Sunday, March 20, 2016

10 Positive Bedtime Rituals

10 Positive Bedtime Rituals

Sleep, along with food, is vital for energy and alertness. But there are also some activities you can undertake that can help you feel fully refreshed after you wake up. Indeed, bedtime rituals have proven to be an important factor for happiness, and special practices that are relaxing and pleasant can make a real difference to how you feel in the morning. Here are 10 things that happy people do before hitting the hay, and which you can also try. You don’t have to do all 10, just pick the rituals that are likely to work best for you!

1. Meditate

Take the time to meditate or pray. Regular meditation has been proven to improve your brain’s functioning, help combat stress, fight depression, and even lower your risk of a stroke or heart attack. When you meditate, you give your head a chance to let go of the day’s troubles, allowing you to go to bed with greater peace of mind.

2. Read

Happy people spend time reading for pleasure before bed time. They choose books, articles or short stories that inspire them. Inspiring reading lets your imagination become ignited with positive imagery and thoughts. This will lead you to fall into a sleep filled with positive thoughts and allow you to wake up rested and ready to accomplish your goals.

3. Plan

If you take a few minutes to think about the forthcoming day and dedicate your mind to planning it, it can help you feel calm, free of worry and ready for a peaceful sleep. The next day, you wake up determined and with a clear idea of what your day will involve, so you will be focused and ready to go.

4. Analyze

Taking the time to plan is important for the future, but you can also use your time before bed to analyze the past day. Benjamin Franklin was a big advocate of this practice. By examining the actions of your day, you can pinpoint what goals were achieved, and decide what actions and activities were successful. This time can also help you understand what areas in your life need fine-tuning.

5. Gratitude

Gratitude is the act of looking for the positives in life, and being thankful for your blessings. Recall all the helpful people you interacted with during the day. Many people enjoy recording the things for which they are thankful in a journal, which can be referred to in hard times. This outlook on life encourages positivity and is best done when lying in bed. You will feel much more positive when you wake up.

6. Relax

Different people relax in different ways, but the guiding principle always remains the same - to engage in an activity that reduces your stress. They can be small rituals like a bubble bath, a warm cup of tea, or a calming hobby like drawing or knitting. When you are relaxed, you will find falling asleep easier. Think of an activity that will help you feel calm and make it a must-do before bedtime.

7. Healthy snacks

You don't need to eat an entire meal right before bed, but some foods may have a positive effect before bedtime. The classic example is a glass of warm milk, but there are others that do the trick. Bananas, rich in serotonin can help you relax or a cup of herbal tea and oatmeal can also help calm you down. It’s best to avoid foods and substances that can make you more energetic like alcohol, caffeine or junk food. The purpose of pre-sleep snacking is to make you feel both mentally and physically relaxed.

8. Exercise

Some exercises can help your body calm down. More exertive exercise like running, dance or heavy lifting can make it harder for you to enter a serene state of mind ahead of sleep. But gentler stretching, yoga poses and other relaxing exercises are excellent bedtime rituals you may incorporate into your routine.

9. Disconnect technology

Technology connects us to the world and all its troubles. Checking up on those uncontrollable activities can make it harder for your mind to switch off and for you to enter a more relaxed state. Reading the news or what others have to say can cut into time that could be otherwise used for positive bedtime rituals, so disconnect and focus on the means that really help you to unwind.

10. Create an atmosphere

Making your surroundings calm can facilitate all of the above rituals. Take the time to remove any item that can have a negative influence on you. Setting the mood can be done by playing some relaxing music, making sure your bedroom is warm or cool enough, and that your bed is comfortable, with sufficient blankets and pillows. You can also make the room smell pleasant with the help of essential oils or potpourri. The idea here is to make your space feel safe and comfortable so that you can have a peaceful night’s sleep.


Teacher: How old is your father?
Kid: He is 6 years.
Teacher: What? How is this possible?
Kid: He became father only when I was born.

Teacher: 5 - 5 = how much?

Sudent is quiet…..
Teacher tries again: agar tere paas 5 idli hai aur
main tere 5 idli le lu, tere paas kya bachega?







Student: sambar aur chutney....

6 Health Benefits of Drinking Beer

6 Health Benefits of Drinking Beer

There is little that compares to the hopsy, rich and refreshing taste of a cold beer. The world's third most popular beverage has been around for centuries, but has gotten a bad rep as being fattening and high in calories, and as a result is increasingly avoided at the bar. Yet new studies reveal the surprising health benefits in beer that could make it once again your beverage of choice, in moderation of course.

So, pour yourself a cold beer and sip on it while you read about its amazing health benefits!

1. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

Alcohol in all of its forms, be it beer, wine or liquor, is known to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies show that a moderate consumption of alcohol thins the blood, making it less likely to clot. Alcohol also increases the amount of good cholesterol in the blood and lowers blood pressure.

2. Good for Kidney Health

Although too much alcohol is noted to be bad for the kidneys, beer has been shown to be an effective reducer of kidney stones. Kidney stones result when there is too much calcium in your system and the hops in beer has been shown to slow the release of calcium from the bones. Also, beer has a high water content that helps clear out the kidneys and keeps them stone free!

3. Believe it or Not, It's Nutritious

Beer is packed with tons of nutrients! One 12-ounce beer has about one gram of fiber and it is full of B vitamins like B6, B12, niacin and riboflavin. It is rich is silicon, a nutrient noted for helping to strengthen bones.
4. Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

In a 2011 Harvard University study on 38,000 middle-aged men, it was shown that when they drank two beers a day, their risk for Type II diabetes dropped by 25 percent! However, this percentage applies for two beers a day and no more than that.

5. Could Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Along with all of the vitamins mentioned above, beer also contains lots of good antioxidants that can cleanse your system of toxins. In addition, a Portuguese study found that marinating meat in beer can eliminate almost 70 percent of the carcinogens. Even if you're not drinking beer, it's great to cook with!

6. Improves Brain Health

New research has shown that a few beers a day may be able to ward off Alzheimer's Disease and lower your risk for stroke. This is also due to the blood-thinning nature of the alcohol in beer that prevents the occurrence of clotting. In a 2005, it was found in a test group of 11,000 older women that those who drank at least one beer a day had better mental function than those who didn't, and that by drinking beer they decreased their risk of mental decline by 20 percent.

3 levels of mind's

There are 3 levels of mind's thinking, and facts to discuss:

Great minds discuss… ideas, literature, purely intellectual theories, social laws, education systems, and citizen's attitudes.

Average minds discuss events, Strikes, demonstrations, and if they hadmore time for discussion they should probably have made a great many more mistakes.

Small minds discuss trifle matters… Everything is open to discussion, People's talks, he/she said… And as a conclusion life is death.



A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands.

Her mum came in and softly asked her little daughter with a smile: my sweetie, could you give your mum one of your two apples?

The girl looked up at her mum for some seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite on one apple, and then quickly on the other.

The mum felt the smile on her face freeze. She tried hard not to reveal her disappointment.

Then the little girl handed one of her bitten apples to her mum,and said:

mummy, here you are. This is the sweeter one.

No matter who you are, how experienced you are, and how knowledgeable you think you are, always delay judgement.

Give others the privelege to explain themselves.

What you see may not be the reality.

Never conclude for others.

मोर के पंखों से लाभ

मोर के पंखों से लाभ

1. घर के दक्षिण-पूर्व कोण में लगाने से बरकत बढ़ती है व अचानक कष्ट नहीं आता है।

2. यदि मोर का एक पंख किसी मंदिर में श्री राधाकृष्ण कि मूर्ति के मुकुट में ४० दिन के लिए स्थापित कर प्रतिदिन मक्खन-मिश्री का भोग सायंकाल को लगाएँ, ४१वें दिन उसी मोर के पंख को मंदिर से दक्षिणा-भोग देकर घर लाकर अपने खजाने या तिजोरी में स्थापित करें तो आप स्वयं ही अनुभव करेंगे कि धन, सुख-शान्ति कि वृद्धि हो रही है। सभी रुके कार्य भी इस प्रयोग के कारण बनते जा रहे हैं।

3. कालसर्प दोष को भी दूर करने की इस मोर के पंख में अद्भुत क्षमता है। कालसर्प दोष वाले व्यक्ति को अपने तकिये के खोल के अंदर 7 मोर के पंख सोमवार रात्रिकाल में डालें तथा प्रतिदिन इसी तकिये का प्रयोग करें और अपने शयनकक्ष की पश्चिम दीवार पर मोर के पंख का पंखा जिसमें कम से कम 11 मोर के पंख तो हों लगा देने से कालसर्प दोष के कारण आयी बाधा दूर होती है।

4. यदि बच्चा ज़िद्दी हो तो इसे छत के पंखे के पंखों पर लगा दें ताकि पंखा चलने पर मोर के पंखों की भी हवा बच्चे को लगे। धीरे-धीरे हठ व जिद्द कम होती जायेगी।

5. जैसे कि पहले वर्णन किया कि मोर व सर्प में शत्रुता है अर्थात सर्प, शनि तथा राहु के संयोग से बनता है। यदि मोर का पंख घर के पूर्वी और उत्तर-पश्चिम दीवार में या अपनी जेब व डायरी में रखा हो तो राहु का दोष कभी भी नहीं परेशान करता है तथा घर में सर्प, मच्छर, बिच्छू आदि विषैले जंतुओं का भय नहीं रहता है।

6. नवजात बालक के सिर की तरफ दिन-रात एक मोर का पंख चाँदी के तावीज़ में डालकर रखने से बालक डरता नहीं है तथा कोई भी नज़रदोष और अला-बला से बचा रहता है।

7. यदि शत्रु अधिक तंग कर रहे हों तो मोर के पंख पर हनुमान जी के मस्तक के सिन्दूर से मंगलवार या शनिवार रात्रि में उसका नाम लिखकर अपने घर के मंदिर में रात भर रखें प्रातःकाल उठकर बिना नहाये-धोए चलते पानी में बहा देने से शत्रु, शत्रुता छोड़कर मित्रता का व्यवहार करने लगता है।


A little boy was doing his maths homework.
He said to himself, "Two plus five, the son of a
bitch is seven.
Three plus six, the son of a bitch is nine..."
His mother heard what he was saying and gasped, "What are youdoing?"
The little boy answered, "I'm doing my maths homework, Mom."
"And this is how your teacher taught you to do it?" the motherasked.
"Yes," he answered.
Infuriated, the mother asked the teacher the next day, "What are you teaching my son in maths?"
The teacher replied, "Right now, we are learning addition."
The mother asked, "And are you teaching them to say two plus two,the Son Of a bitch is four?"
After the teacher stopped laughing, she answered,

"What I taught them was, two plus two, THE SUM OF WHICH, is four."

