Monday, May 10, 2010

Key Ideas Of Working

19. Take Your Breaks.
Failure to take regular breaks makes you less productive over
time. Take a few minutes to clear your head and to get some air.

20. Don’t Take the 20/80 Rule Personally.
The 20/80 rule states that only 20% of the people do 80% of the
work in any workplace. If you are part of that 20%, don’t take it
personally if others are not doing their jobs. Remember that
people define productivity in different ways.

21. Make a List of Your Personal Priorities.
Write a list of the personal things that are important to you.
After a few weeks, go back to your list and check if you were
able to accomplish your personal priorities.

22. Use Effective Listening as a Stress-Reducing Tool.
A good listener is respected and sought after. Furthermore,
effective listeningsaves you lots of time and eliminates mistakes.

23. Make Friends with Your Receptionist.
The receptionist in your workplace is a key partner. Be
respectful. Show your receptionist kindness, patience, and

24. Remember the Motto, “You Catch More Flies with Honey.”
Always be nice. People respond better to kindness than threats.

25. Avoid the Phrase, “I Have to Go to Work.”
Although the phrase above may indeed be true, it is self-
destructive. Try to come up with a more positive message to start
your day.

26. Be Aware of the Potentially Stressful Effects of Your Promises.
Limit the promises you make, especially when they are
unnecessaryor unimportant.

27. Examine Your Rituals and Habits (and Be Willing to Change
Some of Them).
Some of your habits can cause you a great deal of stress.
Procrastinating, overeating, not exercising, and excessive
drinking are just a few of the habits you should consider changing.

28. Stay Focused in the Now.
Keep your attention focused on the present. Worrying about the
future will only cause you unneeded stress and hinder your

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