Friday, May 14, 2010

Key Ideas Of Working

39. Get Really Comfortable Using Voice Mail.
Voice mails are an effective way to give your uninterrupted
point of view. Use them to your advantage.

40. Stop Wishing You Were Somewhere Else.
Don’t wish your life away. Accept your reality and make the
most out of it. It is better to focus on what you are doing right
now than on what you’d rather be doing. You will enjoy your
life and work more.

41. Ask Yourself the Question, “Am I Making the Absolute Best
of This Moment?”
Don’t remind yourself how stressed or how busy you are. Instead,
ask yourself if you are making the best of the moment. You will
become more effective and productive.

42. Stop Scrambling.
When you move too quickly and force yourself to do three or more
things at once, you waste your energy and make more mistakes.
Try to work at a slowerpace.

43. Become Aware of Your Wisdom.
Wisdom is as important as analytical thinking at work. Wisdom
gives youcreativity, ideas, perspective, common sense, and
direction. It will also give youa less stressful and easier life.

44. Realize the Power of Rapport.
Rapport is critical to success. It helps you build good relationships
and makesyou a better person. By learning how to establish
rapport, you are growing professionally and spiritually.

45. Recover Quickly.
Someday, you will make mistakes. What is more important is
recovering from the mistakes you made.

46. Encourage Company Stress-Busters.
Suggest changes that can help reduce or eliminate stress in
the workplace.
Suggestions like company work-out rooms and other employee
perks can help build a less stressful and worry-free working

47. Give Up Your Fear of Speaking to Groups.
Public speaking is vital to your success. The best way to get over
this fear is toput yourself in as many situations as possible to
speak publicly.

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