Saturday, March 26, 2016



Drinking Jeera (cumin)Water for Good Health Benefits

Jeera water

Jeera water for drinking

Drinking jeera water on a daily basis has several health benefits.
According to Ayurveda, warm jeera water is helpful in strengthening our digestive system, circulatory system and balance our tri-doshas – vata, pita and kapha.
Warm jeera water helps to refresh our body and flush out the toxins from the body.

Jeera water contains good antiseptic properties that fights common cold and fevers.
When little ginger is mixed in je
era water, it helps to soothe soar throat.

Jeera (Cumin seeds) are highly noted for digestive disorders like atonic dyspepsia, diarrhea,biliousness, morning sickness, indigestion, malabsorption syndrome, and flatulent colic.

Jeera water is also effective in getting sleep. After taking a A teaspoon of cumin seeds and a riped banana at night, drink jeera (cummin seeds) water to induce sleep.

Cummin is said to increase the heat in the body thus making metabolism more efficient.

Jeera is rich in Vitamin-E. The essential oils present in this have disinfectant and anti fungal properties, which prevents any microbial and fungal infection from affecting the skin.

Cummin is rich in iron and it is highly beneficial for ladies, especially those who are pregnant, or lactating mothers.
Also helpful for the burning sensation of the palms and soles.

cumin seeds

When I'll be dead*

When I'll be dead*

*When I'll be dead, your tears will flow,*
*But I won't know*
*Cry for me now instead !*

*When I'll be dead, you will send flowers,*
* But I won't see*
*Send them now instead !*

*When I'll be dead, you'll say words of praise,*
*But I won't hear*
*Praise me now instead !*

*When I'll be dead, you'll forget my faults*
* But I won't know Forget then now, instead !*

*When I'll be dead, you'll miss me then*
*But I won't feel*
*Miss me now, instead !*

*When I'll be dead, you'll wish you had spent more time with me,*
* Spend it now instead !!*

*Spend time with every person you love, every one you care for. Make them feel special, for you never know when time will take them away from you*

*forever !*

9 Reasons to Drink a Cup of Honey Water

9 Reasons to Drink a Cup of Honey Water

Honey water is a remarkable drink, brimming with nutritional ingredients that will give your body energy and a health boost early in the morning. The best part is that all you need to make it is a tablespoon of honey and a cup of lukewarm water.This delicious beverage is refreshing in the summer, a real treat in the winter and a true wonder cure for a variety of ailments. If you’re still not convinced, here are 9 reasons you should make honey water your drink of choice in the morning.

1. Watch as Your Weight Drops

Drinking honey water can help you lose weight, despite the sweetness of the drink. The natural sugar in the honey is much healthier than the processed white sugar or corn syrup that is used in soft drinks, and is a healthier source of calories. By replacing soft drinks with honey water you'll see a difference, although not overnight.

2. Maintain Healthy Bowels

Some people are shy about this topic, but there's no shame in discussing it. One cup of honey water a day will help your digestive system and keep you regular. The antibacterial properties of honey help prevent stomach aches and indigestion, and helps the body strengthen your stomach's lining.

3. Boost Your Immune System

Honey is a natural antibacterial substance, and is also full of enzymes, vitamins and minerals – all of which help protect your body against germs, particularly organic honey. Several studies have shown that Manuka honey, a unique honey made from a plant in New Zealand, can kill even antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and can be used as a natural cure for Helicobacter.

4. Reduce Allergy Symptoms

Studies have shown that eating locally-produced honey helps the body get accustomed to the local pollen, reducing allergic symptoms caused by them. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, or during a trip overseas, drink a cup of water with local honey.

5. Healthy Energy Boost

Even mild dehydration can lead to you feeling tired, so imagine what a cup of water and honey can do to your energy levels. Un coffee, the energy boost doesn't subside. Instead, the body remains energized for a prolonged period of time.

6. Say Goodbye to Sore Throats

Every grandmother will tell you that honey is the perfect remedy for a sore throat and coughing. Drinking honey water will create a type of coating around your esophagus, which will calm any coughing and pain, creating a smooth, pleasant sensation in your throat.

7. Detox

Honey water helps flush toxins out of your body, both by helping your colon, as well as by its antibacterial properties. Detoxing your body regularly helps you feel better and prevents infections. To boost the detoxing, add some freshly squeezed lemon to your honey water. Lemons too contain antibacterial properties, are diuretic, and aid liver functions.

8. Less Bloating

Feeling bloated and gassy? A cup of honey water will help neutralize the gas, reducing the bloated sensation. It's highly recommended that you drink it after a big meal.

9. Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Above all of its other advantages, honey water helps in raising your "good" cholesterol (HDL) levels. Furthermore, it prevents the body from producing stress hormones, which put pressure on the heart and cardiovascular system.

Marriage School

Marriage School


Marriage is the only school where
you get the Certificate before you start.

It's also a school where you will never graduate.

It's a school without a break or a free period.

It's a school where no one is allowed to drop out.

It's a school you will have to attend every day of your life.

It's a school where there is no sick leave or holidays.

It's a school founded by God:

1.On the foundation of love.
2.The walls are made out of trust.
3.The door made out of acceptance.
4.The windows made out of understanding
5.The furniture made out of blessings
6.The roof made out of faith.

Be reminded that you are just a student not the principal.
God is the only Principal.

Even in times of storms, don't be unwise and run outside.

Keep in mind that, this school is the safest place to be.

Never go to sleep before completing your
assignments for the day.

Never forget the C-word...Communicate.

Communicate with your classmate and with the Principal.

If you find out something in your classmate (spouse)
that you do not appreciate,
Remember your classmate is also just a student not a graduate,
God is not finished with him/her yet.
So take it as a challenge and work on it together.

Do not forget to study the Holy Book
(the main textbook of this school).

Start each day with a sacred assembly and
end it the same way.

Sometimes you will feel like not attending classes,
yet you have to.

When tempted to quit find courage and continue.

Some tests and exams may be tough but remember,
the Principal knows how much you can bear and yet
it's a school better than any other.

It's one of the best schools on earth;
joy, peace and happiness accompany each lesson of the day.

Different subjects are offered in this school,
yet love is the major subject.

After all the years of theorizing about it,
now you have a chance to practice it.

To be loved is a good thing, but to love
is the greatest privilege of them all.

Marriage is a place of love, so love your spouse
unconditionally and without expecting anything
except love.

Marriage is a place of mutual trust, faith, sincere
affection, compromises, sacrifices, adjustments,
selflessness, living for each other, enjoyment of
togetherness,understanding, respect and dedication.

More - grace from God.

When You Were Never Mine!

When You Were Never Mine!

Why do I have tears in my eyes when you were NEVER mine?

I'm tired of dreaming.
I'm through with trying.

Tired of living,
Yet scared of dying.
Yet with you all is fine.
But I know you were never mine.

The laughs that we shared
The dreams that we had
But those dreams changed
And they left me sad
Yet with you all is fine.
But I know you were never mine.

Everyone tells me,
I should forget about you,
You don’t deserve me.
They’re right,
You don’t deserve me,
But I deserve you.
Yet with you all is fine.
But I know you were never mine.


This is a truly BEAUTIFUL piece.
Please read this at a slow pace,
digesting every word and in leisure....
Do not hurry.....this is a treasure...

For those lucky to still be blessed with your Mom,
this is beautiful.
For those of us who aren't,
this is even more beautiful.
For those who are moms,
you'll love this.

The young mother set her foot
on the path of life.
'Is this the long way?' she asked.
And the guide said: 'Yes,
and the way is hard
And you will be old before
you reach the end of it..
But the end will be better
than the beginning.'

But the young mother was happy,
and she would not believe
that anything could be better
than these years.
So she played with her children,
and gathered flowers for them along the way,
and bathed them in the clear streams;
and the sun shone on them,
and the young Mother cried,
'Nothing will ever be lovelier than this.'

Then the night came,
and the storm, and the path was dark,

and the children shook with fear and cold,
and the mother drew them close
and covered them with her mantle,
and the children said,
'Mother, we are not afraid,
for you are near, and no harm can come.'

And the morning came,
and there was a hill ahead,
and the children climbed and grew weary,
and the mother was weary.
But at all times she said to the children,
'A little patience and we are there.'
So the children climbed,
and when they reached the top they said,
'Mother, we would not have done it without you.'

And the mother, when she lay down at night
looked up at the stars and said,
'This is a better day than the last,
for my children have learned fortitude
in the face of hardness.
Yesterday I gave them courage.
Today, I've given them strength.'

And the next day came strange clouds
which darkened the earth,
clouds of war and hate and evil,
and the children groped and stumbled,
and the mother said:
' Look up. Lift your eyes to the light.'
And the children looked and saw
above the clouds an everlasting glory,
and it guided them beyond the darkness.
And that night the Mother said,
'This is the best day of all,
for I have shown my children God.'

And the days went on,
and the weeks and the months and the years,
and the mother grew old
and she was little and bent.
But her children were tall and strong,
and walked with courage.
And when the way was rough,
they lifted her, for she was as light as a feather;
and at last they came to a hill,
and beyond they could see a shining road
and golden gates flung wide.
And mother said,
'I have reached the end of my journey..
And now I know the end
is better than the beginning,
for my children can walk alone,
and their children after them.'

And the children said,
'You will always walk with us, Mother,
even when you have gone through the gates.'
And they stood and watched her
as she went on alone,
and the gates closed after her.
And they said:
'We cannot see her but she is with us still.
A Mother like ours is more than a memory.
She is a living presence.......'