Moral: Better not to wake up wife early in the morning.

Today morning I woke up my wife and asked her: “Honey would you like to join me for Yoga?”
She: “Ohh. So you mean to say I am fat?”
Me: “No. Yoga is good for health.”
She: “Oh.. that means I am sick.”
Me: “No no. If you don’t want to get up, then it’s OK.”..
She: “So now you think I am lazy, ha?”
Me: “Noo. You are misunderstanding me. I didn’t mean….”
She: “Aha ! So I don’t understand you, right?”
Me: “Now look I didn’t say that.”
She: “So am I lying? ”
Me: “Arrey yaaar. Plzz don’t stretch it in the morning”
She: “Oh wow. So I am a quarrelsome lady.”
Me: “All right ! Its better that I also don’t go for Yoga.”
She: “See ? You never wanted to go. Just wanted to blame me.”
Me: “Ok babaa.. You go off to sleep. I am going alone.. happy?.”
She: “You always go alone everywhere and enjoy.”
Me: “Plzz yaaar. I am feeling giddy now ”
She: “See? You are so selfish. Always think of yourself only. Never think of my health.”
I am still sitting and thinking where I went wrong. ??????

Moral: Better not to wake up wife early in the morning.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

आज का सत्य

नींद आखे बंद करने से नही
Net बंद करने से आती है..!!...

 "भूखे को रोटी और android फ़ोन वाले को charger देना पुण्य का काम होता है.."

शाश्त्रों में लिखना रह गया था...सोचा बता दूँ...!"!

 पहले लोग 'बेटा' के लिये तरसते थे..

और आजकल डेटा के लिये !

आज की सबसे बड़ी दुविधा.....

मोबाइल बिगड़ जाये तो बच्चे जिम्मेदार
और बच्चे बिगड़ जाये तो मोबाइल

" बदल गया है जमाना पहले माँ का पेर छू कर निकलते थे,अब मोबाइल की बेटरी फुल करके निकलते है 😂😝

कुछ लोग जब रात को अचानक फोन का बैलेंस ख़त्म
हो जाता है! इतना परेशान हो जाते हैं माने जैसे सुबह
तक वो इन्सान
जिंदा ही नहीं रहेगा जिससे बात
करनी थी।

 कुछ लोग जब फ़ोन की बैटरी 1-2%
हो तो चार्जर
की तरफ ऐसे भागते है जैसे उससे कह रहे
हो "तुझे कुछ
नहीं होगा भाई ! आँखे बंद मत करना मैं हूँ न !
ठीक हो जायेगा।😳😳😳

कुछ लोग अपने फोन में ऐसे पैटर्न लॉक लगाते हैं
जैसे आई एस आई की सारी गुप्त फाइलें
उनके फ़ोन में
ही पड़ी हो।😉😜😜😜

गलती से फ़ोन किसी दुसरे दोस्त के
यहाँ छुट जाए
तो ऐसा महसूस होता हैं जैसे
अपनी भोली-
भाली गर्लफ्रेंड
को शक्ति कपूर के पास छोड़ आये हो।

सभी मोबाइल बनाने वाली कंपनीओं से निवेदन है कि वह मोबाइल फोन बड़ा करवाते जा रहे है तो ,
उसमे ऐसी व्यवस्था और करा दें कि पीछे के ढक्कन के अंदर दो परांठे, आलू की सुखी सब्जी और अचार आ जाये।
यह गेम देखिये. आपके दिमाग की बत्ती जला देगा।

इस मैसेज को अपने किसी भी व्हाट्स एप्प ग्रुप में भेजिए और देखिये लाल रंग वाला दिल कैसे एक स्थान आगे बढ़ जाता है।
卐बहुत ही सुन्दर वर्णन है卐

👌मस्तक को थोड़ा झुकाकर देखिए
....अभिमान मर जाएगा
👌आँखें को थोड़ा भिगा कर देखिए
.....पत्थर दिल पिघल जाएगा
👌दांतों को आराम देकर देखिए
.........स्वास्थ्य सुधर जाएगा
👌जिव्हा पर विराम लगा कर देखिए
.....क्लेश का कारवाँ गुज़र जाएगा
👌इच्छाओं को थोड़ा घटाकर देखिए
......खुशियों का संसार नज़र आएगा
👌पूरी जिंदगी हम इसी बात में गुजार देते हैं कि "चार लोग क्या कहेंगे",
और अंत में चार लोग बस यही कहते हैं कि "राम नाम सत्य है"...

🌹 आदेश्
एक बार एक ट्रेन जो दिल्ली से कानपुर जा रही
थी. उस ट्रेन के फर्स्ट क्लास AC में दो लोग, एक
नवयुवक और एक बुजुर्ग यात्रा कर रहे थे .
नवयुवक की
नज़र बहुत देर से सामने बैठे बुजुर्ग पर थी जो
गीता पढ़ रहे थे और मंद मंद मुस्कुरा रहे थे.
अचानक नवयुवक ने उनको चुनौती दी की भगवान
होते नहीं हैं तो फिर आप ये सब झूठ कब तक
मानते रहेंगे,
जो है वो सब विज्ञान है. वो बुजुर्ग बहुत देर तक
नवयुवक के भगवान के अस्तित्व और विज्ञान
चमत्कारों के सभी तर्कों को ध्यान से सुनते रहे.
नवयुवक ने उनको बताया कि वो एक खगोल
वैज्ञानिक है और वो सारे ग्रह के बारे में जानता
कोई सूर्य चन्द्र भगवान नहीं है. और उसके इसी
प्रयोगों से प्रभावित हो कर सरकार उसको एक
पुरस्कार भी दे रही है।
फिर करीब दो घंटे बाद जब वो नवयुवक को लगा
कि वो बुजुर्ग उसकी बातो से प्रभावित नहीं हो रहे
तो उसने ये कह के बात ख़तम की जब बीमार होंगे
विज्ञान ही काम आयेगा भगवान नहीं. और इतना
कह कर
वो सो गया और बुजुर्ग वापस गीता पढ़ने में मग्न
सुबह बुजुर्ग ने उस नवयुवक को जगाया और
कि आप को लेने के लिए लोग आये हैं कृपया तैयार
जाये वो बाहर इंतज़ार कर रहे हैंऔर इतना कह कर
उन्होंने मुस्कुरा के विदा ली .
IIT कानपुर में जब पुरुस्कार वितरण कार्यक्रम
शुरू हुआ
तो इस नवयुवक वैज्ञानिक की खूब तारीफ हुई
उसको पुरुस्कृत करने के लिए देश से सबसे वरिष्ठ
वैज्ञानिक को मंच पर बुलाया गया. जब वो वरिष्ठ
वैज्ञानिक मंच पर आये तो उस नवयुवक की
आंखे फटी
की फटी रह गयी. अरे ये तो वही बुजुर्ग है जो कल
उसके साथ यात्रा कर आ रहे थे. और वो गीता की
तारीफ कर रहे थे. वो नवयुवक तुरंत उनके पैरो में
पड़ा और अपने लिए माफी मांगने लगा, और पूछा
सर अब आप बताइए आप ने कल मेरा विरोध क्यों
बुजुर्ग ने कहा , बेटा मैं भी ठीक ऐसा ही था, पर
धीरे धीरे प्रयोग करते करते मुझे अहसास हुआ कि
कुछ प्रश्न है जिनका उत्तर कभी विज्ञान नहीं
खोज सकता और वो एक अदृश्य शक्ति द्वारा
संचालित है. तभी से मुझे समझ में आया कि जब
विज्ञान ख़तम होती है वहा ईश्वर शुरू होता है ।🙏

जीवन में निर्भयता आनी चाहिए। भय पाप है, निर्भयता जीवन है। जीवन में अगर निर्भयता आ जाय तो दुःख, दर्द, शोक, चिन्ताएँ दूर हो जाती हैं। भय अज्ञानमूलक है, अविद्यामूलक है और निर्भयता ब्रह्मविद्यामूलक हैं। जो पापी होता है, अति परिग्रही होता है वह भयभीत रहता है। जो निष्पाप है, परिग्रह रहित है अथवा जिसके जीवन में सत्त्वगुण की प्रधानता है वह निर्भय रहता है।

जिसके जीवन में दैवी लक्षण हैं वह यहाँ भी सुखी रहता है और परलोक भी उसके लिए सुखमय हो जाता है। जिसके जीवन में दैवी लक्षण की कमी है वह यहाँ भी दुःखी रहता है और परलोक में भी दुःख पाता रहता है। जीवन में अगर सुख, चैन, आराम, अमन-चमन चाहिए तो 'अमन होना पड़ेगा। अमन माना मन के संकल्प-विकल्प कम हों। अमनी भाव को प्राप्त हो तो जीवन में चमन बढ़ता है।

मनुष्य की वास्तविक अंतरात्मा इतनी महान् है कि जिसका वर्णन करते वेद भगवान भी 'नेति.... नेति.....'पुकार देते हैं। मानव का वास्तविक तत्त्व, वास्तविक स्वरूप ऐसा महान् है लेकिन भय ने, स्वार्थ ने, रजो-तमोगुण के प्रभाव ने उसे दीन-हीन बना दिया है।

