Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Key Ideas Of Working

58. Don’t Be Too Quick to Comment.
Think before you speak. Refrain from giving unnecessary and
counterproductive comments.

59. Let Go of “Personality Clashes.”
Learn to accept that most of the time, you won’t be able to
choose the people you work with. You must respect other
people’s differences and not allow other people’s personalities
to affect you negatively.

60. Don’t Get Stressed by the Predictable.
Learn to deal with predictable stressful situations. Make
allowances for the inevitable and you will eliminate a lot
of stress.

61. Stop Procrastinating.
Don’t put off things until the last minute. Start tasks a little

62. Confront Gently.
Sooner or later, you will have to confront someone. Do so
in a gentle and yet firm way. Assume that you will be able to
work things out.

63. Remember the Three R’s.
Be responsive, receptive, and reasonable.

64. Get Out of the Grumble Mode.
Get a sense of humor. Once again, you shouldn’t take things
too seriously.

65. Get It Over With.
Don’t save the worst for last. Don’t postpone or procrastinate
the inevitable, no matter how unsavory it might be.

66. Don’t live in an Imagined Future.
Refrain from dwelling on how much better your life would be in
the future. Also, do not worry about how terrible it is going to
be for you a few days from now.
You are giving up the present for events and situations that
might not even happen.

67. Make Someone Else Feel Good.
Remember the old adage: “If you want to feel good about yourself,
make someone else feel good.”

68. Compete from the Heart.
Competition is not a bad thing. You should compete hard and
yet be able to enjoy yourself and give back to society. Compete
because you love what you

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