Your Mother is always with you....
She's the whisper of the leaves
as you walk down the street;
she's the smell of bleach
in your freshly laundered socks;
she's the cool hand on your brow
when you're not well.
Your Mother lives inside your laughter.
And she's crystallized in every tear drop.
She's the place you came from,
your first home;
and she's the map you follow
with every step you take.
She's your first love and your first heartbreak,
and nothing on earth can separate you.

Not time, not space... not even death!


Pass it on to the men too because they have mothers too

May Your Day Be Blessed My Friends

Friday, March 25, 2016

Rules for Happiness

1. Do not expect anything from anyone.

2. Let go – Do not hold on to any issue.

3. Forget everything Old – Forget the Past – Past is Past

4. Forgive all people unconditionally.

5. Do not try to change others – Let it be. Accept them as they are.

6. Accept Situations, Relations and Work as they are, if you cannot change them.

7. Do not compare yourself with those who are more 'fortunate' than you are – Be contented.

8. Always be positive in all situations.

9. Have no regrets for anything that has happened, just learn the lesson that was required.

10. Enjoy each moment of life – Life is Very Very Beautiful.

11. Love all – Life is Very Short.

35 Ways to Respect Your Parents and Elders


1. Put away your phone in their presence
2. Pay attention to what they are saying
3. Accept their opinions
4. Engage in their conversations
5. Look at them with respect
6. Always praise them
7. Share good new with them
8. Avoid sharing bad news with them
9. Speak well of their friends and loved ones to them.
10. Keep in remembrance the good things they did.
11. If they repeat a story, listen like it's the first time.
12. Don't bring up painful memories from the past
13. Avoid side conversations in their presence.
14. Sit respectfully around them
15. Don't belittle/criticize their opinions and thoughts
16. Avoid cutting them off when they speak
17. Respect their age
18. Avoid hitting/disciplining their grandchildren around them
19. Accept their advice and direction
20. Give them the power of leadership when they are present
21. Avoid raising your voice at them
22. Avoid walking in front or ahead of them
23. Avoid eating before them
24. Avoid glaring at them
25. Fill them with pride even when they don't think they deserve it.
26. Avoid putting your feet up in front of them or sitting with your back to them
27. Don't speak ill of them to the point where others speak ill of them too
28. Keep them in your prayers whenever possible
29. Avoid seeming bored or tired of them in their presence
30. Avoid laughing at their faults/mistakes
31. Do a task before they ask you to
32. Continuously visit them
33. Choose your words carefully when speaking with them
34. Call them by names they like
35. Make them your priority above anything​
कॉलेज में Happy married life पर

एक workshop हो रही थी,

 जिसमे कुछ शादीशुदा

 जोडे हिस्सा ले रहे थे।

जिस समय प्रोफेसर मंच पर आए

उन्होने नोट किया कि सभी

पति- पत्नी शादी पर

जोक कर हँस रहे थे...

ये देख कर प्रोफेसर ने कहा

 कि चलो पहले एक Game खेलते है...

उसके बाद अपने विषय पर बातें करेंगे।

सभी खुश हो गए

और कहा कोनसा Game ?

प्रोफ़ेसर ने एक married

 लड़की को खड़ा किया

और कहा कि तुम ब्लेक बोर्ड पे

 ऐसे 25- 30 लोगों के नाम लिखो

जो तुम्हे सबसे अधिक प्यारे हों

लड़की ने पहले तो अपने परिवार के

लोगो के नाम लिखे

फिर अपने सगे सम्बन्धी,

 दोस्तों,पडोसी और

सहकर्मियों के नाम लिख दिए...

अब प्रोफ़ेसर ने उसमे से

कोई भी कम पसंद वाले

5 नाम मिटाने को कहा...

 लड़की ने अपने

सह कर्मियों के नाम मिटा दिए..

 प्रोफ़ेसर ने और 5 नाम मिटाने को कहा...

लड़की ने थोडा सोच कर

अपने पड़ोसियो के नाम मिटा दिए...

अब प्रोफ़ेसर ने

और 10 नाम मिटाने को कहा...

लड़की ने अपने सगे सम्बन्धी

 और दोस्तों के नाम मिटा दिए...

अब बोर्ड पर सिर्फ 4 नाम बचे थे

 जो उसके मम्मी- पापा,

पति और बच्चे का नाम था..

 अब प्रोफ़ेसर ने कहा इसमें से

 और 2 नाम मिटा दो...

लड़की असमंजस में पड गयी

 बहुत सोचने के बाद

बहुत दुखी होते हुए उसने

अपने मम्मी- पापा का

नाम मिटा दिया...

सभी लोग स्तब्ध और शांत थे

 क्योकि वो जानते थे

कि ये गेम सिर्फ वो

लड़की ही नहीं खेल रही थी

 उनके दिमाग में भी

यही सब चल रहा था।

अब सिर्फ 2 ही नाम बचे थे...

 पति और बेटे का...

 प्रोफ़ेसर ने कहा

और एक नाम मिटा दो...

लड़की अब सहमी सी रह गयी...

बहुत सोचने के बाद रोते हुए

 अपने बेटे का नाम काट दिया...

प्रोफ़ेसर ने उस लड़की से कहा

 तुम अपनी जगह पर जाकर बैठ जाओ...

और सभी की तरफ गौर से देखा...

और पूछा-

क्या कोई बता सकता है

कि ऐसा क्यों हुआ कि सिर्फ

 पति का ही नाम

बोर्ड पर रह गया।

कोई जवाब नहीं दे पाया...

सभी मुँह लटका कर बैठे थे...

प्रोफ़ेसर ने फिर

उस लड़की को खड़ा किया

और कहा...

ऐसा क्यों !

जिसने तुम्हे जन्म दिया

और पाल पोस कर

इतना बड़ा किया

उनका नाम तुमने मिटा दिया...

 और तो और तुमने अपनी

 कोख से जिस बच्चे को जन्म दिया

उसका भी नाम तुमने मिटा दिया ?

लड़की ने जवाब दिया.......

 कि अब मम्मी- पापा बूढ़े हो चुके हैं,

कुछ साल के बाद वो मुझे

और इस दुनिया को छोड़ के

चले जायेंगे ......

मेरा बेटा जब बड़ा हो जायेगा

तो जरूरी नहीं कि वो

शादी के बाद मेरे साथ ही रहे।

लेकिन मेरे पति जब तक मेरी

 जान में जान है

 तब तक मेरा आधा शरीर बनके

 मेरा साथ निभायेंगे

इस लिए मेरे लिए

सबसे अजीज मेरे पति हैं..

प्रोफ़ेसर और बाकी स्टूडेंट ने

 तालियों की गूंज से

लड़की को सलामी दी...

प्रोफ़ेसर ने कहा

तुमने बिलकुल सही कहा

 कि तुम और सभी के बिना

रह सकती हो

पर अपने आधे अंग अर्थात

 अपने पति के बिना नहीं रह सकती l

मजाक मस्ती तक तो ठीक है

पर हर इंसान का

अपना जीवन साथी ही

उसको सब से ज्यादा

अजीज होता है...

ये सचमुच सच है for all husband and wife कभी मत भूलना.....

इक वक़्त बीता, सब अच्छा हुआ करता था,
दिल तो #बच्चा था, मगर #सच्चा हुआ करता था...

हर पल खुशी के नाम था यारों,
ना कोई #गम हुआ करता था...
ख्बाहिशें हुआ जो करती थी #दिल की,
वो सपना हर अपना सच हुआ करता था...

क्या हुआ कहाँ खो गया वो जहां
बीता #बचपन जहाँ अपना गम विहीन हुआ करता था...
थक कर सो जाते थे कहीं पर भी मगर,
#उजाला आँखों का #बिस्तर पर हुआ करता था..

लगती थी #चोट हमको कभी भी ,
छुपाने को #दर्द एक आँचल माँ का हुआ करता था...
बेरोजगारी की हद तो तब हो गई

जब किसी ने कहा की

'समंदर में "भरती" आयी हे'

और वहा भी लोग सर्टिफ़िकेट लेके पहोंच गए😂😂😂
छोटी सी ज़िंदगी है, हर बात में खुश रहो ...
जो चेहरा पास ना हो, उसकी आवाज में खुश रहो ....
कोई रूठा हो तुमसे, उसके इस अन्दाज में खुश रहो ....
जो लौट कर नहीं आने वाले, उन लम्हों की याद में खुश रहो ....
कल किसने देखा है, अपने आज में खुश रहो ....
खुशियों का इन्तजार किसलिए, दूसरों की मुस्कान में खुश रहो ...
क्यों तड़पते हो हर पल किसी के साथ को, कभी-कभी अपने आप में खुश रहो ...
छोटी सी तो ज़िंदगी है, हर हाल में खुश रहो ..

छोटी सी ज़िंदगी है, हर बात में खुश रहो ...
जो चेहरा पास ना हो, उसकी आवाज में खुश रहो ....
कोई रूठा हो तुमसे, उसके इस अन्दाज में खुश रहो ....
जो लौट कर नहीं आने वाले, उन लम्हों की याद में खुश रहो ....
कल किसने देखा है, अपने आज में खुश रहो ....
खुशियों का इन्तजार किसलिए, दूसरों की मुस्कान में खुश रहो ...
क्यों तड़पते हो हर पल किसी के साथ को, कभी-कभी अपने आप में खुश रहो ...
छोटी सी तो ज़िंदगी है, हर हाल में खुश रहो ..