दुःख मनुष्य का स्वभाव नहीं है इसलिए वह दुःख नहीं चाहता है। सुख मनुष्य का स्वभाव है इसलिए वह सुख चाहता है। जैसे, मुँह में दाँत रहना स्वाभाविक है तो कभी ऐसा नहीं होता कि दाँत निकालकर फेंक दूँ। जब तक दाँत तन्दुरुस्त रहते हैं तब तक उन्हें फेंकने की इच्छा नहीं होती। भोजन करते वक्त कुछ अन्न का कण, सब्जी का तिनका दाँतों में फँस जाता है तो लूली (जिह्वा) बार-बार वहाँ लटका करती है। जब तक वह कचरा निकला नहीं जाता तब तक चैन नहीं लेती। क्योंकि दाँतों में वह कचरा रहना स्वाभाविक नहीं है।

ऐसे ही सुख तुम्हारे जीवन में आता है तो कोई हर्ज नहीं है लेकिन दुःख आता है तो उसे निकालने के लिए तुम तत्पर हो जाते हो। दाँतों में तिनका रहना अस्वाभाविक लगता है वैसे हृदय में दुःख रहना तुम्हें अस्वाभाविक लगता है। दुःख होता है रजो-तमोगुण की प्रधानता से।

भगवान कहते हैं कि भय का सर्वथा अभाव कर दें। जीवन में भय न आवे। निर्भय रहें। निर्भय वही हो सकता है जो दूसरों को भयभीत न करें। निर्भय वही रह सकता है जो निष्पाप होने की तत्पर हो जाय। जो विलासरहित हो जायगा वह निर्भय हो जायगा।

निर्भयता ऐसा तत्त्व है कि उससे परमात्म-तत्त्व में पहुँचने की शक्ति आती है। किसी को लगेगा कि 'बड़े-बड़े डाकू लोग, गुन्डा तत्त्व निर्भय होते हैं....' नहीं नहीं..... पापी कभी निर्भय नहीं हो सकता। गुन्डे लोग तो कायरों के आगे रोब मारते हैं। जो लोग मुर्गियाँ खाकर महफिल करते हैं, दारू पीकर नशे में चूर होते हैं, नशे में आकर सीधे-सादे लोगों को डाँटते हैं तो ऐसी डाँट से लोग घबरा जाते हैं। लोगों की घबराहट का फायदा गुन्डे लोग उठाते हैं। वास्तव में चंबल की घाटी का हो चाहे उसका बाप हो लेकिन जिसमें सत्त्वगुण नहीं है अथवा जो आत्मज्ञानी नहीं है वह निर्भय नहीं हो सकता। निर्भय वही आदमी होगा जो सत्त्वगुणी हो। बाकी के निर्भय दिखते हुए लोग डामेच होते हैं, पापी और पामर होते हैं। भयभीत आदमी दूसरे को भयभीत करता है। डरपोक ही दूसरे को डराता है।

जो पूरा निर्भय होता है वह दूसरों को निर्भय नारायण तत्त्व में ले जाता है। जो डर रहा है वह डरपोक है। डामेच और गुंडा स्वभाव का आदमी दूसरों का शोषण करता है। निर्भीक दूसरों का शोषण नहीं करता, पोषण करता है। अतः जीवन में निर्भयता लानी चाहिए
☺: अनजाने कर्म का फल


एक राजा ब्राह्मणों को लंगर में महल के आँगन में भोजन करा रहा था ।
राजा का रसोईया खुले आँगन में भोजन पका रहा था ।
उसी समय एक चील अपने पंजे में एक जिंदा साँप को लेकर राजा के महल के उपर से गुजरी ।
तब पँजों में दबे साँप ने अपनी आत्म-रक्षा में चील से बचने के लिए अपने फन से ज़हर निकाला ।
तब रसोईया जो लंगर ब्राह्मणो के लिए पका रहा था, उस लंगर में साँप के मुख से निकली जहर की कुछ बूँदें खाने में गिर गई ।
किसी को कुछ पता नहीं चला ।
फल-स्वरूप वह ब्राह्मण जो भोजन करने आये थे उन सब की जहरीला खाना खाते ही मौत हो गयी ।
अब जब राजा को सारे ब्राह्मणों की मृत्यु का पता चला तो ब्रह्म-हत्या होने से उसे बहुत दुख हुआ ।

ऐसे में अब ऊपर बैठे यमराज के लिए भी यह फैसला लेना मुश्किल हो गया कि इस पाप-कर्म का फल किसके खाते में जायेगा .... ???
(1) राजा .... जिसको पता ही नहीं था कि खाना जहरीला हो गया है ....
(2 ) रसोईया .... जिसको पता ही नहीं था कि खाना बनाते समय वह जहरीला हो गया है ....
(3) वह चील .... जो जहरीला साँप लिए राजा के उपर से गुजरी ....
(4) वह साँप .... जिसने अपनी आत्म-रक्षा में ज़हर निकाला ....

बहुत दिनों तक यह मामला यमराज की फाईल में अटका (Pending) रहा ....

फिर कुछ समय बाद कुछ ब्राह्मण राजा से मिलने उस राज्य मे आए और उन्होंने किसी महिला से महल का रास्ता पूछा ।
उस महिला ने महल का रास्ता तो बता दिया पर रास्ता बताने के साथ-साथ ब्राह्मणों से ये भी कह दिया कि "देखो भाई ....जरा ध्यान रखना .... वह राजा आप जैसे ब्राह्मणों को खाने में जहर देकर मार देता है ।"

बस जैसे ही उस महिला ने ये शब्द कहे, उसी समय यमराज ने फैसला (decision) ले लिया कि उन मृत ब्राह्मणों की मृत्यु के पाप का फल इस महिला के खाते में जाएगा और इसे उस पाप का फल भुगतना होगा ।

यमराज के दूतों ने पूछा - प्रभु ऐसा क्यों ??
जब कि उन मृत ब्राह्मणों की हत्या में उस महिला की कोई भूमिका (role) भी नहीं थी ।
तब यमराज ने कहा - कि भाई देखो, जब कोई व्यक्ति पाप करता हैं तब उसे बड़ा आनन्द मिलता हैं । पर उन मृत ब्राह्मणों की हत्या से ना तो राजा को आनंद मिला .... ना ही उस रसोइया को आनंद मिला .... ना ही उस साँप को आनंद मिला .... और ना ही उस चील को आनंद मिला ।
पर उस पाप-कर्म की घटना का बुराई करने के भाव से बखान कर उस महिला को जरूर आनन्द मिला । इसलिये राजा के उस अनजाने पाप-कर्म का फल अब इस महिला के खाते में जायेगा ।

बस इसी घटना के तहत आज तक जब भी कोई व्यक्ति जब किसी दूसरे के पाप-कर्म का बखान बुरे भाव से (बुराई) करता हैं तब उस व्यक्ति के पापों का हिस्सा उस बुराई करने वाले के खाते में भी डाल दिया जाता हैं ।

अक्सर हम जीवन में सोचते हैं कि हमने जीवन में ऐसा कोई पाप नहीं किया, फिर भी हमारे जीवन में इतना कष्ट क्यों आया .... ??

ये कष्ट और कहीं से नहीं, बल्कि लोगों की बुराई करने के कारण उनके पाप-कर्मो से आया होता हैं जो बुराई करते ही हमारे खाते में ट्रांसफर हो जाता हैं ....

इसलिये आज से ही संकल्प कर लें कि किसी के भी और किसी भी पाप-कर्म का बखान बुरे भाव से कभी नहीं करना यानी किसी की भी बुराई या चुगली कभी नहीं करनी हैं ।
लेकिन यदि फिर भी हम ऐसा करते हैं तो हमें ही इसका फल आज नहीं तो कल जरूर भुगतना ही पड़ेगा !!!!
शादी के बाद एक दिन पति पत्नी फ़ुर्सत में बैठे थे. अचानक पति ने पूछा – “एक बात बताओ … शादी से पहले तुम्हारे कितने बॉय फ्रेंड थे ?”

पत्नी अन्दर गई और एक लिफाफा लेकर आई जिसमें चावल के कुछ दाने और 200 रुपये रखे थे.

पति – “ये क्या है ?”

पत्नी – “मैं जब भी कोई बॉय फ्रेंड बनाती थी तब एक चावल का दाना इस लिफ़ाफ़े में डाल देती थी …”

यह सुनकर पति ने चावल के दाने गिने. कुल सात निकले. बोला – “सात हैं …. कोई बात नहीं, आजकल इतने तो हर लड़की के होते हैं… लेकिन ये 200 रुपये किसलिए रखे हैं ?”

पत्नी – “चार किलो चावल बेच दिए … !!!”

