then use a clean toothbrush to remove any lint from the grill.


Phones are downright filthy! Researchers state that as much as 1 in 6 phones is home for fecal bacteria!

What you need to do: Switch off your phone and clean it with a disinfectant wipe about once a week.


House keys, office keys, car keys, mailbox keys… Keys, keys, keys! We all carry them around, but other than putting them in our pocket, do we even bother to clean them?

What you need to do: Most keys are made from brass, which provides a degree of antibacterial protection. Still, give them a rinse with some dish soap from time to time – if anything, it will make them look better!


Many women can’t go anywhere without their handbag, but a recent study shows that while essential – the handbag is also the third dirtiest thing a woman can touch all day! In 25 percent of bags tested, researchers found E. Coli bacteria!

What you need to do: Regularly clean your bag and don’t put it on dirty surfaces ( the floor of a bathroom). Leather purses should be wiped with a disinfectant wipe every few days, washable ones should be put in the laundry once a week.



Shoes smell because of bacteria and fungus, while the soles have been shown to transport very nasty germs into clean homes.

What you need to do: Use disinfectant spray for the inside parts, and consider not allowing shoes in the house, otherwise, there isn’t much else you can do.

Gym Bag

Gym equipment comes into contact with many people every day, and when you use that equipment, all manners of bacteria transfers to your hands and clothes. After a good shower, you throw your dirty clothes into the bag and that’s where the real party begins – humidity from the sweat saturates the dark insides, making the bag an ideal greenhouse for the germs you "collected"!

What you need to do: Store your dirty clothes in a sealable plastic bag. Air out the bag between uses and use a disinfecting wipe on the interior. Wash it on the hottest setting once a week.

Water Bottle

It’s important to stay hydrated, that’s for sure – but bacteria E. Coli can stick to the inside of plastic bottles if they’re not cleaned regularly. A study recently showed that the water in bottles that aren’t cleaned properly are so dirty – are not fit for consumption!

What you need to do: Bottles with a bigger mouth are easier to clean and dry and a bottle made of hard material won’t get scratched while being cleaned. Additionally, soak the bottle in a water and bleach solution once a week.

Yoga Mats

other gym equipment, communal yoga mats are filthy. Wrestlers have been known to catch diseases staph infections, ringworms and even herpes. Doctors are warning that there is a rise in the spread of warts and athlete’s foot in yoga practitioners.

What you need to do: Bring your own mat! Keep it clean by picking a side that will always face up. Invest in a towel to keep sweat off the mat itself. After every use, the mat should be wiped with disinfectant and hung so both sides can dry completely.

Living Room


TV Remote

One research into hygiene in hospitals found that the remote controls were three times dirtier than anything else in the room! Another research found that about half of the remotes were homes for antibiotic-resistant staph.

What you need to do: Wipe down remote controls with disinfectant or antibacterial wipe regularly!

In the Bedroom



Did you know that those soft, fluffy pillows hide a terrible secret? Many of them are homes for allergy-inflaming fungi! Let’s not forget all the drool, sweat and dead skin you pour onto those things in your sleep…

What you need to do: Invest in anti-allergen covers and clean your pillows according to the instructions on the tag at least once every other week.


If you thought that the pillows are pretty nasty, consider the fact that only your head lies on them. The rest of your body lies on the sheets, so the amounts of skin and sweat are much larger!

What you need to do: Wash and dry your sheets on the hottest setting and if they’re white – bleach them! A wash with hot water and bleach also helps to clean and disinfect your washing machine!

10 Health Benefits We Get From Sweating

10 Health Benefits We Get From Sweating

1. Did you know that sweat glands help heal wounds?

In recent years, many studies have focused on the rarely researched sweat galnands, especially the eccrine sweat glands. These can be found in the millions, embedded in our skin. University of Micigan researchers discovered that these glands host a significant reservoir of adult stem cells, which are used to close wounds. By studying the processes of how wounds close utilizing this material, scientists hope to unlock the potential for making healing drugs.

2. Getting rid of toxins

Experts say that we mainly sweat excess salt, cholesterol and alcohol. This means that sweating "de-bloats" us, cleaned our clogged arteries and helps us get rid of a hangover. So next time you sweat, think about the bad materials your body is getting rid of.

3. Keeping that pain away

When we exercise, we don't only produce endorphins, we also get pain relief. If you have a sore neck or a pain that won't go away, exercise can stimulate neurochemical pathways in our brain that produces endorphins and acts as a natural painkiller. Having chronic pain is one of the worst things to bear, but regular exercise (if allowed) is a great way to keep that pain at

4. Preventing those incredibly painful kidney stones

Kidney stones have been described as extremely painful (with some comparing it tochild birth without the happy outcome) and happen when we intake too much salt and don't 'flush' our system often enough. Studies have shown, though, that working up a sweat on a regular basis coupled with lots of drinking will flush your kidneys and your system well enough to avoid the production of kidney stones, as well as flushing more toxins out of your body.

5. It's great for a good looking skin that doesn't break in zits and stains

When we sweat, the pores in our skin open wide and release a lot of the grime and dirt that have been trapped there. Of course, if we just leave it there nothing will get cleaner. So if you are sweating, make sure to thoroughly clean your face at least 3 times a day, so all that dirt gets washed away instead of staying on your face.