इतनी बदसलूकि ना कर...
 ..ऐ जिंदगी,,,,,,
हम कौन सा यहाँ बार बार
आने वाले है...!!

माँ रोता हुआ इस दुनिया में लायी थी ..

और बीवी इस बात का पूरा ध्यान रखती है की ये सिलसिला कहीं टूट ना जाये......!!!

पति - पत्नी के बीच लड़ाई हुई…
पत्नी बाजार जाकर जहर लाई
और खा लिया….
लेकिन वो मरी नही बिमार हो गई..

पति गुस्से से बोला :-
सौ बार कहा है चीजें देख कर खरीदा करो,
पैसे भी गये, और काम भी नही हुआ..!!

मास्टर जी – पत्नी पे निबन्ध लिखो ?
छात्र – ..पत्नी पर निबंध :

पत्नी नामक प्राणी भारत सहित पूरे विश्व में बहुतायत पाए जाती है।

प्राचीन समय में यह भोजन शाला में पायी जाती थी, लेकिन वर्तमान में यह शॉपिंग मॉल्स , थिएटर्स एवं रेस्तरा के नजदीक विचरती हुई अधिक पायी जाती है।

पहले इस प्रजाति में लम्बे बाल, सुन्दर आकृति प्रायः पाये जाते थे। लेकिन अब छोटे बाल, कृत्रिम श्वेत मुख, रक्त के सामान होठ सामान्य रूप से देखे जा सकते है।

इनका मुख्य आहार पति नामक मूक प्राणी होता है। भारत में इन्हें धर्मपत्नी, भाग्यवती, लक्ष्मी नामो से भी जाना जाता है।

अधिक बोलना, अकारण झगड़ना, अति व्यय करना, इस प्रजाति के मुख्य लक्षणों में से है। हालाकि इस प्रजाति पर सम्पूर्ण अध्ययन करना संभव नहीं है, किन्तु सामान्यतः इनके निम्न प्रकार होते है।

1. सुशील पत्नी – यह प्रजाति अब लुप्त हो चुकी है। इस प्रजाति की प्राणी सुशील एवं सहनशील होतीे थी और घरो में ज्यादा पाये जाते थीे।

2. आक्रामक पत्नी – यह प्रजाति भारत सहित पूरे विश्व में बहुत अधिक मात्रा में पायी जाती है। ये अपनी आक्रामक शैली, एवं तेज प्रहार के लिए जानी जाती है। समय आने पर ये बेलन, झाड़ू और चरण पादुकाओँ का उपयोग अधिक करती है।

3. झगडालू पत्नी – यह प्रजाति भी वर्तमान में सभी जगह पायी जाती है। इन्हें जॊर से बोलना और झगडा करना अत्यंत पसंद होता है। इनका अधिकतर सामना “सास” नामक एक और अत्यंत खतरनाक प्राणी से होता है।

4. खर्चीली पत्नी – भारत जैसे गरीब देश में भी पत्नियों की ये प्रजाति निरंतर बढती जा रही है। इनकी मुख्य आदतों में क्रेडिट कार्ड रखना, बिना विचार किये खर्च करना और बिना जरूरत वस्तुए खरीदना है। इस प्रजाति के साथ पति नामक प्राणी को चप्पल में थका हुआ पीछे पीछे घूमते देखा जा सकता है।

5. नखरीली पत्नी – इस प्रजाति के प्राणी अधिकतर आइने के सामने देखी जाती है। इनके होठ रक्त के सामान लाल, नाख़ून बड़े बड़े, केश सतरंगी और चेहरा श्वेत पाउडर से लिपा होता है। इन्हें भोजन शाला में जाना और काम करना नापसंद होता है।

चेतावनी – पति नामक प्राणी के लिए इस प्रजाति के प्राणी अत्यंत खतरनाक व आक्रामक होते है। इन्हें समय-समय पर साड़ी, गिफ्ट्स, फ्लावर्स तथा करवा-चौथ के सुअवसर पर गहना इत्यादि के द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है । लेकिन सनद रहे– केवल कुछ समय के लिए।

बीवियों के प्रकार
1. आलसी बीवी :::::::::::::
खुद जाकर चाय बना लो और एक कप मुझे भी दे देना …
2. धमकाने वाली बीवी ::::
कान खोलकर सुन लो , या तो इस घर में तुम्हारी माँ रहेगी या मैं …
3. इतिहास-पसंद बीवी ::::
सब जानती हूँ तुम्हारा खानदान कैसा है …
4. भविष्य-वाचक बीवी :::
अगले साथ जन्मो तक मेरे जैसी बीवी नहीं मिलेगी …
5. भ्रमित बीवी :::::::::::::
तुम आदमी हो या पजामा ?
6. स्वार्थी बीवी :::::::::::::
ये साड़ी मेरी माँ ने मुझे पहनने को दी है तुम्हारी बहनों के लिए नहीं ..
7. शक्की बीवी :::::::::::::
मेरी कौन सी सौतन से फ़ोन पर बात कर रहे थे ?
8. अर्थशास्त्री बीवी :::::::::
कौन सा कुबेर का खजाना कमा ले आते हो जो रोज़ पनीर खिलाऊ ?
9. धार्मिक बीवी :::::::::
शुक्र करो भगवान् का जो मेरे जैसी बीवी मिली …
10. सबकी बीवी :::::::::::::
मेरे नसीब में तुम ही लिखे थे ?

👉 Turmeric and Milk have natural Antibiotic properties.

👉 Including these two natural ingredients in your everyday diet can prevent diseases and infections.

👉 Turmeric when mixed with milk can be very beneficial for number of health problems.

👉 This is an effective remedy to fight hazardous environmental toxins and harmful microorganisms.

📝 RECIPE for Turmeric Milk :

1. Take 1 inch piece (FRESH) Turmeric root.
If Fresh type is not available then use 1 level tsp Turmeric Powder.

2. 150mls or I glass Milk.

3. Boil Turmeric and Milk for 15 minutes.

4. Strain the milk (remove fresh Turmeric piece out).

5. Cool it and drink this milk.

👍 Benefits of Turmeric Milk 👌

1. Respiratory illness :

      👆 Turmeric milk is an anti-microbial which attacks bacterial infections 150 viral infections.

👉 It is useful to treat illnesses related to respiratory system, since the spice heats up your body and provides quick relief from lung congestion and sinuses.

👉 This is also an effective remedy to cure asthma and bronchitis.

2. Cancer :

       👆 This milk prevents and stops the growth of breast, skin, lung, prostate, and colon cancers, since it has anti-inflammatory properties.

👉 This prevents cancer cells from damaging DNA and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.

3. Anti Inflammatory :

       👆 Turmeric milk is anti-inflammatory, that can prevent and protect arthritis and stomach ulcers.

👉 This is also known as ‘natural aspirin’ that can cure headaches, swelling and pain.

4. Cold and Cough :

       👆 Turmeric Milk is considered as a best remedy for cold and cough due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties.

👉 It gives instant relief to sore throat, cough and cold.

5. Arthritis :

    👆 Turmeric Milk is used to cure arthritis and treat swelling due to rheumatoid arthritis.

👉 It also helps to make the joints and muscles flexible by reducing the pain.

6. Aches and Pains :

       👆 Turmeric golden milk gives best relief from aches and pains.

👉 This can also strengthen the spine and joints in the body.

7. Antioxidant :

      👆 Turmeric milk is excellent source of antioxidants, which fights free radicals.

👉 This can cure many ailments.

8. Blood Purifier :

    👆 Turmeric Milk is considered as an excellent blood purifier and cleanser.

👉 It can revitalize and boost blood circulation in the body.

👉 It is also a blood thinner that cleanses the lymphatic system and blood vessels from all impurities.

9. Liver Detox :

       👆 Turmeric milk is a natural liver detoxifier and blood purifier that boosts liver function.

👉 It supports the liver and cleanses the lymphatic system.

10. Bone Health :

       👆 Turmeric milk is a good source of calcium which is a must to keep the bones healthy and strong.

 👉 Turmeric milk lowers bone loss and osteoporosis.

11. Digestive Health :

       👆 It is a powerful antiseptic that promotes intestinal health and treats stomach ulcers and colitis.

👉 This helps in better digestive health and prevents ulcers, diarrhea and indigestion.

12. Menstrual Cramps :

       👆 Turmeric milk works wonder as it is antispasmodic that eases menstrual cramps and pain.  
👉 Pregnant women should take golden turmeric milk for easy delivery, post partum recovery, improved lactation and faster contraction of ovaries.

13. Rash and Skin Redness :

       👆 Ancient queens took turmeric milk baths for soft, supple and glowing skin.

👉 Similarly, drink turmeric milk for glowing skin.

👉 Soak turmeric milk in a cotton ball ; apply on the affected area for 15 minutes to reduce skin redness and blotchy patches.

👆 This will make the skin more radiant and glowing than before.

14. Weight Loss :

     👆 Turmeric milk helps in the breakdown of dietary fat.

👉 This can be useful to control weight.

15. Eczema :

       👆 Drink a glass of turmeric milk everyday to treat eczema.

16. Insomnia :

       👆 Warm turmeric milk produces an amino acid, tryptophan ; that induces peaceful and blissful sleep.