*पति बेहोश*😵😵😵😵😵😵

Friday, March 18, 2016


1. जिदंगी मे कभी भी किसी को
      बेकार मत समझना क्योक़ि
        बंद पडी घडी भी दिन में
          दो बार सही समय बताती है
2. किसी की बुराई तलाश करने
      वाले इंसान की मिसाल उस
       मक्खी की तरह है जो सारे
         खूबसूरत जिस्म को छोडकर
           केवल जख्म पर ही बैठती है
3. टूट जाता है गरीबी मे
      वो रिश्ता जो खास होता है
        हजारो यार बनते है
          जब पैसा पास होता है
4. मुस्करा कर देखो तो
      सारा जहाॅ रंगीन है
        वर्ना भीगी पलको
          से तो आईना भी
             धुधंला नजर आता है
5..जल्द मिलने वाली चीजे
      ज्यादा दिन तक नही चलती
        और जो चीजे ज्यादा
           दिन तक चलती है
             वो जल्दी नही मिलती
6. बुरे दिनो का एक
      अच्छा फायदा
         अच्छे-अच्छे दोस्त
            परखे जाते है
7. बीमारी खरगोश की तरह
      आती है और कछुए की तरह
        जाती है
          जबकि पैसा कछुए की तरह
             आता है और.खरगोश की
                तरह जाता है
8. छोटी छोटी बातो मे
      आनंद खोजना चाहिए
        क्योकि बङी बङी तो
          जीवन मे कुछ ही होती है
9. ईश्वर से कुछ मांगने पर
      न मिले तो उससे नाराज
        ना होना क्योकि ईश्वर
           वह नही देता जो आपको
             अच्छा लगता है बल्कि
                वह देता है जो आपके लिए
                    अच्छा होता है
10. लगातार हो रही
        असफलताओ से निराश
           नही होना चाहिए क्योक़ि
              कभी-कभी गुच्छे की आखिरी
                  चाबी भी ताला खोल देती है
11. ये सोच है हम इसांनो की
        कि एक अकेला
          क्या कर सकता है
             पर देख जरा उस सूरज को
                वो अकेला ही तो चमकता है
12. रिश्ते चाहे कितने ही बुरे हो
        उन्हे तोङना मत क्योकि
          पानी चाहे कितना भी गंदा हो
             अगर प्यास नही बुझा सकता
                 वो आग तो बुझा सकता है
13. अब वफा की उम्मीद भी
         किस से करे भला
            मिटटी के बने लोग
               कागजो मे बिक जाते है
14. इंसान की तरह बोलना
         न आये तो जानवर की तरह
             मौन रहना अच्छा है
15. जब हम बोलना
         नही जानते थे तो
           हमारे बोले बिना'माँ'
             हमारी बातो को समझ जाती थी
                 और आज हम हर बात पर
                     कहते है छोङो भी 'माँ'
                         आप नही समझोगी
16. शुक्र गुजार हूँ
        उन तमाम लोगो का
           जिन्होने बुरे वक्त मे
              मेरा साथ छोङ दिया
                 क्योकि उन्हे भरोसा था
                    कि मै मुसीबतो से
                       अकेले ही निपट सकता हूँ
17. शर्म की अमीरी से
         इज्जत की गरीबी अच्छी है
18. जिदंगी मे उतार चङाव
         का आना बहुत जरुरी है
            क्योकि ECG मे सीधी लाईन
                का मतलब मौत ही होता है
19. रिश्ते आजकल रोटी
         की तरह हो गए है
            जरा सी आंच तेज क्या हुई
               जल भुनकर खाक हो जाते
20. जिदंगी मे अच्छे लोगो की
        तलाश मत करो
          खुद अच्छे बन जाओ
            आपसे मिलकर शायद
               किसी की तालाश पूरी हो

ख़्वाहिशों से नहीं गिरते हैं फूल झोली में,
अपने कर्मों की शाख को हिलाना होगा।
उजाला नहीं होगा कभी अन्धेरे को कोसने से,
अपने हिस्से का दिया ख़ुद ही जलाना होगा ।

मंजिल यू ही नहीं मिलती राही को...
जुनून सा दिल में जगाना पड़ता है...
पूछा चिड़िया को की घोंसला कैसे बनता है...
वो बोली तिनका तिनका उठाना पड़ता है..
खुशियाँ कम और अरमान बहुत हैं,
जिसे भी देखिए यहाँ हैरान बहुत है।

करीब से देखा तो है रेत का घर,
दूर से मगर उनकी शान बहुत है।

कहते है सच का कोई सानी नही,
आज तो झूठ की आन बान बहुत है।

मुश्किल से मिलता है शहर में आदमी,
यूँ तो कहने को इंसान बहुत हैं।

वक्त पे न पहचाने ये अलग बात,
वैसे तो शहर में अपनी पहचान बहुत है।
मैंने ड्राइविंग लाईसेन्स के लिए चौथी बार ड्राइविंग टेस्ट दिया, मैं इतना मशहूर और पसंदीदा हो चुका था कि इस बार ऑफिसर ने मेरे लिए एक ही सवाल रखा था।

सवाल: आप 120 की रफ्तार से एक ऐसी सड़क से गुजर रहे हो जिसके एक ओर ऊंचा पहाड़ और दूसरी तरफ गहरी खाई है, सामने दो औरतें आ जाती हैं एक जवान और एक बूढ़ी, अब आप किसे मारेंगें ...

मैंने तुरंत जवाब लिखा कि "मैं बूढ़ी औरत को मारूँगा।"
हर बार कि तरह मैं इम्तिहान में फिर फेल हो गया

एक्सआमिनर से मिला और वजह पूछी तो उसने मुझे ध्यान से देखा और ठंडी सांस भर कर कहा

"मैं आपको आखिरी बार बता रहा हूँ कि आप ब्रेक मारेंगे, औरत नहीं।"

शब्दांनीच शिकवलय पडता पडता सावरायला,
  शब्दांनीच शिकवलय रडता रडता हसायला.
  शब्दांमुऴेच होतो एखाद्याचा घात आणि
  शब्दांमुऴेच मिऴते एखाद्याची आयुष्यभर साथ.
  शब्दांमुऴेच जुऴतात मनामनाच्या तारा आणि
  शब्दांमुऴेच चढतो एखाद्याचा पारा.
  शब्दच जपुन ठेवतात त्या गोड आठवणी
  आणि शब्दांमुऴेच तरऴते कधीतरी डोऴ्यात पाणी...
"म्हणूनच जो जीभ जिंकेल तो मन जिंकेल आणि जो मन जिंकेल तो जग जिंकेल".
         सुप्रभात🙏 शुभ सकाळ🙏

👌जब आप मंदिर नहीं जा पाए तो
यह मत कहो कि वक्त नहीं मिला..!

बल्कि यह सोचो कि...
ऐसा कौन सा काम किया, जिसकी वजह से..
भगवान ने तुम्हें आज
अपने सामने खड़ा करना भी पसंद नहीं किया।

जंगल में हर रोज सुबह होने पर हिरन सोचता है कि मुझे शेर से ज्यादा तेज भागना है, नहीं तो शेर मुझे मार के खा जायेगा।

और शेर हर सुबह उठ कर सोचता है कि मुझे हिरन से तेज भागना है, वरना में भुखा मर जाऊंगा।

आप शेर हो या हिरन, उससे कोई मतलब नहीं है। अगर आप को अच्छी ज़िंदगी जीनी है, तो हर रोज़ भागना पड़ेगा।

     "संघर्ष के बिना कुछ नहीं मिलता है।"


टीचर - बताओ रोज बादाम खाने से क्या होगा।
स्टुडैंट - बादाम खतम हो जाएंगे । :-P
टीचर - छोटी मधुमक्खी तुम्हे क्या देती है?
बच्चे - शहद!
टीचर - पतली बकरी?
बच्चे - दूध!
टीचर - और मोटी भैंस?
बच्चे - होमवर्क! :-P ;-)
दे...थप्पड़ पे थप्पड़....😂😂😂😂
टीचर-पप्पू एक स्टोरी सूनाओ with moral...!!!
पप्पू -मैने उसको फोन किया...!!!
वो सो रही थी...!!!
उसने मुझे फोन किया...!!!
मैं सो रहा था...!!!
Moral - जैसी करनी वस भरनी...!!! :-P
🐞2 काकरोच ICU में एक दूसरे के बगल के बेड पर जख्मी हालत में एडमिट थे...

एक ने दूसरे से पूछा... Hit या चप्पल??🐾

दूसरे ने जवाब दिया....नही यार, ये लडकियाँ भी देख देख कर इतना चिल्लाती हैं,
कि हार्ट अटैक आ गया..;-) :-D

________________________ 😆😆😆😆😛😅😂😂
मुकेश अम्बानी : अगर मै सुबह से
अपनी कार में निकलू तो शाम तक
अपनी आधी प्रॉपर्टी भी नहीं देख

संता : हमारे पास भी ऐसी खटारा
कार थी। .... बेच दी:-P

: आदमी मछर से :- "दिन में क्यों काट रहे हो ..."😕😕
मच्चर :- "ओवरटाइम कर रहा हु साहब माँ -बाप
बीमार है ...घर में जवान बहन है और लड़केवालों ने
दहेज़ में 1 लीटर खून माँगा ह;-) :-Pै
____________________________ 😜😜😜😜😜😜
वो उदास बैठे पानी मे पत्थर मार रहे था
एक मेढक निकल कर बोला
पानी मे आ तेरी उदासी उतारू साले
अपनी वाली के चक्कर मे
मेरी वाली का सिर फोड दिया। 😂😂😂;-) :-P
Teacher: A B C सुनाओ..

संता: A B C

Teacher: और सुनाओ...

संता: और सब बढियां, आप सुनाओ! 😜😜😜;-) :-P
एक आदमी ने फेसबुक पे स्टेटस डाला, "आज मैं छत पर सोऊँगा !"
फिर क्या था.....

... पन्द्रह मच्छरों ने लाइक कर दिया..!!! :-P :-D

Why You Should Drink More Tea (and Less Coffee)

It's safe to say that most people you ask will say that if they had to choose between tea and coffee, they would choose coffee hands down. This may be because its rich taste and high caffeine content gives us a boost that keeps us going. However, most of the time you should drop that cup of Joe and pick up a cup of hot and fragrant tea, and we'll tell you why!
tea and coffee

1. Tea Hydrates the Body

.">Although coffee is also considered a hydrating liquid, tea has the added benefit of being hot water with tea flavoring. This means that it is much more beneficial to sit down and have a cup of tea because the beverage hydrates your body immediately. With coffee, it take time for the water to be absorbed because it so well mixed.

.">2. Serious Health Benefits

.">In a number of scientific studies it has been shown that tea can reduce the chances of certain kinds of cancers and diseases. This fact mostly applies for green tea, which has been glorified in many areas of Asia as the reason for their lean figure and better bill of health. Coffee does have some beneficial antioxidants, but not any more than a cup of tea can provide.

.">3. Tea Keeps You Going Longer

The adamant coffee drinker will interject here that tea may be healthier than coffee, but it can't compare when it comes to caffeine levels. This it seems is actually a myth. It has been shown that tea has the same amount of caffeine as coffee, but unlike coffee, tea does not have such a drastic energy depressing effect.

When you drink coffee, you get a large and quick dose of caffeine that causes your energy levels to drop at the same speed. Tea, however, has just as much caffeine, but because it is absorbed slower, energy depression will take place over a longer period of time. If you need a drink to keep going throughout the day, drink tea instead of coffee.

tea and coffee

4. More Antioxidant Power

The other thing an avid coffee drinker might tell you is that coffee has more and better antioxidants than tea. It appears that this too is a myth. Companies now put good antioxidants into things like tea to improve their health benefits, so it is uncertain that coffee has more antioxidants than tea.

