Thursday, July 9, 2015

You think it is good.

I believe in Home, family and children,
I believe in love, culture and tradition;
I believe friendship to be a beautiful garden,
The returns, being exactly what you invest in.

I believe freedom is a pearl of great price
Only when lost, its value you realize;
I believe in living life to the hilt,
I believe in sleeping each night without guilt.

I believe respect, like wealth we should earn,
For happiness and peace we will ever yearn;
I believe kindness should be unspoken,
I believe pride to be a false notion.

I believe random acts of kindness without reason,
I believe gaiety to be wiser than wisdom,
I believe really living one day at a time,
I believe that all I survey is mine.

I believe life is beautiful and good
And Integrity the rarest virtue;
I believe in the Divine called God,
I believe in myself and so should you.

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