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मास्टर जी – पत्नी पे निबन्ध लिखो ?
छात्र – ..पत्नी पर निबंध :

पत्नी नामक प्राणी भारत सहित पूरे विश्व में बहुतायत पाए जाती है।

प्राचीन समय में यह भोजन शाला में पायी जाती थी, लेकिन वर्तमान में यह शॉपिंग मॉल्स , थिएटर्स एवं रेस्तरा के नजदीक विचरती हुई अधिक पायी जाती है।

पहले इस प्रजाति में लम्बे बाल, सुन्दर आकृति प्रायः पाये जाते थे। लेकिन अब छोटे बाल, कृत्रिम श्वेत मुख, रक्त के सामान होठ सामान्य रूप से देखे जा सकते है।

इनका मुख्य आहार पति नामक मूक प्राणी होता है। भारत में इन्हें धर्मपत्नी, भाग्यवती, लक्ष्मी नामो से भी जाना जाता है।

अधिक बोलना, अकारण झगड़ना, अति व्यय करना, इस प्रजाति के मुख्य लक्षणों में से है। हालाकि इस प्रजाति पर सम्पूर्ण अध्ययन करना संभव नहीं है, किन्तु सामान्यतः इनके निम्न प्रकार होते है।

1. सुशील पत्नी – यह प्रजाति अब लुप्त हो चुकी है। इस प्रजाति की प्राणी सुशील एवं सहनशील होतीे थी और घरो में ज्यादा पाये जाते थीे।

2. आक्रामक पत्नी – यह प्रजाति भारत सहित पूरे विश्व में बहुत अधिक मात्रा में पायी जाती है। ये अपनी आक्रामक शैली, एवं तेज प्रहार के लिए जानी जाती है। समय आने पर ये बेलन, झाड़ू और चरण पादुकाओँ का उपयोग अधिक करती है।

3. झगडालू पत्नी – यह प्रजाति भी वर्तमान में सभी जगह पायी जाती है। इन्हें जॊर से बोलना और झगडा करना अत्यंत पसंद होता है। इनका अधिकतर सामना “सास” नामक एक और अत्यंत खतरनाक प्राणी से होता है।

4. खर्चीली पत्नी – भारत जैसे गरीब देश में भी पत्नियों की ये प्रजाति निरंतर बढती जा रही है। इनकी मुख्य आदतों में क्रेडिट कार्ड रखना, बिना विचार किये खर्च करना और बिना जरूरत वस्तुए खरीदना है। इस प्रजाति के साथ पति नामक प्राणी को चप्पल में थका हुआ पीछे पीछे घूमते देखा जा सकता है।

5. नखरीली पत्नी – इस प्रजाति के प्राणी अधिकतर आइने के सामने देखी जाती है। इनके होठ रक्त के सामान लाल, नाख़ून बड़े बड़े, केश सतरंगी और चेहरा श्वेत पाउडर से लिपा होता है। इन्हें भोजन शाला में जाना और काम करना नापसंद होता है।

चेतावनी – पति नामक प्राणी के लिए इस प्रजाति के प्राणी अत्यंत खतरनाक व आक्रामक होते है। इन्हें समय-समय पर साड़ी, गिफ्ट्स, फ्लावर्स तथा करवा-चौथ के सुअवसर पर गहना इत्यादि के द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है । लेकिन सनद रहे– केवल कुछ समय के लिए।

बीवियों के प्रकार
1. आलसी बीवी :::::::::::::
खुद जाकर चाय बना लो और एक कप मुझे भी दे देना …
2. धमकाने वाली बीवी ::::
कान खोलकर सुन लो , या तो इस घर में तुम्हारी माँ रहेगी या मैं …
3. इतिहास-पसंद बीवी ::::
सब जानती हूँ तुम्हारा खानदान कैसा है …
4. भविष्य-वाचक बीवी :::
अगले साथ जन्मो तक मेरे जैसी बीवी नहीं मिलेगी …
5. भ्रमित बीवी :::::::::::::
तुम आदमी हो या पजामा ?
6. स्वार्थी बीवी :::::::::::::
ये साड़ी मेरी माँ ने मुझे पहनने को दी है तुम्हारी बहनों के लिए नहीं ..
7. शक्की बीवी :::::::::::::
मेरी कौन सी सौतन से फ़ोन पर बात कर रहे थे ?
8. अर्थशास्त्री बीवी :::::::::
कौन सा कुबेर का खजाना कमा ले आते हो जो रोज़ पनीर खिलाऊ ?
9. धार्मिक बीवी :::::::::
शुक्र करो भगवान् का जो मेरे जैसी बीवी मिली …
10. सबकी बीवी :::::::::::::
मेरे नसीब में तुम ही लिखे थे ?

!!!ॐ , ओउम् तीन अक्षरों से बना है।
 अ उ म् ।

"अ" का अर्थ है उत्पन्न होना,

 "उ" का तात्पर्य है उठना, उड़ना अर्थात् विकास,

"म" का मतलब है मौन हो जाना अर्थात् "ब्रह्मलीन" हो जाना।

ॐ सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड की उत्पत्ति और पूरी सृष्टि का द्योतक है।

ॐ का उच्चारण शारीरिक लाभ प्रदान करता है।


ॐ कैसे है स्वास्थ्यवर्द्धक

1. ॐ और थायराॅयडः-
 ॐ का उच्‍चारण करने से गले में कंपन पैदा होती है जो थायरायड ग्रंथि पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालता है।

2. ॐ और घबराहटः-
 अगर आपको घबराहट या अधीरता होती है तो ॐ के उच्चारण से उत्तम कुछ भी नहीं।

3. ॐ और तनावः-
 यह शरीर के विषैले तत्त्वों को दूर करता है, अर्थात तनाव के कारण पैदा होने वाले द्रव्यों पर नियंत्रण करता है।

4. ॐ और खून का प्रवाहः-
 यह हृदय और ख़ून के प्रवाह को संतुलित रखता है।

5. ॐ और पाचनः-
 ॐ के उच्चारण से पाचन शक्ति तेज़ होती है।

6. ॐ लाए स्फूर्तिः-
 इससे शरीर में फिर से युवावस्था वाली स्फूर्ति का संचार होता है।

7. ॐ और थकान:-
 थकान से बचाने के लिए इससे उत्तम उपाय कुछ और नहीं।

8. ॐ और नींदः-
 नींद न आने की समस्या इससे कुछ ही समय में दूर हो जाती है। रात को सोते समय नींद आने तक मन में इसको करने से निश्चिंत नींद आएगी।

9. ॐ और फेफड़े:-
 कुछ विशेष प्राणायाम के साथ इसे करने से फेफड़ों में मज़बूती आती है।

10. ॐ और रीढ़ की हड्डी:-
 ॐ के पहले शब्‍द का उच्‍चारण करने से कंपन पैदा होती है। इन कंपन से रीढ़ की हड्डी प्रभावित होती है और इसकी क्षमता बढ़ जाती है।

11. ॐ दूर करे तनावः-
 ॐ का उच्चारण करने से पूरा शरीर तनाव-रहित हो जाता है।

आशा है आप अब कुछ समय जरुर ॐ का उच्चारण करेंगे। साथ ही साथ इसे उन लोगों तक भी जरूर पहुंचायेगे जिनकी आपको फिक्र है
🍁🍁 🍁🍁

रामायण कथा का एक अंश, जिससे हमे सीख मिलती है "एहसास" की...

श्री राम, लक्ष्मण एवम् सीता' मैया चित्रकूट पर्वत की ओर जा रहे थे,
राह बहुत पथरीली और कंटीली थी !
की यकायक श्री राम के चरणों मे कांटा चुभ गया !

श्रीराम रूष्ट या क्रोधित नहीं हुए, बल्कि हाथ जोड़कर धरती माता से अनुरोध करने लगे !
बोले- "माँ, मेरी एक विनम्र प्रार्थना है आपसे, क्या आप स्वीकार करेंगी ?"

धरती बोली- "प्रभु प्रार्थना नहीं, आज्ञा दीजिए !"

प्रभु बोले, "माँ, मेरी बस यही विनती है कि जब भरत मेरी खोज मे इस पथ से गुज़रे, तो आप नरम हो जाना !
कूछ पल के लिए अपने आँचल के ये पत्थर और कांटे छूपा लेना !
मुझे कांटा चुभा सो चुभा, पर मेरे भरत के पाँव मे अघात मत करना"

श्री राम को यूँ व्यग्र देखकर धरा दंग रह गई !
पूछा- "भगवन, धृष्टता क्षमा हो ! पर क्या भरत आपसे अधिक सुकूमार है ?
जब आप इतनी सहजता से सब सहन कर गए, तो क्या कूमार भरत सहन नही कर पाँएगें ?
फिर उनको लेकर आपके चित मे ऐसी व्याकूलता क्यों ?"

श्री राम बोले- "नही...नही माते, आप मेरे कहने का अभिप्राय नही समझीं ! भरत को यदि कांटा चुभा, तो वह उसके पाँव को नही, उसके हृदय को विदीर्ण कर देगा !"

"हृदय विदीर्ण !! ऐसा क्यों प्रभु ?",
धरती माँ जिज्ञासा भरे स्वर में बोलीं !

"अपनी पीड़ा से नहीं माँ, बल्कि यह सोचकर कि...इसी कंटीली राह से मेरे भैया राम गुज़रे होंगे और ये शूल उनके पगों मे भी चुभे होंगे !
मैया, मेरा भरत कल्पना मे भी मेरी पीड़ा सहन नहीं कर सकता, इसलिए उसकी उपस्थिति मे आप कमल पंखुड़ियों सी कोमल बन जाना..!!"