5. Tea is a Great Weight loss Tool

Recent Research has shown that green tea may be a tremendous aid in weight loss. This is due to the fact that green tea helps kick-start your metabolism, but also that it is a much healthier substitute than sugar soft drinks. In comparison to any drink with added sugar, even coffee, tea is less likely to remain on your waistline, especially if you drink it with honey or a bit of sugar.

6. Dental Health

To be honest, excessive amounts of tea and coffee aren't good for your dental health, especially not for the whiteness of your teeth. However, if you must choose the lesser of the two evils, it is best to choose tea. Drinking a cup or two a day of tea will keep your levels of fluoride normal without any discoloration, while a few cups of coffee means even less fluoride and more discoloration.

7. Aids Bone Health

In a new Australian study it was found that people who drank tea on a regular basis had stronger bones and were less likely to develop osteoporosis thanks to high levels of tea catechins. A separate study found that drinking tea could too promote healthy bone formation. There aren't any positive things to say about coffee and bones, in fact your grandmother probably told you that drinking coffee too early could stunt your growth!

8. Helps Reduce Stress

Ahhh...That's the best word to describe the feeling of drinking a hot cup of tea. Unlike coffee that makes you jittery and puts you on high alert, tea soothes and relaxes your brain. There must be a reason why it is used by so many cultures as a bonding tool!

9. Give Your Immune System a Boost!

Although tea will most likely not cure you of the flu, it flushes the bug out of your system and will improve your immune system so you won't get sick in the future. This also depends on what kind of tea you are drinking. One cup of regular Earl Grey tea most likely won't do you much good, but a cup of ginger or honey and lemon tea will do the trick!

So remember the many health benefits of tea, next time you think about pouring yourself a cup of Joe!

                 मेरे ईश्वर
      किस्मत पर नाज़ है तो वजह
                 तेरी रहमत..
       खुशियां जो पास है तो वजह
                  तेरी रहमत..
         मेरे अपने मेरे साथ है तो
            वजह तेरी रहमत...
        मैं तुझसे मोहब्बत की तलब
               कैसे न करूँ....
       चलती जो ये सांस है तो वजह
               तेरी रहमत.
     सुन्दर सुबह का मीठा मीठा नमस्कार

Benefits of Carrots

Forget about vitamin A pills. With this orange crunchy power food, you get vitamin A and a host of other powerful health benefits including beautiful skin, cancer prevention, and anti-aging. Read how to get maximum benefits from this amazing vegetable.

1. Improves vision
Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina, to a purple pigment necessary for night vision.
Beta-carotene has also been shown to protect against macular degeneration and senile cataracts.

2. Helps prevent cancer
Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.

3. Slows down aging
The high level of beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant to cell damage done to the body through regular metabolism. It help slows down the aging of cells.
4. Promotes healthier skin
Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes, and uneven skin tone.
5. Helps prevent infection
Carrots are known by herbalists to prevent infection. They can be used on cuts – shredded raw or boiled and mashed.
6. Promotes healthier skin (from the outside)
Carrots are used as an inexpensive and very convenient facial mask. Just mix grated carrot with a bit of honey.
7. Prevents heart disease
Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein.
8. Cleanses the body
Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. The fibers present in carrots help clean out the colon and hasten waste movement.
9. Protects teeth and gums
it’s all in the crunch... Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste. Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.
10. Prevents stroke
From all the above benefits it is no surprise that in a Harvard University study, people who ate more than six carrots a week are less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate only one carrot a month or less.

23 Additional Uses for Toothpaste

The more I learn about the nature of things, the more I realize that there is no one specific function for materials. Everything we use in our daily lives can still be put to many other uses. Take toothpaste, for example. We only use it to clean our teeth, but in reality, it can do so much more. For example... 

20 things you can do to show you care

1. Give money you can spare to someone who needs it and then pretend you never had it.
2. Let someone tell a story without feeling the need to one-up them or tell your own.
3. Let someone vent, even if you can’t offer a solution, just to be an ear—without considering how well they listened to you last week.
4. Help someone who is struggling with difficult feelings by admitting you’ve felt the same thing—without considering whether they’d be as open with you.
5. Ask, “What can I do to help you today?” Then let it go after following through.
6. Tell someone how you feel about them, even if it makes you feel vulnerable, just to let them know they’re loved and not alone.
7. Apologize when you’ve acted selfishly, even if you don’t like feeling wrong, because it will remind the other person they deserve to be treated with respect.
8. Let someone else educate you, even if you’re tempted to stay closed minded, because you value their knowledge and appreciate their willingness to share it.
9. Forgive someone who wronged you because you have compassion for them, not because you know they’ll owe you.
10. Hold someone’s hand when they feel vulnerable to let them know you haven’t judged them.
11. Give your full attention to the person in front of you when you’re tempted to let your thoughts wander just to show them their words are valuable.
12. Assume the best when you’re tempted to suspect someone for no valid reason—even if they haven’t always given you the benefit of the doubt.
13. Accompany someone to an appointment or drive them to an interview when they need support just to help them feel strong.
14. Change your plans for someone you love if yours weren’t too important without questioning whether they’d do the same for you.
15. Teach someone how to do something without taking a superior position because they’ve likely taught you many things, whether they were obvious or not.
16. Leave a thoughtful comment on someone’s blog, not to build your readership but rather to show them how they affected you.
17. Tell someone you believe in their potential, even if they haven’t always shown you the same support.
18. Say no when it would make you feel good to say yes, because sometimes being kind means pushing someone to step up and try harder.
19. Tell someone you know they meant well instead of using their mistake as an opportunity to manipulate their guilt.
20. I’ve left this one open for you to write. How do you give just to show you care?

7 Surprising Facts About Kashi Vishwanath Temple

One of the most famous temples dedicated to Lord Shiva, Kashi Vishwanath Temple is holiest place holding some of the most interesting facts. Standing on the Western bank of the holy river Ganga, it is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas. Take a look at some facts that are not known by many.
Tumultuous History of Kashi
According to records the temple was found in 1490. Kashi has seen the rule of many kings both famous and not so famous. Few of us know that it was also ruled by Buddhists for some time. The city on the banks of Ganges has seen its share of slaughter and destruction. The temples were plundered time and again by the Mughals. The original temples were re-built, then destroyed and re-built.
The Construction of the temple
Mughal Emperor Akbar gave permission to build the original temple, which was later destroyed by Aurangazeb.
The Great Rani Ahilya Bai Holkar Built the Present temple
The Kashi Vishwanath temple was last rebuilt and restored to its glory by the Queen of Indore, Rani Ahilya Bai Holkar. She took the initiative to restore the temple and also provided the funds for it. Aurangzeb had destroyed the temple and built a mosque in its place.
Kashi Vishwanath is revered as one of the 12 Jyotirlingas of Shiva. It is also said that Lord Shiva actually stayed here for some time. Kashi has been derived from the word KAS, which literally means to shine.
The Golden Chatra
The temple has a golden chatra on top. It is believed that any wish is fulfilled if it is made after seeing the chatra.
First Ray of Light
It is believed that when the earth was created the first ray of light fell on Kashi. There are legends that believe that Shiva had actually stayed here for some time. Shiva is supposed to the guardian of the city and its people.
Legend of the GyaanaVapi or Well of Wisdom
It is said the when news reached of Aurangzebs plans to destroy the temple, the idol of Shiva was hidden in a well to protect it from the destruction. The well still stands there between the mosque and the temple. Be sure to see it next time you go to pray at this majestic site

Top 10 Ways Oranges Keep You Healthy

Oranges! They’re delicious, juicy and packed full of vitamins (A/B/C) nutrients (Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Calcium more) as well as antioxidants anti-inflammatory nutrients. You’ll be amazed to know that drinking a glass of its juice is more effective than taking a vitamin C supplement!

Here are 10 reasons why this miracle citrus fruit is so good for you:
1. Boost your immune system
most citrus fruits, the Orange is packed full of vitamin C, which is much needed to keep your immune system running efficiently and boost the production of white blood cells, plus vitamin A, copper and folate – all essential for the immune system.

2. Lower your cholesterol
Research shows that the flavanones in orange juice lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and improve the good-to-bad cholesterol ratio. Oranges also contain Pectin, it’s a soluble fiber that locks up bad cholesterol and expels it from the body.

3. Fight aging
Rich in antioxidants, oranges earned their reputation of anti-aging fruit, as well as the fact that they contain beta-carotene which helps in repairing skin-damage.

4. Keep your eyes healthy
Beta-carotene also is turned into vitamin A by the body and vitamin A is known to be vital to the function of our eyes. Along with it, the Orange contains carotenoids that help prevent chronic eye diseases.

5. Rejuvenate your skin
The antioxidant properties of vitamin C helps fight sun-damage as well as environmental pollutants that can damage the skin. It also is a key ingredient in the production of collagen, which helps keep the skin tight and elastic. The citric acid in the peels lightens and brightens the skin and also opens up clogged pores, so making a face mask from them is also a good idea.

6. Cancer Prevention
We mentioned antioxidants already, but did you know they also help fight free radicals which are a leading cause of cancer? Not only that, but you parents out there would to learn that research shows that regularly giving orange-juice to children in the first 2 years of their life will reduce the possibility of the developing Leukemia.

7. Helps you lose weight
Need a helping hand in losing weight? Eat more oranges. Rich in fiber – oranges keep you feeling full for longer, and thanks to the vitamin C the body can burn fat faster!

8. Healthier heart
Being rich in antioxidants, folate and potassium, oranges are great for heart health. The antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, present in oranges protect the arteries from free radicals and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Also, oranges have phytochemicals that prevent platelets from sticking together and strengthen blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. Folate, or vitamin B9, processes the amino acid homocysteine in the body.

High levels of homocysteine may cause a heart attack, irrespective of a person’s cholesterol levels. Potassium is another crucial nutrient for heart health as it plays a key role in heart functions and muscle contractions. Plus, research has found that the flavanone hesperidin present in the fruit and its juice contributes to vascular protective effects.

9. Helps prevent Arthritis
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice daily can assist in reducing the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin C, Phytonutrients Zeaxanthin and Beta-Cryptoxanthin protect against oxidative damage that can result in inflammation.