6. Elevates the mood

You may have noticed that super good feeling you get after you work up a sweat by exercise. It's not just in your head and it's not just the exercise. When our body gets warm enough to sweat it triggers certain temperature-sensitive neurons in our brain that play a significant part in controlling our moods. So working the body up to those temperatures while also getting a good workout is a great way to make ourselves feel better, more self confident and in a terrific mood.

7. Releasing clenched muscles

Sweating warm up the muscles of the body with humidity and heat, this action helps us release those tired and sore muscles by elevating the stress and fatigue they are under.

8. In addition to natural toxins, sweating also gets rid of artificial ones

Pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals are in great use all around us, and we often don't know how exposed to these materials we really are. Sweating is one way by which we can rid our body from the artificial poisons we may be exposed to.

9. Preventing colds and infection

Do you like using sanitizer? Did you know your body makes one? A study at the University of Tubingen in Germany suggests that human sweat contains a antimicrobial agent that has been shown to fight against tuberculosis germs and other pathogens that may threaten us.

10. And of course - regulating our temperature, but also for the long term

Sweating helps our body recognize our need for keeping temperature even. The body adjusts to the conditions around it. So the more we sweat, the better the body will learn when and how much to secret sweat and how best to cool (or warm) itself. Not only for that moment of exercise, but ultimately - all the time.

Other ayurvedic methods to heal prameha (diabetes) include strenuous exercises, oil massage, steam, sitz or waist bath, and sprinkling of water and ointment. Dry ginger, cardamom, and sandalwood may be used in baths or taken orally. Gudmar is the best herb for digesting sugar in the pancreas. A combination of gudmar and shilajit is an excellent remedy for diabetes that is often prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners.

Eliminate all objects that contain sugar from diet, like wheat, rice, potato, sugar, sugar cane and its juice, jaggery , sweet fruits.

Reduce fats, especially butter and ghee from diet.

Take barley soaked in a triphala decoction overnight, then mixed with honey and eaten several times a day.

Orange, and lemon, may be taken as and when needed.

Take bitter melon, in any form, without any fear, and Jamun and powder of its seed.

Take plenty of green vegetables, black gram, soy, fish etc.

Copper Water

Put one cup of water into a copper vessel at night, and drink the water in the morning.


Take morning and evening walk
Do Pranayama
Do yoga asanas

10 Tips to Keep Our Bones Strong

10 Tips to Keep Our Bones Strong

1. Consume milk products - Every child knows that milk is rich in calcium and is essential for strengthening bones. This goes for all milk products, including cheese, yogurt and alike. If you don't like cow's milk, try soy milk enriched with calcium.

2. Add nuts to your diet - Although milk has the highest ratio of calcium to volume, it is not the only source. Some nuts and seeds have handsome amounts of calcium. A 30 gram course of almonds contains 75mg of calcium, 30 grams of sesame seeds contains 37mg of calcium and sunflower seeds have 33mg of calcium.

3. Eat dark green vegetables - Broccoli, Chinese cabbage, arugula, parsley, lettuce and others are excellent sources of calcium, and contain many additional health advantages. This will help you to also diversify your sources of calcium, which is important to maintain your health.

4. Take the right Vitamin A - Vitamin A appears in two forms. The first is retinol, which appears in animal products, such as the liver. The second is beta carotene and it is the way the vitamin comes from plants, especially orange vegetables like carrot, squash or sweet potato. Studies have found that consuming too much of retinol vitamin A raises the risk of bone fraction, while vitamin A in its plant form, Beta Carotene, does not damage the bones.

5. Strengthen your bones with Vitamin K - This vitamin helps activate 3 essential proteins that are crucial for bone health. As in the case of calcium that comes from green vegetables, vitamin K also comes from teh same sources. Two daily helpings of green vegetables a day give the body as much as it needs.

6. Physical activity strengthens the bones - Sorry, you knew this was coming and its of very little surprise. When we carry out a physical activity, we create pressure on our skeleton. While it is bad to overdo it, a moderate pressure is actually very health, as it sends the body signals to create more bone cells, increase the density and make it stronger. Operate the body with moderation, and don't go to far with it.

7. Eat fish - 100 grams of sardines contain an amazing amount of over 400mg of calcium! It's recommended to consume the fresh fish of course and not the canned variety. The little bones are also edible and contain a lot of calcium. Sardines, like the salmon, are also a great source of vitamin D.

 8. Reduce your consumption of carbonated drinks and treats - The acid that exists in some of the popular carbonated drinks raises the amount of acid in the blood. To compensate, the body uses the body's minerals, including calcium. If the calcium is not readily available in the blood, the body will take it from the bones and this will hard the density and strength of the bone. There is no problem drinking them once in a while, but if they are a daily habit then you can do a lot of damage to your bones over time.

9. Avoidance measures - Like a lot of other health problems, we return to smoking. Studies have shown that smoking harms bone density, as well as over consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

10. Resource allocation - We must carry out our calcium consumption in a smart way. Our body absorbs calcium best when it is no more than 500mg at one time. So, if you are planning on consuming a large amount of calcium rich foods or drinks, try to perhaps divide the meal or eat again later, to make sure the body is able to absorb all you are giving it.