रिश्ते अंदरूनी एहसास, आत्मीय अनुभूति के दम पर ही टिकते हैं ।
जहाँ गहरी आत्मीयता नही, वो रिश्ता शायद नही परंतू दिखावा हो सकता है ।

इसीलिए कहा गया है कि...
रिश्ते खून से नहीं, परिवार से नही,
मित्रता से नही, व्यवहार से नही,
सिर्फ और सिर्फ आत्मीय "एहसास" से ही बनते और निर्वहन किए जाते हैं ।
जहाँ एहसास ही नहीं,
आत्मीयता ही नहीं ..
वहाँ अपनापन कहाँ से आएगा !
अपने बनाइए, अपनो को बनाइए

Thursday, March 24, 2016

“जिन्दगी” एक प्रोजेक्ट है
“रिश्ते” एक टारगेट,
“वाईफ” डेली रिपोर्टिंग है
“औलाद” इन्सेन्टिव,
“जवानी” एक कमिटमेंट है
“बुढ़ापा” एचीवमेंट,
लेकिन… ………………………
“मित्रता” सेलरी है
“सेलरी” को कोई कभी नहीं भूलता,
जो वक्त के साथ साथ बढ़ती जाती है,
“पुरानी मित्रता” पेंशन की तरह है जो
मरने के बाद भी चलती रह़ती है ।
सभी मित्रों को समर्पित !🙏
रोने से आंसू भी पराये हो जाते है...
लेकिन मुस्कराने से पराये भी अपने हो जाते है..!!!

मुझे वो रिश्ते पसंद है,
जिनमें "मैं" नहीं "हम" हो ।

...: किसी ने हम से पुछा इतने छोटे से दिल मे इतने सारे दोस्त कैसे समां जाते है...हम ने कहा वैसे ही जैसे
 छोटी सी हथेली मे सारे जिंदगी
  की लकीरें समां जाती 😊
रोने से आंसू भी पराये हो जाते है...
लेकिन मुस्कराने से पराये भी अपने हो जाते है..!!!

मुझे वो रिश्ते पसंद है,
जिनमें "मैं" नहीं "हम" हो ।

...: किसी ने हम से पुछा इतने छोटे से दिल मे इतने सारे दोस्त कैसे समां जाते है...हम ने कहा वैसे ही जैसे
 छोटी सी हथेली मे सारे जिंदगी
  की लकीरें समां जाती 😊
वो भी क्या दिन थे
🌼जब घड़ी एक आध के पास होती थी और समय सबके पास होता था।
🌼 बोलचाल में हिंदी का प्रयोग होता था और अंग्रेज़ी तो पीने के बाद ही बोली जाती थी।
🌼 लोग भूखे उठते थे पर भूखे सोते नहीं थे।
🌼 फिल्मों में हीरोइन को पैसे कम मिलते थे पर कपड़े वो पूरे पहनती थी।
🌼 लोग पैदल चलते थे और पदयात्रा करते थे पर पदयात्रा पद पाने के लिये नहीं होती थी।
🌼 साईकिल होती थी जो चार रोटी में चालीस का एवरेज देती थी।
🌼 चिट्ठी पत्री का जमाना था। पत्रों मे व्याकरण अशुद्ध होती थी पर आचरण शुद्ध हुआ करता थे।
🌼 शादी में घर की औरतें खाना बनाती थी और बाहर की औरतें नाचती थी अब घर की औरतें नाचती हैं और बाहर की औरते खाना बनाती है।
🌼 खाना घर खाते थे और शौच बाहर जाते थे और अब शौच घर में और खाना खाने बाहर जाते हैँ।
सोचो विचारो।
तकदीर की विडंबना तो देखो ...
अनाथाश्रम में बच्चे होते हैं
...गरीब के ।
वृद्धाश्रम में बुजुर्ग होते हैं ...
अमीरों के ।।

"सोच लूँ...कि छोड़ दूँ...ख़्याल तेरी याद का...?"
"लिख दूँ...कि रहने दूँ...नज़्म तेरे नाम की...?"
"देख लूँ...कि जाने दूँ...ख़्वाब तेरी चाह का...?"
"जोड़ दूँ...कि तोड़ दूँ...ये कड़ियाँ एतबार की...?
"माँग लूँ...कि रोक लूँ...दुआ तेरे नाम की...?"
"जी लूँ...कि भूल जाऊँ...लम्हा तेरे साथ का...?"
"छेड़ दूँ...कि ना छुऊँ...धुन तेरे प्यार की...?"
"जीत लूँ...कि हार जाऊँ...ये बाज़ी इंतज़ार की...?"
अमेय चा फोन सहाव्यांदा खणखणला..

......... तसा थोडासा वैतागत फोन उचलत "हेलो ...बोल लवकर...ऑफिस मध्ये खूप काम आहे...शिवाय एका मिटिंग मध्ये आहे.."

" अरे मी सुयश बोलतोय. अरे आई ला हॉस्पिटल ला नेलंय ...घरात चक्कर येउन पडली आणि डोक्याला जखम झाली...आत्ता बेशुद्ध अवस्थेत आहे .पण डॉक्टर म्हणाले काळजी करायचं काही कारण नाही...तू येतोस का हॉस्पिटल ला ? "

" ओह्ह सो सोरी सुयश..अरे आता एक महत्वाची मिटिंग आहे...ती झाल्यावर एका क्लायंट कडे जायचंय ...तिथून निघालो कि संध्याकाळी येतोच तुझ्या आई ला बघायला हॉस्पिटल ला.."

तसा काहीसा गोंधळत सुयश म्हणाला "मित्रा....आई माझी नाही...तुझी आहे हॉस्पिटल मध्ये...तुला शेजारच्यांनी ५ वेळा फोन केला पण तू उचलला नाहीस...म्हणून त्यांनी मला फोन केला..मी पण एका मिटिंग मधेच होतो..पण ती तशीच सोडून थेट हॉस्पिटलला गेलो...सर्व formalities पूर्ण करून आईला Admit केलं.."

तसा काहीसा किंचाळत अमेय म्हणाला " अरे बापरे....थांब मी निघालोच लगेच...मिटिंग वगैरे सगळ्या पुढे ढकलतो...लगेच येतो, तू तिथेच थांब.."

अमेय आल्यावर सुयश च्या अक्षरशः पायाच पडला..." I am very sorry सुयश....." सुयश च्या नजरेला नजर मिळवायची हिम्मत राहिली नसल्यामुळे खाली मान घालून अमेय भावनेच्या भरात रडू लागला..
त्यावर सुयश त्याला धीर देत म्हणाला " अमेय...अरे त्यात तुझी चूक नाही...तुला जेव्हा हे कळलं कि आई माझी नाही ,तर तुझी हॉस्पिटल ला आहे...लगेच आलास न धावत..ह्यात मी तुला दोष देत नाही...पण मी एक वाक्य कुठेतरी वाचलं आहे...
No one is really very busy..Its all about priorities..

आपण सगळे तसेच आहोत...अमेय..आई कुणाचीही असो..आई शेवटी आई असते.."
" चल ...काहीही लागलं तरी सांग..मी आता जातो ऑफिस ला ..रात्री येतो जेवणाचा डबा घेऊन तुझ्यासाठी..तो पर्यंत 'आपल्या ' आईची काळजी घे..."

अमेय चे हात मात्र नकळत सुयश च्या पाठमोऱ्या आकृतीकडे पाहत जोडले गेले होते.
आणि त्याच्या मनात तेच वाक्य घोळत राहिलं ......
No one is really very busy..Its all about priorities..

एक हास्य रचना

एक दिन पत्नी का अच्छा मूड देख,
मौके का भरपूर फायदा उठाया,
बरसों से दिमाग में उठते सवाल को,
बहुत हिम्मत से पत्नी के सामने उठाया।

मैंने कहा, प्रिय एक राज की बात बताना,
साफ बताना, कुछ भी तो न छुपाना,
एक सवाल करता हमें परेशान है,
इस बात से सारे मर्द बहुत हलकान है।

पत्नी ने आँखे तरेरी, भौहें चढाई,
मैं डरा अब बस होने वाली है लड़ाई,
लेकिन पत्नी ने कुछ दया दिखाई,
पूछने के लिए अपनी सहमति दर्शाई।

मैंने कहा कि एक बात बताओ,
इस राज से पर्दा आज उठाओ।

नारियाँ क्यों सदा एक ही पति चाहती है,
सातों जन्म उसी पति पर हक जताती है,
क्या हम इतने प्यारे हैं जो हम पर मरती हो,
हमें सदा पाने को सब इतने व्रत करती हो।

सुनकर पत्नी कुटिलता से मुस्कुराई,
अपना मुँह खोलकर बतीसी चमकाई।
बोली आप से क्या अनर्गल कह रहे हो,
कौन सी मूर्खों की दुनिया में रह रहे हो।

मेरे पिया ये प्यार नहीं समझदारी है,
इसके पीछे ये ही सोच हमारी है।
एक जन्म में तुम्हे गधे से इंसान बनाया है,
कूट- पीट के तुम्हे जोरु का गुलाम बनाया है।

अब जो हर जन्म में नया पति पाएँगे,
तो उसे सुधारने में फिर जन्म गवाएँगे,
ये सोचकर ही हम वो ही पति चाहती हैं,
कैसा भी हो, सात जन्म उस पर हक जताती है ।
मैं समझ गया ये प्यार नहीं होशियारी है,
वो क्या जाने कि ये मर्दों पर बहुत भारी है।

Terrible English by PT sir in ... 😁😁😜😝😛😁😍

1) There is no wind in the football.. 😆
2) I talk, he talk, why you middle talk?. 😝
3) You rotate the ground 4 times.. 😳
4) You go and understand the tree. 😳😳
5) I'll give you clap on ur cheeks.. 😓
6) Bring your parents and your mother and especially your father. 😓😓
7) Close the window airforce is coming. 😂
8) I have two daughters and both are girls.. 😂😭
9) Stand in a straight circle.. 😆
10) Don't stand in front of my back 😱😭😭
11) Why Haircut not cut..? 😵😵
12) Don't make noise.. principle is rotating in the corridor 😂😂😂
13) Why are you looking at the monkey outside the window when I’m here? 😅
14) You talking bad habit 😁
15) Give me a red pen of any colour. 😖😓
16) Can i have some snow in my cold drink? 😭😭
17) Pick the paper and fall into the dustbin. 😜
18) Both of u stand together separately. 😝😝
19) Keep quiet the principal just passed away!! 😂😂😂😂😂....
Dont laugh alone pass it....👍👍👍👌👌😜😜

बचपन में हम बहुत अमीर हुवा करते थे!!