10. Prevents you from getting Kidney stones
Finally, vitamin C also helps increase the amount of citrate in your urine, which in turn reduces your liness of getting Calcium Oxalate kidney stones by reducing the crystallization of Uric Acid Calcium Oxalate.

Don’t overdo it though, oranges are rich in sugar and acids, and can lead to tooth-decay and might upset your stomach if consumed in large quantities.

5 surprising benefits of walking

1. It counteracts the effects of weight-promoting genes.
Harvard researchers looked at 32 obesity-promoting genes in over 12,000 people to determine how much these genes actually contribute to body weight. They then discovered that, among the study participants who walked briskly for about an hour a day, the effects of those genes were cut in half.

2. It helps tame a sweet tooth.
A pair of studies from the University of Exeter found that a 15-minute walk can curb cravings for chocolate and even reduce the amount of chocolate you eat in stressful situations. And the latest research confirms that walking can reduce cravings and intake of a variety of sugary snacks.

3. It reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.
Researchers already know that any kind of physical activity blunts the risk of breast cancer. But an American Cancer Society study that zeroed in on walking found that women who walked seven or more hours a week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer than those who walked three hours or fewer per week. And walking provided this protection even for the women with breast cancer risk factors, such as being overweight or using supplemental hormones.

4. It eases joint pain.
Several studies have found that walking reduces arthritis-related pain, and that walking five to six miles a week can even prevent arthritis from forming in the first place. Walking protects the joints — especially the knees and hips, which are most susceptible to osteoarthritis — by lubricating them and strengthening the muscles that support them.

5. It boosts immune function.
Walking can help protect you during cold and flu season. A study of over 1,000 men and women found that those who walked at least 20 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, had 43% fewer sick days than those who exercised once a week or less. And if they did get sick, it was for a shorter duration, and their symptoms were milder.

14 Unusual Uses for Garlic

Pungent and powerful garlic has dozens of health and household uses - some of which may seem pretty unusual. While garlic is an important ally for natural health (you may be familiar with the fact that garlic has the ability to increase immunity, banish colds and is a recognized broad-spectrum antibiotic), its functions extend beyond these common uses. Check out these 14 unusual and strange alternative uses for garlic.

1. A Great Aid for Athlete's Foot

Being a potent, natural antifungal, garlic is ideal for treating fungal infections irritating and itchy athlete's foot. Just add a couple of crushed garlic cloves to warm water in a foot bath and soak the affected area for 30 minutes.

2. Helps in Preventing Gas

While for some, garlic causes uncomfortable stomach-distending gas, due to its high sulfur content, for others it can reportedly ease it. In order to maintain intestinal health though, you would need to consume it on a regular basis. Garlic can kill harmful intestinal bacteria, promoting the growth of beneficial flora, making digestion smoother.

3. Combats Hair Loss

Before resorting to a more drastic measure, if you are going bald, give garlic a shot. It is believed that massaging the scalp with garlic oil stimulates hair growth.

4. Apply it to Breakouts of Acne

Though it will make your skin smell, the antibacterial properties of garlic will help lessen the appearance of acne, including those deep acne cysts that can otherwise be difficult to treat. Just slice open a clove of raw, fresh garlic and apply it to breakouts.

5. Aids in Weight Loss

Though you cannot count on garlic to help you lose a lot of weight, research shows that garlic has potential for aiding weight loss. Compounds found in garlic send signals of satiety to your brain, which will actually help you to feel full faster. It also boosts metabolic function, enabling you to burn more calories.

6. Use it as a Natural Pesticide

An all-natural garlic pesticide spray can be used to ward off pests whiteflies, aphids, cabbage loppers and squash bugs. All you need to do is mince three garlic cloves and let them sit in two tablespoons of mineral oil for 24 hours. Then, strain out the garlic and add the oil, along with a teaspoon of liquid dish soap, to a pint of water in a spray bottle and spray on infested plants.

7. Use it to Repel Mosquitoes

You need not use DEET and other potentially toxic chemicals to ward off mosquitoes, garlic can work wonders. To prepare a mosquito spray, let a few minced cloves of garlic infuse in an ounce of mineral oil for 24 hours. Strain and mix the garlic scented oil with two cups of water and one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. If necessary, strain again and pour into a spray bottle.

8. Use it as a Natural Adhesive to Repair Glass

Though it may not work on major jobs, garlic juice can be used to fill in hairline cracks in glass and hold them together. Simply crush a clove of garlic and rub its sticky, viscous juice in the cracks and wipe away the excess.

9. Kills Bacteria that Causes Ear Infections

This common folk remedy has been used for centuries. Simply crush a clove of garlic and place it in a teaspoon of hot olive oil for five minutes. Strain, allow to cool and drip a few drops at a time into your ear canal. Alternatively, you can purchase garlic oil from natural health food stores.

10. Helps Remove Splinters

Splinters are painful to remove and may at times dig a little too deep into the skin to pull out, but this odd trick can really work. Place a thin slice over the splinter, keeping it on with a bandage. The garlic should help the splinter work its way out of the skin within hours.

11. Use it to Relieve Psoriasis

Garlic's anti-inflammatory properties could ease or even prevent persistent tightness and itching of psoriasis. Active compounds in garlic interact with arachidonic acid, an omega fatty acid in the skin linked to psoriasis. You may also rub garlic oil on the affected areas once or twice per day.

12. Use it as a Cough Syrup

Garlic can be used as a cough syrup to ease inflammation in the throat and clear up excess mucus. Add raw, minced garlic in hot water, straining it after five minutes and drinking the liquid as tea. To make it more palatable, add ginger and honey.

13. Garlic makes for a Fantastic Road De-icer

Come winter, many towns de-ice their roads. Ankeny, Iowa smelled awfully savory in 2008 when winter transportation crews spread garlic salt on the streets in advance of snowstorms. The salt, donated by a local spice producer, was apparently deemed unfit for human consumption.

14. Kills Intestinal Parasites

Many alternative health practitioners advise using raw garlic to expel intestinal parasites. Consumed in quantities of about three cloves per day may help clear nasty organisms out of the digestive tract. It is recommended as part of a cleansing diet that also includes raw honey, lemon juice, pumpkin seeds, carrots and beets.

Excellent Truths:-

1. In a theatre when drama plays, opt for front seats.
When film is screened, opt for rear seats.

Your position in life is only relative.
..Not absolute.

2.For making soap,
..oil is required.
But to clean oil,
..soap is required.

This is the irony of life..

3. Only two category of people
are happy in life:
The Mad and The Child.

Be Mad achieve a goal.
Be a Child to
..enjoy what you achieved.

4. Enjoy the life..!!
Neither you can hug yourself
nor you can cry on your own shoulder..
Life is all about living for one another, live with those
who love you the most.

Relations cannot be Understood
by the Language of Money.

Some Investments Never Give Profit
But They Make us rich...!

What is Prayer?

Prayer doesn't just happen when we kneel or put hands together and focus and expect things from God


Thinking positive and wishing good for others - That is prayer

When you hug a friend - That's a prayer

When you cook something to nourish family and friends- That's a prayer

When we send off our near and dear ones and say 'Drive Safely' or 'Be Safe'- That's prayer

When you are helping someone in need by giving your time and energy - You are praying

Prayer is a Vibration- A feeling - A thought.

Prayer is the voice of love, friendship, genuine relationships

Live Like Water

Live Like Water - Like with Grace, Ease and Determination

Water is a great teacher that shows us how to move through the world with grace, ease, determination, and humility.

The journey of water as it flows upon the earth can be a mirror of our own paths through life. Water begins its residence on earth as it falls from the sky or melts from ice and streams down a mountain into a tributary or stream. In the same way, we come into the world and begin our lives on earth. Like a river that flows within the confines of its banks, we are born with certain defining characteristics that govern our identity. We are born in a specific time and place, within a specific family, and with certain gifts and challenges. Within these parameters, we move through life, encountering many twists, turns, and obstacles along the way just as a river flows.

Water is a great teacher that shows us how to move through the world with grace, ease, determination, and humility. When a river breaks at a waterfall, it gains energy and moves on, as we encounter our own waterfalls, we may fall hard but we always keep moving on. Water can inspire us to not become rigid with fear or cling to what’s familiar. Water is brave and does not waste time clinging to its past, but flows onward without looking back. At the same time, when there is a hole to be filled, water does not run away from it in fear of the dark; instead, water humbly and bravely fills the empty space. In the same way, we can face the dark moments of our life rather than run away from them.

Eventually, a river will empty into the sea. Water does not hold back from joining with a larger body, nor does it fear a loss of identity or control. It gracefully and humbly tumbles into the vastness by contributing its energy and merging without resistance. Each time we move beyond our individual egos to become part of something bigger, we can try our best to follow the lead of the river.

A Method To Fall Asleep In Sixty Seconds

Yoga is what inspired Dr. Andrew to make “The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise”. This exercise is very simple and easy and can be done where ever you want. No equipment is needed and won’t take long to be done.

“The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise” Instructions:

1) Breathe out entirely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.

2) Close your mouth and inhale gently through your nose to a count of four.

3) Hold your breath for a count of seven.

4) Exhale totally through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.

5) This is one breath. Do the same for three more times for a total of four breaths.

What actually this practice does it lowers the heart rate and calms the mind. Dr. Andrew advises to concentrate on keeping the ratio exact and inhaling/exhaling deeply every time.

Although it sounds very easy be sure not to criticize it before trying it.

Why is it important to eat vegetables?

Eating vegetables provides health benefits – people who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Vegetables provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.


Most vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories. None have cholesterol. (Sauces or seasonings may add fat, calories, and/or cholesterol.)

Vegetables are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C.

Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Vegetable sources of potassium include sweet potatoes, white potatoes, white beans, tomato products (paste, sauce, and juice), beet greens, soybeans, lima beans, spinach, lentils, and kidney beans.

Dietary fiber from vegetables, as part of an overall healthy diet, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as vegetables help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories.

Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant should consume adequate folate from foods, and in addition 400 mcg of synthetic folic acid from fortified foods or supplements. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.

Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections.

Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds and keeps teeth and gums healthy. Vitamin C aids in iron absorption.

Health benefits
Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.

Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancers.

Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

Eating vegetables and fruits rich in potassium as part of an overall healthy diet may lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.

Eating foods such as vegetables that are lower in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake.

To improve brain memory

If our brains were computers, we'd simply add a chip to upgrade our memory. The human brain, however, is more complex than even the most advanced machine, so improving our memory isn't quite so easy. Just as it takes effort to build physical fitness, so too does boosting brain power.

Sharp and Strong memory is natural desire of every person. Either you are a student,or professional or an aged person.A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. It is better to do something about it and try to follow given Tips which will definitely help you to enhance your brain memory.

Try to adopt a habit of regular exercise because it increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss.
Proper sleep of at least 6 to 8 hours is essential for proper functioning of brain cells.
Make time for friends and fun because smiling and laughters involve multiple regions across the whole brain and have positive effects on brain cells.
Reduce the stress level because it has adverse effect on brain cells.
Try to intake food which is essential for proper nourishment and growth of brain cells.
Fish oil is also effective for improving memory loss. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids that help your brain and body work better. It is also good for improving the body's functioning by helping you think better.Omega-3 fatty acids are found in wild-caught, deep sea fish (wild salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring). Other non-fish sources of omega-3 fatty acids include walnuts, ground flax seed, flax seed oil, pumpkin seeds, and soybeans.
B Vitamins improve memory by creating a protective shield for the neurons in the brain. B vitamins break down homocysteine, which is an amino acid that is a toxic poison to nerve cells. These vitamins also help in the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen, an important brain nutrient.

The most important B vitamins for memory include B6, B12, and Folic Acid (B9). You can increase the B vitamins in your diet by taking vitamin supplements and by consuming healthy, natural foods such as spinach and other dark, leafy greens; broccoli, asparagus, strawberries, melons, black beans, leeks, and other legumes, citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit, and soybeans.

Vitamins C, E, and beta carotene are antioxidants and are also important vitamins for memory. Antioxidants protect brain tissue by breaking down free radicals, which are toxic forms of the oxygen molecule naturally found in the bloodstream.These vitamins can be found in naturally occurring foods such as blueberries, strawberries, and other berries; sweet potatoes, red tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, green tea and other types of tea, nuts and seeds, and citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits.

Anemia: An Easy to Understand Guide

What is Anemia?

Anemia is a condition that occurs when not enough oxygen-carrying red blood cells, are being delivered to your body's cells and organs. People with anemia look worn out and have less energy for activities because their hearts are working harder to pump red blood cells around their bodies.

Anemia is not a disease and is easily treatable, and sometimes it’s triggered by other diseases. If you suspect you might be anemic, it's really important to be in touch with a medical professional. A blood test easily confirms whether you have anemia or not. Now, let's look at why you might develop anemia.

Why Would I Get Anemia?

Anemia also occurs when your body doesn't produce enough red blood cells, or there isn't enough hemoglobin in your red blood cells. Hemoglobin is an important protein, which transports oxygen from the lungs to other cells in your body.

If all these new scientific terms are confusing you it might be easier to imagine the blood in your body as a transport system, where the red blood cells are the vehicles and the oxygen is the passenger, who needs to go work on your cells and organs.

If you lose a lot of blood, or blood is being lost faster than new blood cells are being produced, you may become anemic. Women are more likely to develop anemia due to heavy menstruation, pregnancy or from bleeding after giving birth. Blood loss from trauma, surgery or internal bleeding caused by ulcers or other digestive disorders can also cause anemia.

Types of Anemia

There are several different kinds of anemia. The most common one is iron deficiency anemia, i.e. you have low levels of iron or are unable to absorb iron easily. Other nutritional deficiencies cause anemia such as vitamin B12 deficiency anemia or folic acid deficiencyanemia. In rare cases, anemia is caused by inherited blood diseases such as sickle cell anemia, Aplastic anemia, or Thalassemia.

How to Tell If You Have Anemia

Anemia isn't initially obvious. When you have mild to moderate anemia, you will feel weak, be fatigued and experience shortness of breath. If the condition is not detected early, more symptoms might develop such as a racing heartbeat, dizziness, headaches, ringing in the ears and restless leg syndrome. Additionally your skin and fingernails will look pale, and you might have increased hair loss. As mentioned before, the best way to tell if you are anemic is by getting a blood test.

Signs and Symptoms:

Mild Anemia:
Shortness of breath

Moderate to Severe Anemia:
Rapid heartbeat
Ringing in the ears
Restless leg syndrome
Hair loss
Pale skin

Additional Signs:
Pale or brittle fingernails
Cold hands and feet
Low body temperature
Sexual dysfunction
Cuts take longer to heal
Inability to concentrate

Treatment & Home Remedies

Iron Pills

Since the most common cause of anemia is low levels of iron, your doctor can prescribe iron pills, or you can buy supplements over the counter at a pharmacy. If one ingests too much iron, it can be toxic, and it is recommended you consult your doctor regarding the correct dosage for your age and weight.

Bananas, Honey, Almonds and Onions

The good news is that not only are these foods delicious, but they are also known for stimulating hemoglobin production. Start your day off by combining bananas, honey and almonds in oatmeal or with muesli for a nutritious breakfast.

Avoid Iron Blocking Foods

Certain foods need to be avoided close to meal times as they can prevent iron absorption.
Red wine, black and green tea, grapes, all heavy in tannins
Coffee, chocolate, and other caffeine laden foods
Milk and calcium products
Egg yolks, which contain the iron binding protein phosvitin
Soy products

Vitamin C

This super vitamin helps iron absorption. Vitamin C is found in many of nature's colorful fruits and vegetables and is particularly rich in oranges, strawberries, pomegranates or dates.

Eat Iron Rich Foods

Iron can also be obtained through your regular diet and making healthy food choices can only help. Here is a list of iron-rich foods, with choices for both meat lovers and vegetarians.

Meat-eaters' options:
Red meat
Chicken liver

Vegetarian options:
Fortified dry cereal
Beets, lentils, and beans
Spinach, or other leafy green vegetables
Black molasses
Dried fruits such as raisins, currants, and prunes


M.d. Hegde's photo.

😕Indian moms want their daughters to control their husband and expect their sons to control their wives.

😕Parents want their children to stand out in a crowd but expect them to do what everybody else is doing.

😕Everything that is run by the government looks very bad except government jobs.

😕A huge country of 1635 languages.....united by a foreign language.

😕Government talks about removing the caste system but you are required to mention your caste on every damn form you fill.

😕Seeing a policeman makes us nervous rather than making us feel safe.

😕We often say "Atithi Devo Bhavah" but we do not allow visitor parking in our residential societies.

😕We are Always in a hurry but never on time.

😕Holy places are very interesting places - The poor beg outside and the rich beg inside.

A bull 🐂 was deployed for servicing the cows on a farm🐄.

Lady asks the farm manager: "How many times can this bull 🐂 perform?"

Manager replies: "5 to 6 times in a day".

Lady looks at her husband: "You see?"

Husband asks the manager: "Is it the same cow every time?"

Manager: "No sir it’s a different cow every time."

Man looks back to wife: "You see!"


Thursday, March 17, 2016

तमन्ना फिर मचल जाये अगर तुम मिलने आ जाओ
ये मौसम भी बदल जाए अगर तुम मिलने आ जाओ

मुझे गम है की मैंने जिंदगी में कुछ नहीं पाया
ये गम दिल से निकल जाए अगर तुम मिलने आ जाओ

ये दुनिया भर झगडे, घर के किस्से, काम की बाते
बला हर एक टल जाये अगर तुम मिलने आ जाओ

नहीं मिलते हो मुझसे तुम तो सब हमदर्द है मेरे
जमाना मुझसे जल जाए अगर तुम मिलने आ जाओ..!!
सुन्दर कविता जिसके अर्थ काफी गहरे हैं........

मैंने .. हर रोज .. जमाने को .. रंग बदलते देखा है ....
उम्र के साथ .. जिंदगी को .. ढंग बदलते देखा है .. !!

वो .. जो चलते थे .. तो शेर के चलने का .. होता था गुमान..
उनको भी .. पाँव उठाने के लिए .. सहारे को तरसते देखा है !!

जिनकी .. नजरों की .. चमक देख .. सहम जाते थे लोग ..
उन्ही .. नजरों को .. बरसात .. की तरह ~~ रोते देखा है .. !!

जिनके .. हाथों के .. जरा से .. इशारे से .. टूट जाते थे ..पत्थर ..
उन्ही .. हाथों को .. पत्तों की तरह .. थर थर काँपते देखा है .. !!

जिनकी आवाज़ से कभी .. बिजली के कड़कने का .. होता था भरम ..
उनके .. होठों पर भी .. जबरन .. चुप्पी का ताला .. लगा देखा है .. !!

ये जवानी .. ये ताकत .. ये दौलत ~~ सब कुदरत की .. इनायत है ..
इनके .. रहते हुए भी .. इंसान को ~~ बेजान हुआ देखा है ... !!

अपने .. आज पर .. इतना ना .. इतराना ~~ मेरे .. यारों ..
वक्त की धारा में .. अच्छे अच्छों को ~~ मजबूर हुआ देखा है .. !!!

कर सको......तो किसी को खुश करो......दुःख देते ........तो हजारों को देखा है.

सुन्दर कविता जिसके अर्थ काफी गहरे हैं........

मैंने .. हर रोज .. जमाने को .. रंग बदलते देखा है ....
उम्र के साथ .. जिंदगी को .. ढंग बदलते देखा है .. !!

वो .. जो चलते थे .. तो शेर के चलने का .. होता था गुमान..
उनको भी .. पाँव उठाने के लिए .. सहारे को तरसते देखा है !!

जिनकी .. नजरों की .. चमक देख .. सहम जाते थे लोग ..
उन्ही .. नजरों को .. बरसात .. की तरह ~~ रोते देखा है .. !!

