Saturday, May 22, 2010

Key Ideas Of Working

69. Back Off When You Don’t Know What to Do.
Don’t force the issue. If you don’t have a ready solution to
a problem, back off and extend less effort. This way, you
will not obstruct your wisdom and more ideas will come.

70. Admit that It’s Your Choice.
Remember that your career and the problems that come with
it are your choice.You are in charge of your own life.

71. Before Becoming Defensive, Take Note of What Is Being Said.
Before reacting defensively to something someone has said,
breathe, relax and genuinely listen. It might not be the
personal attack you are seeing it to be.

72. Complete As Many Tasks as Possible.
Never turn in unfinished work. Make sure that all your projects
are 100% completed. It is best to finish a project before moving
in to another.

73. Spend Ten Minutes a Day Doing Absolutely Nothing.
By spending a few minutes doing nothing every day, you are
regaining your perspective and allowing your wisdom and
common sense to thrive.

74. Learn to Delegate.
Focus on the tasks that you are most qualified to do and
delegate the rest.

75. Strengthen Your Presence.
Be charismatic and magnanimous. This way, people will be
drawn to your energy. Stop your mind from wandering and
choose to really be with the people you are with.

76. Learn to Say No without Guilt.
Give yourself the freedom to say no.

77. Take Your Next Vacation at Home.
Sometimes, the most relaxing, rejuvenating and energizing
vacations are the ones spent at home.

78. Don’t Let Negative Coworkers Get You Down.
Learn how to deal with negativity. If you don’t, you will end up
discouraged, frustrated and depressed yourself.

79. Make the Best of a “Noncreative” Position.
Make the best of the job you have now. Approach your job in
a positive manner and you will find that you will enjoy it more.

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