इस बारिश में 2 - 3 जहाज़ हमारे भी चला
करते थे !!

काग़ज़ के ही क्यों नही पर हवा में हमारे भी
विमान उड़ा करते थे !!

मिट्टी - गारे का हि क्यों ना हो हमारे भी
महल क़िल्ले हुवा करते थे !!!

अब कहा रही वो अमिरी
अब कहा रहा वो बचपन .

"हुनर" सड़कों पर तमाशा करता है और
"किस्मत" महलों में राज करती है!!

"शिकायते तो बहुत है तुझसे ऐ जिन्दगी,
पर चुप इसलिये हु कि, जो दिया तूने,
 वो भी बहुतो को नसीब नहीं होता"...
छोटी सी ज़िंदगी है, हर बात में खुश रहो ...
जो चेहरा पास ना हो, उसकी आवाज में खुश रहो ....
कोई रूठा हो तुमसे, उसके इस अन्दाज में खुश रहो ....
जो लौट कर नहीं आने वाले, उन लम्हों की याद में खुश रहो ....
कल किसने देखा है, अपने आज में खुश रहो ....
खुशियों का इन्तजार किसलिए, दूसरों की मुस्कान में खुश रहो ...
क्यों तड़पते हो हर पल किसी के साथ को, कभी-कभी अपने आप में खुश रहो ...
छोटी सी तो ज़िंदगी है, हर हाल में खुश रहो ..

रेसिपी: 

एक कटोरा लो,
उसमें कुछ अंगूर लो,
अब एक अंगूर मुँह में डालो,
अब आइना देखो,
डिश तैयार।
डिश का नाम:
लंगूर के मुँह में अंगूर।

एक मच्छर परेशान बैठा था। दूसरे ने पूछा,"क्या हुआ ?" पहला बोला, "यार गजब हो रहा है ; चूहेदानी में चूहा;
साबुनदानी में साबुन;
मगर मच्छरदानी में आदमी सो रहा है।"
एक डॉक्टर का सवाल- टूथ ब्रश कितने समय बाद रिटायर किया जाता है।
चाइनीज- एक हफ्ता
ब्रिटिश- एक महीना
अमेरीकन- तीन महीने
भारतीय- इंडिया में तो टूथ ब्रश कभी भी रिटायर नहीं होता।
डॉक्टर – वो कैसे?
भारतीय- इंडिया में टूथ ब्रश सब से पहले दांत साफ करने के काम आता है, फिर हेयर कलर करने के काम आता है, उसके बाद मशीन की सफाई के काम आता है और जब उसक
बाल गिर जाते है तो पाजामें में नाड़ा डालने के काम आता है।
: पेशेंट: डाक्टर साहब सुबहा उठ कर साँस लेने में तकलीफ होती है।
डाक्टर: कितने बजे उठते हो?
पेशेंट: ठीक आठ बजे।
डाक्टर: जल्दी उठा करो ...रामदेव के लोग सुबह छ: बजे उठकर सारी औक्सीजन खीच लेते हैं।
एक पागल भैंस के ऊपर बैठकर घूम रहा था।
दूसरा पागल बोला: तुझे पुलिस पकड़ेगी।
पहला पागल: क्यों?
दूसरा पागल: अबे हेल्मेट नहीं पहना।
पहला पागल: अबे नीचे देख, four व्हीलर है।

एक सच छुपा होता है जब कोई कहता है..
“मजाक था यार”
एक फीलिंग छुपी होती है जब कोई कहता है..
“मुझे कोई फर्क नही पङता”
एक दर्द छुपा होता है जब कोई कहता है..
“Its ok”
एक जरूरत छुपी होती है जब कोई कहता है..
“मुझे अकेला छोङ दो”
एक गहरी बात छुपी होती है जब कोई कहता है..
“पता नही”
एक बातों का समंदर छुपा है जब कोई
खामोश रहता है…
इसीलिए एक ऑपन हार्ट सर्जरी की यूनिट के बाहर लिखा था कि
अगर दिल खोल लेते अपने यारों के साथ
तो आज नही खोलना पङता औजारों के साथ..!

इक वक़्त बीता, सब अच्छा हुआ करता था,
दिल तो #बच्चा था, मगर #सच्चा हुआ करता था...

हर पल खुशी के नाम था यारों,
ना कोई #गम हुआ करता था...
ख्बाहिशें हुआ जो करती थी #दिल की,
वो सपना हर अपना सच हुआ करता था...

क्या हुआ कहाँ खो गया वो जहां
बीता #बचपन जहाँ अपना गम विहीन हुआ करता था...
थक कर सो जाते थे कहीं पर भी मगर,
#उजाला आँखों का #बिस्तर पर हुआ करता था..

लगती थी #चोट हमको कभी भी ,
छुपाने को #दर्द एक आँचल माँ का हुआ करता था...

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

एक गाँव में बाढ आई थी तो मीडिया वाले ग्राम
सरपंच के पास गए और बोले:  आपके गांव
की आबादी सरकारी रजिस्टर में पांच सौ है और नदी से
अब तक नौ सौ लोग निकाले जा चुके हैं, ऐसा कैसे?

सरपंच: रजिस्टर का हिसाब
सही है! क्या है कि हमारे गांव में किसी ने
हेलीकाप्टर नहीं देखा है, वो आर्मी वाले
इनको निकाल के किनारे करते है और ये
हेलीकाप्टर पे चढ़ने के लिए फिर से पानी में कूद
जाते हैं!! भगवान झूठ न बुलाये, मैं खुद ही नौ-दस बार पानी मे कूद
चूका हूँ …
पति (मरते समय अपनी बीवी से): अलमारी से तेरे सोने के गहने मैंने ही चोरी किए थे.

बीवी रोते हुए😭: कोई बात नहीं जी.

पति: तेरे भाई ने तुझे जो एक लाख रुपए दिए थे वह भी मैंने ही गायब किए थे.

पत्नी: 😭कोई बात नहीं मैंने आपको माफ किया.

पति: तेरे कीमती साड़ियां भी मैंने चोरी कर अपनी प्रेमिका को दे दिए थे.

पत्नी: 😭कोई बात नहीं जी, आप इतना मत सोचिये...आपको जहर मैंने ही दिया है.. .... आप आराम से जाइए...सब चुकता हो गया....😂😂😂
हाई स्कूल में पढ़ने वाली दो लड़कियां आपस में बातें कर रही थीं।

🐽लड़की- यार मेरे पापा ने कहा है कि इस बार अगर परीक्षा में फेल हुई तो तेरी शादी कर दूंगा।

🐝लड़की- तो तुमने कितनी तैयारी की है?

लड़की-बस फेशियल बाकी हैं!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Father's letter to his son

Beautiful letter written by a father to his son :: Must send to your children...

This applies to daughters too. All parents can use this in their teachings to their children.

Dear son ,
I am writing this to you because of 3 reasons

1. Life, fortune and mishaps are unpredictable, nobody knows how long he lives. Some words are better said early.

2. I am your father, and if I don't tell you these, no one else will.

3. What is written is my own personal bitter experiences that perhaps could save you a lot of unnecessary heartaches. Remember the following as you go through life

1. Do not bear grudge towards those who are not good to you. No one has the responsibility of treating you well, except your mother and I.
To those who are good to you, you have to treasure it and be thankful, and ALSO you have to be cautious, because, everyone has a motive for every move. When a person is good to you, it does not mean he really likes you. You have to be careful, don't hastily regard him as a real friend.

2. No one is indispensable, nothing is in the world that you must possess.
Once you understand this idea, it would be easier for you to go through life when people around you don't want you anymore, or when you lose what/who you love the most.

3. Life is short.
When you waste your life today, tomorrow you would find that life is leaving you. The earlier you treasure your life, the better you enjoy life.

4. Love is but a transient feeling, and this feeling would fade with time and with one's mood. If your so called loved one leaves you, be patient, time will wash away your aches and sadness. Don't over exaggerate the beauty and sweetness of love, and don't over exaggerate the sadness of falling out of love.

5.A lot of successful people did not receive a good education, that does not mean that you can be successful by not studying hard! Whatever knowledge you gain is your weapon in life.
One can go from rags to riches, but one has to start from some rags!