जिनके .. हाथों के .. जरा से .. इशारे से .. टूट जाते थे ..पत्थर ..
उन्ही .. हाथों को .. पत्तों की तरह .. थर थर काँपते देखा है .. !!

जिनकी आवाज़ से कभी .. बिजली के कड़कने का .. होता था भरम ..
उनके .. होठों पर भी .. जबरन .. चुप्पी का ताला .. लगा देखा है .. !!

ये जवानी .. ये ताकत .. ये दौलत ~~ सब कुदरत की .. इनायत है ..
इनके .. रहते हुए भी .. इंसान को ~~ बेजान हुआ देखा है ... !!

अपने .. आज पर .. इतना ना .. इतराना ~~ मेरे .. यारों ..
वक्त की धारा में .. अच्छे अच्छों को ~~ मजबूर हुआ देखा है .. !!!

कर सको......तो किसी को खुश करो......दुःख देते ........तो हजारों को देखा है.

   इस संसार में सबसे बड़ी सज़ा है.!
                 और 'एकांत'
   इस संसार में सबसे बड़ा वरदान.!!

       ये दो समानार्थी दिखने वाले
               शब्दों के अर्थ में
    . आकाश पाताल का अंतर है।

        अकेलेपन में छटपटाहट है
          तो एकांत में आराम है।

         अकेलेपन में घबराहट है
             तो एकांत में शांति।

           जब तक हमारी नज़र
      बाहरकी ओर है तब तक हम.
       अकेलापन महसूस करते हैं
   जैसे ही नज़र भीतर की ओर मुड़ी
   तो एकांत अनुभव होने लगता है।

          ये जीवन और कुछ नहीं
      अकेलेपन से एकांत की ओर
              एक यात्रा ही है.!!

              ऐसी यात्रा जिसमें
    रास्ता भी हम हैं, राही भी हम हैं
       और मंज़िल भी हम ही हैं.!!

क्या आपने कभी VCR का हेड साफ़ किया है?

TV चेनल को गोल बटन से घुमा-घुमा के चेन्ज किया है?

टेप रेकोर्डर के केसेट को पेंसिल से घुमा-घुमा के रिवर्स किया है?

काले टेलीफोन के गोल डायल को घुमा-घुमा के नंबर मिलाया है?

हसन जहांगीर का गाना "हवा हवा ए हवा" सुना है??

दूरदर्शन पर "चित्रहार, हमलोग, नुक्कड़" देखा है?

अगर इन सारे सवालों का जवाब 'Yes' में है तो ...

ज़्यादा ख़ुश होने की ज़रूरत नहीं....


आप बूढ़े 👴 हो चुके हैं!!!!


ऐ "सुख" तू कहाँ मिलता है, क्या तेरा कोई स्थायी पता है।

क्यों बन बैठा है अन्जाना,आखिर क्या है तेरा ठिकाना।
कहाँ कहाँ ढूंढा तुझको, पर तू न कहीं मिला मुझको।

ढूंढा ऊँचे मकानों में, बड़ी बड़ी दुकानों में,
स्वादिस्ट पकवानों में, चोटी के धनवानों में।

वो भी तुझको ढूंढ रहे थे, बल्कि मुझको ही पूछ रहे थे,

क्या आपको कुछ पता है, ये सुख आखिर कहाँ रहता है ?
मेरे पास तो "दुःख" का पता था, जो सुबह शाम अक्सर मिलता था।

परेशान हो के रपट लिखवाई, पर ये कोशिश भी काम न आई।

उम्र अब ढलान पे है, हौसले भी थकान पे हैं,
हाँ उसकी तस्वीर है मेरे पास, अब भी बची हुई है आस।

मैं भी हार नही मानूंगा, सुख के रहस्य को जानूंगा,
बचपन में मिला करता था, मेरे साथ रहा करता था।

मैं जब से बड़ा हो गया, मेरा सुख मुझ से जुदा हो गया,
मैं फिर भी नही हुआ हताश जारी रखी उसकी तलाश।

एक दिन ये आवाज आई, क्या मुझको ढूंढ रहा है भाई,
मैं तेरे अन्दर छुपा हुआ हूँ, तेरे ही घर में बसा हुआ हूँ।

मेरा नही है कुछ भी "मोल" सिक्कों में मुझको न तोल,
मैं बच्चों की मुस्कानों में हूँ,हारमोनियम की तानों में हूँ।

पत्नी के साथ चाय पीने में, "परिवार" के संग जीने में,
माँ बाप के आशीर्वाद में, रसोई घर के पकवानो में।

बच्चों की सफलता में हूँ, माँ की निश्छल ममता में हूँ,
हर पल तेरे संग रहता हूँ, और अक्सर तुझसे कहता हूँ।

मैं तो हूँ बस एक "अहसास" बंद कर दे तू मेरी तलाश
जो मिला उसी में कर "संतोष"
आज को जी ले कल की न सोच

कल के लिए आज को न खोना,
मेरे लिए कभी दुखी न होना, मेरे लिए कभी दुखी न होना ।।

बहुत ही खूबसूरत लाईनें..

किसी की मजबूरियाँ पे न हँसिये,
कोई मजबूरियाँ ख़रीद कर नहीं लाता..!

डरिये वक़्त की मार से,
बुरा वक़्त किसीको बताकर नही आता..!

अकल कितनी भी तेज ह़ो,
नसीब के बिना नही जीत सकती..

बीरबल अकलमंद होने के बावजूद,
कभी बादशाह नही बन सका...!!"

"ना तुम अपने आप को गले लगा सकते हो, ना ही तुम अपने कंधे पर सर रखकर रो सकते हो !

एक दूसरे के लिये जीने का नाम ही जिंदगी है! इसलिये वक़्त उन्हें दो जो तुम्हे चाहते हों दिल से!

रिश्ते पैसो के मोहताज़ नहीं होते क्योकि कुछ रिश्ते मुनाफा नहीं देते पर जीवन अमीर जरूर बना देते है "

आपके पास मारुति हो या बीएमडब्ल्यू - सड़क वही रहेगी |

आप टाइटन पहने या रोलेक्स - समय वही रहेगा |

आपके पास मोबाइल एप्पल का हो या सेमसंग - आपको कॉल करने वाले लोग नहीं बदलेंगे |

आप इकॉनामी क्लास में सफर करें या बिज़नस में - आपका समय तो उतना ही लगेगा |

भव्य जीवन की लालसा रखने या जीने में कोई बुराई नहीं हैं, लेकिन सावधान रहे क्योंकि आवश्यकताएँ पूरी हो सकती है, तृष्णा नहीं |

एक सत्य ये भी है कि धनवानो का आधा धन तो ये जताने में चला जाता है की वे भी धनवान हैं |

कमाई छोटी या बड़ी हो सकती है....
पर रोटी की साईज़ लगभग सब घर में एक जैसी ही होती है।

:👌 शानदार बात👌

बदला लेने में क्या मजा है
मजा तो तब है जब तुम सामने वाले को बदल डालो..||

इन्सान की चाहत है कि उड़ने को पर मिले,
और परिंदे सोचते हैं कि रहने को घर मिले...

पहली बार किसी गज़ल को पढ़कर आंसू आ गए ।
शख्सियत, ए 'लख्ते-जिगर, कहला न सका ।
जन्नत,, के धनी "पैर,, कभी सहला न सका ।
दुध, पिलाया उसने छाती से निचोड़कर,
मैं 'निकम्मा, कभी 1 ग्लास पानी पिला न सका ।
बुढापे का "सहारा,, हूँ 'अहसास' दिला न सका
पेट पर सुलाने वाली को 'मखमल, पर सुला न सका ।
वो 'भूखी, सो गई 'बहू, के 'डर, से एकबार मांगकर,
मैं "सुकुन,, के 'दो, निवाले उसे खिला न सका ।
नजरें उन 'बुढी, "आंखों,, से कभी मिला न सका ।
वो 'दर्द, सहती रही में खटिया पर तिलमिला न सका ।
जो हर "जीवनभर" 'ममता, के रंग पहनाती रही मुझे,
उसे "Eid" पर दो 'जोड़, कपडे सिला न सका ।
"बिमार बिस्तर से उसे 'शिफा, दिला न सका ।
'खर्च के डर से उसे बडे़ अस्पताल, ले जा न सका ।
"माँ" के बेटा कहकर 'दम, तौडने बाद से अब तक सोच रहा हूँ,
'दवाई, इतनी भी "महंगी,, न थी के मैं ला ना सका ।
माँ तो माँ होती हे
 भाईयों माँ अगर कभी गुस्से मे गाली भी दे तो उसे उसका "Duaa" समझकर भूला देना चाहिए|✨,, ✨
कितना सत्य है ना ..??
भक्ति जब "भोजन" में प्रवेश करती है .. भोजन "प्रसाद" बन जाता है।

भक्ति जब "भूख" में प्रवेश करती है .. भूख "व्रत" बन जाती है।

भक्ति जब "पानी" में प्रवेश करती है .. पानी "चरणामृत" बन जाता है।

भक्ति जब "सफर" में प्रवेश करती है .. सफर "तीर्थयात्रा" बन जाता है।

भक्ति जब "संगीत" में प्रवेश करती है .. संगीत "कीर्तन" बन जाता है।

भक्ति जब "घर" में प्रवेश करती है .. घर "मन्दिर" बन जाता है।

भक्ति जब "कार्य" में प्रवेश करती है .. कार्य "कर्म" बन जाता है।

भक्ति जब "क्रिया" में प्रवेश करती है .. क्रिया "सेवा" बन जाती है।

.. .और
भक्ति जब "व्यक्ति" में प्रवेश करती है .. व्यक्ति "मानव" बन जाता है।..

Jisne Loota Karwa Mera,
Wahi Toh Tha Meharba Mera,

Khwabon Ki Adla Badli Mein,
Jal Gaya Th Aashiyaa Mera,

Husn Ka Jalwa Bina Dekhe,
Kho Gaya Tha Dilruba Mera,

Koul Se Hatne Ki Saajis Mein,
Usne Pakda Girebaa Mera,

Kaliyan Chahat Ki Masal Dali,
Fir Bhi Tha Woh Baghbaan Mera…