6.I do not expect you to financially support me when I am old, neither would I financially support your whole life. My responsibility as a supporter ends when you are grown up. After that, you decide whether you want to travel in a public transport or in your limousine, whether rich or poor.

7. You honour your words, but don't expect others to be so. You can be good to people, but don't expect people to be good to you. If you don't understand this, you would end up with unnecessary troubles.

8. I have bought lotteries for umpteen years, but I could never strike any prize. That shows if you want to be rich, you have to work hard! There is no free lunch!

9. No matter how much time I have with you, let's treasure the time we have together. We do not know if we would meet again in our next life.
Your Dad

Read it twice. Ask your son daughter to read it thrice...

Top 20 Natural Painkillers List

Top 20 Natural Painkillers List

Ginger (add to 1-2 teaspoons daily to diet for general muscle pain)

Cloves (chewed gently for toothache / gum inflammation)

Apple Cider Vinegar (1tbsp mixed with water before meals for heartburn)

Garlic (made into a special oil for earache)

Cherries (joint pain, headaches – 1 bowl per day)

Oily fish (Salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, mackerel, herring – intestinal inflammation – 18oz per week)

Yogurt (PMS – 2 cups per day)

Turmeric (chronic pain – 1/4 teaspoon per day)

Oats (endometrial pain – they are gluten free)

Salt (hot, salty foot baths for ingrown toenails – 1tsp per cup of water – 20 mins twice daily)

Pineapple (stomach bloating, gas – 1 cup of fresh pineapple)

Peppermint (add a few drops of the essential oil to bath for sore muscles)

Grapes (back pain – 1 heaping cup per day)

Water (general injury pain, helps wash away the pain-triggering histamine – 8 x 8 ounce glasses per day)

Horseradish (sinus pain – 1 teaspoon twice daily)

Blueberries (bladder / urinary tract infections – 1 cup daily)

Raw Honey (topical application 4 times daily for cold sores / canker sores) (see also our special report on raw honey)

Flax (breast pain – 3 tablespoons daily – must be ground or seeds will pass right through!)

Coffee (migraines – caffeine stimulates the stomach to absorb pain meds better)

Tomato Juice (leg cramps – tomato juice is rich in potassium – 10oz daily)

5 Simple Home Remedies to Cure Common Cold

5 Simple Home Remedies to Cure Common Cold @ Season Change

Frequent during change of season, the common cold can be a nuisance, leading to disruptions in your daily activities. Although it’s true that the common cold cannot be prevented, there are certain sure shot ways of getting rid of it through simple home remedies. Read on to find out 5 home remedies for common cold, free from side effects.

1. Put an extra pillow under your head: Do this at night when you’re ready to sleep. Adding an extra pillow under your head can help in relieving congested nasal passages. If you bit too uncomfortable, or if the angle is too high, then you can place the pillow between the mattress and the box spring. This would create a gradual slope and prevent any sort of discomfort during sleep.

2. Make your own saline nasal spray: For this you’ll need to mix 3 teaspoons of iodide free salt with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Add this mixture to 230ml of distilled or lukewarm boiled water and fill a bulb syringe with the mixture. Stand at your basin and lean your head over. Hold one nostril close by applying pressure with your finger and gently squirt the mixture into your open nostril and let it drain. Repeat for the other nostril.Just be sure to use distilled or previously boiled water at all times. Also remember to rinse the bulb syringe thoroughly and let it dry to prevent any infections.

3. Chew on raw garlic: Garlic has antiviral and antibacterial properties, which can greatly help in getting rid of common cold. Besides it is also good for your immune system and aids in opening up your respiratory passage and in cleaning out the toxins from your body. Just chew on raw garlic cloves or add a few drops of garlic oil in your food or drinks to cure yourself of common cold.

4. Treat yourself to some chocolate: Hot, dark chocolate sweetened with a little bit of honey can help in reducing cough. Research found out that chocolate contains theobromine, which can suppress the nerve that is responsible for coughing, and is also more effective in curing persistent coughs than codeine. Here’s the catch though: milk chocolate doesn’t work. Honey, on the other hand, can help in soothing a sore throat.

5. Have red onion syrup: Red onions can help providing relief to sore throats and other common cold symptoms. To make this syrup at home, you need to chop 2-3 red onions horizontally and one slice of onion with honey at a time in a bowl until its full. Then cover the bowl and let it stand for 12-15 hours; when you open it you’ll find thick syrup ready. Consume of a spoonful of it several times a day to cure yourself of common cold the natural way.

Foods that help you sleep better

Foods that help you sleep better

Sleep deficiency is one of the most common problems faced by people of all ages these days. Popping pills is dangerous, so why not try something natural and healthy? Go from being a nocturnal creature to a sound sleeper by making some small changes in your diet.

Bananas contain potassium, which relax the muscles. Vitamin B6, which bananas are loaded with, increases your body's melatonin levels, thereby helping treat chronic insomnia.

Drinking cherry juice in the morning aids in sleeping as it contains large amounts of melatonin, which helps regulate the body's sleep and energy cycles. Grape is another fruit that has high levels of melatonin.

Snacking on a bowl of low-sugar, whole-grain cereal is a good idea. Complex carbohydrate-rich foods up the amounts of tryptophan in the bloodstream, which in turn helps you sleep.

Almonds, which are high in magnesium, promote sleep and relax the muscles. They also supply proteins that help maintain a stable blood sugar level while one is asleep, and promote sleep by switching from an alert adrenaline cycle to the rest-and-digest cycle.

Sweet potatoes
High in potassium and complex proteins, sweet potatoes relax muscles and induce sleep. Consuming them on a daily basis has shown to lead to better sleep.

Warm milk
A good ol' glass of warm milk actually does work wonders. Research has found that combining milk with a carbohydrate-rich food like oatmeal, granola or toast makes it much more effective. It's also high in calcium and other minerals, known to have a relaxing effect.

Glucose, which is found aplenty in honey, tells your brain to shut off orexin, which is a chemical that is known to trigger alertness. But, don't overdo it; just one tablespoon of honey is enough for a good night's sleep.
Dark chocolate
Ditch milk chocolate and nibble on some dark chocolate instead, as it contains serotonin, which relaxes your body and mind, and induces sleep.

~ Sometimes ~

~ Sometimes ~

Sometimes I feel I want to go back in times
Not to change things, but to feel a couple of things twice

Sometimes I wish I was a baby for a while
Not to be walked in the pram but to see my mother's smile

Some times I wish I could go back to school
No to become a child but to learn how to be cool

Sometimes I wish I could be back in the uni
Not to be a rebel but to understand what I study

Sometimes I wish I was a fresher at my work
Not to do less work but to recall the joy of the first pay cheque

Sometimes I wish I could marry again all over
Not to change the partner but to understand the ceremony better

Sometimes I wish my kids were younger
Not because they grew fast but to play with them a bit more

Sometimes I feel I still had some more time to live
Not to have a longer life but to know what I could give

Since, Never can the times come back that are gone

Let's enjoy the moments as we live them from now on!!

Monday, March 21, 2016

A Poem For Seniors.

A Poem For Seniors.

A Little Poem For Seniors, so true it hurts!
Another year has passed
And we're all a little older.
Last summer felt hotter
And winter seems much colder.
There was a time not long ago
When life was quite a blast.
Now I fully understand
About 'Living in the Past'
We used to go to weddings,
Football games and lunches..
Now we go to funeral homes
And after-funeral brunches.
We used to go out dining,
And couldn't get our fill.
Now we ask for doggie bags,
Come home and take a pill.
We used to often travel
To places near and far.
Now we get sore asses
From riding in the car.
We used to go to nightclubs
And drink a little booze.
Now we stay home at night
And watch the evening news.
That, my friend is how life is,
And now my tale is told.
So, enjoy each day and live it up...
Before you're too damned old!



In general the way to get crucial vitamins and minerals is through healthy
foods, so for a completely well-nourished person, supplements may be a
waste of money. But for people over age 50, even the best diet may not provide
enough of some important nutrients.

Use this information to explore details about the Vitamins, Minerals and
Supplements that are most important and specially as you grow older for
people over 50.

Supplements may cause side effects. If you have certain diseases, such as
cancer or diabetes, your body may have special nutritional needs. Be sure
to talk to your doctor about the vitamins and supplements you take.

1.1 Vitamin A
1.2 Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
1.3 Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
1.4 Vitamin B3 (niacin)
1.5 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
1.6 Vitamin B12
1.7 Vitamin C
1.8 Vitamin D
1.9 Vitamin E
1.10 Folic acid
1.11 Vitamin K

2.1 Calcium
2.2 Chromium
2.4 IRON
2.5 Magnesium
2.6 Potassium
2.7 Selenium
2.8 Zinc
[3] Supplements
3.1 Omega-3 fatty acids
3.2 Echinacea
3.3 Ginkgo
3.4 Ginseng

[1] Vitamins

Vitamin A
How much?
Men: 900 mcg
Women: 700 mcg

Why you need it:
Promotes good vision; helps keep immune system healthy.

Good to know:
In supplements, look for vitamin A as beta carotene, not as retinol or
retinoic acid, which increases the risk of bone fracture.

Food sources:
Dairy products, fish, darkly colored fruits and vegetables.


Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
How much?
Men: 1.2 mg
Women: 1.1 mg
Why you need it:
Necessary for healthy nerve and brain cells; helps convert food to energy.
Good to know:
Antacids and some diuretics may lower thiamin levels by decreasing
absorption and increasing urinary secretion.
Food sources:
Liver, whole grains, enriched breads and cereals.


Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
How much?
Men: 1.3 mg
Women: 1.1 mg
Why you need it:
Important for red blood cell production; helps convert food to energy.
Good to know:
Older men and women may be especially susceptible to riboflavin
deficiency, which can cause cracking or sores at the corners of the mouth, skin
irritation or weakness.
Food sources:
milk, eggs, fortified bread products and cereals.


Vitamin B3 (niacin)
How much?
Men: 16 mg
Women: 14 mg
Why you need it:
Necessary for proper functioning of the digestive system, skin and nerves;
helps convert food to energy.
Good to know:
Can cause skin flushing; may be prescribed to treat high cholesterol but
should be used only under a doctor's care because of potentially severe side
Food sources:
Meat, fish, poultry, eggs.


Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
How much?
Men: 1.7 mg
Women: 1.5 mg
Why you need it: Aids in the formation of red blood cells; strengthens the
immune system.
Good to know: Too high doses of supplements may cause nerve damage,
numbness and trouble walking.

Food sources: Beans, nuts, eggs, whole grains.


Vitamin B12
How much?
Men and women: 2.4 mcg

Why you need it: Essential for keeping nerves and red blood cells healthy.

Good to know: As many as a third of people over 50 do not absorb enough
B12 from diet alone; inadequate absorption may lead to neurological and
balance problems.

Food sources: Fish, shellfish, meat, dairy products.

Vitamin C
How much?
Men: 90 mg
Women: 75 mg
(Smokers should add an extra 35 mg)

Why you need it:
Important for wound healing; boosts immune system; required for growth and
repair of tissues in all parts of body.
Good to know:
No studies confirm vitamin C prevents colds although it may shorten the
length of a cold; excessive amounts may lead to upset stomach and diarrhea.
Food sources:
Citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwi, strawberries.


Vitamin D
How much?
Ages 51-70: 400 IU (10 mcg)
Age 71+: 600 IU (15 mcg)
Why you need it: Helps the body absorb calcium; may protect against heart
disease, cancer, diabetes and several autoimmune diseases.
Good to know: The current recommendation is under review and may soon
increase substantially.
Food sources: Sun exposure provides the body's main supply of vitamin D;
fatty fish, fortified milk and juices also contribute.


Vitamin E
How much?
Men and women: 15 mg
Why you need it:
Helps protect cells from damage; may reduce the risk of developing cancer,
heart disease and other chronic diseases, but further research is needed.
Good to know:
If you take a blood thinner, talk to your doctor before taking supplements;
vitamin E increases bleeding risk.
Food sources:
Vegetable oils, nuts, fruits, vegetables.


Folic acid
How much?
Men and women:
400 mcg

Why you need it:
This B vitamin helps form red blood cells and produce DNA.

Good to know:
High levels may mask vitamin B12 deficiency, especially in older adults.
Recent research, suggests that for women, folic acid along with vitamins B6
and B12 may reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.

Food sources:
Enriched cereals, whole-grain breads, dark, leafy vegetables.


Vitamin K
How much?
Men: 120 mcg
Women: 90 mcg

Why you need it: Helps blood clot properly and helps maintain strong bones
in older men and women.

Good to know: Can dilute the effect of blood thinners, so talk to your
doctor if you take Coumadin (warfarin) or other blood thinners.

Food sources: Plant oils, green vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower.


How much?
Men and women: 1200 mg

Why you need it: Helps form and maintain healthy teeth and bones; needed
for normal heartbeat; helps with blood clotting.

Good to know: The body needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium, so if you
use calcium supplements choose one that contains D. Recent studies have
linked calcium pills to increased risk of heart attack.

Food sources: Dairy products, green leafy vegetables, bok choy,
calcium-fortified orange juice.


How much?
Men: 30 mcg
Women: 20 mcg

Why you need it: Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Good to know: There has been interest in treating high glucose levels and
type 2 diabetes with supplemental chromium, but research to date is

Food sources: Meat, chicken, broccoli, apples, fish, grape juice.


How much?
Men and women: 150 mcg
Why you need it:
Necessary for normal thyroid function; prevents goiter, a swelling of the
thyroid gland.
Good to know:
Deficiency occurs more often in women than men; when buying salt, choose
one labeled "iodized."
Food sources: Seafood, iodized salt.


How much?
Men and women: 8 mg
Why you need it:
Essential for healthy red blood cells.
Good to know:
Men and women over 50 generally should not take a mutivitamin containing
iron unless they have been diagnosed with iron deficiency.
Food sources:
Meat, eggs, fortified bread and grain products.


How much?
Men: 420 mg
Women: 320 mg
Why you need it:
Supports a healthy immune system; helps keep bones strong; regulates heart
Good to know: Magnesium-rich foods may help protect against the
development of type 2 diabetes; may also decrease the risk of high blood pressure in
Food sources: Whole grains, nuts, green vegetables.


How much?
Men and women: 4700 mg
Why you need it:
Crucial for heart, kidney, muscle, nerve function; important in
controlling blood pressure; works with sodium to maintain the body's water balance.
Good to know:
With age, kidneys become less able to remove potassium from blood, so
speak with your doctor before taking supplements. A diet rich in fruits and
vegetables generally provides sufficient potassium.
Food sources:
Cantaloupe, bananas, yogurt, leafy green vegetables and sweet potatoes.


How much?
Men and women: 55 mcg

Why you need it:
Helps make special proteins that play a role in preventing cell damage.

Good to know:
May reduce the risk of certain cancers, including lung, colorectal and
prostate, although not all studies have found this effect.

Food sources:
Red meat, fish, chicken, vegetables.


How much?
Men: 11 mg
Women: 8 mg
Why you need it:
Aids in wound healing; keeps sense of smell and taste sharp.
Good to know:
Many people take zinc to ease the miseries of a common cold, but its
effect is controversial; some studies suggest zinc can speed recovery, others
conclude it doesn't work. Some studies show that taking a combination of
antioxidants and zinc reduces the risk of advanced _age-related macular
Food sources:
Fortified cereals, red meat, eggs, seafood.


Omega-3 fatty acids
What does it do:
Important for blood clotting, cell division, relaxation and contraction of
Good to know:
The omega-3 fatty acids plentiful in fatty fish and fish oil supplements
have built a powerful reputation for reducing the risk of a second heart
attack. Studies on fish oil and memory have had mixed results. May interact
with blood thinners.


What does it do:
This native American plant may reduce the duration of a cold.
Good to know:
Study results are mixed about whether it can prevent colds and other


What does it do:
Derived from the oldest living tree species, ginkgo extract improves
walking in people with certain circulatory problems that affect the legs.
Good to know:
Research on ginkgo's effect on Alzheimer's and memory loss has been
disappointing. Ginkgo can increase bleeding risk, so talk to your doctor if you
take blood thinners or have surgery scheduled.

Sleeping positions and directions

Sleeping positions and directions

A Dweller should avoid sleeping head towards the north and legs towards the south

Vasthu Sastra highlights sleep as an important aspect of good health. In order to enjoy sound sleep, one must have a bedroom with a peaceful environment.
Sleeping in the wrong direction can also cause health problems. Vasthu Sastra recommends that the head must be placed towards the east for undisturbed sleep. The second best sleeping direction is with the head towards the west, the third choice is south.
People who observe these directions will receive positive energy when they wake up. These positions will also enhance the person's blood circulation.
The head should never be towards north while sleeping. Never sleep with the head towards the north because the magnetic field of the earth lies in a north-south direction energy levels can be thrown out of balance by this strong field. Sleeping in this direction may cause difficulties in having children, nightmare and disturbed sleep.
Our head is considered north and if we place our head towards north, the magnetic repulsion between similar poles occurs.
This position can also result in the dweller experiencing physically low or high blood pressure, insomnia or a high level of cholesterol. This can be prevented by rotating the head position to south. Vasthu Sastra recommends the right location or quadrant a couple should sleep in.
The south-west sector is the most powerful quadrant in Vasthu Sastra because it is the area where positive energy is stored. (For this reason, the extreme south-west corner must not have windows or doors; as such openings will release the energy that has gathered in the house)

The normal position of the Vastu Purusha (head in the northeast,legs in the southwest) is as depicted in the Paramasaayika Mandala.

However, in the Manduka Mandala the Vastu Purusha is depicted with the head facing east and the feet facing west.

Who is a happy Soul?

1. A Happy Soul stops trying to change others, but instead focus on changing self.
2. A Happy Soul is one who accepts people for who they are.
3. A Happy Soul is one who understands that everyone is right in one's own perspective.
4. A Happy Soul is one who learns to "let go".
5. A "Happy Soul is one who is able to drop expectations from every relationship and gives for the sake of giving.
6. A Happy Soul is one who understands that whatever we do, we do it for our own peace.
7. A Happy Soul is one who stops proving to the world, how intelligent one is.
8. A Happy Soul is one who does not seek approval from others.
9. A Happy Soul is one who stops comparing with others.
10. A Happy Soul is one who is at peace with oneself.
11. A Happy Soul is one who is able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and is able to let go of one's wants.
12. A Happy Soul is one who stops attaching "happiness" to material things.

Conversation between Krishna Today's Arjun

Conversation between Krishna Today's Arjun


​​Conversation between Krishna Today's Arjun

1. Arjun :- I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic.

Krishna:- Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you free.

2. Arjun :- Why has life become complicated now?

Krishna :- Stop analyzing life... It makes it complicated. Just live it.

3. Arjun :- Why are we then constantly unhappy?

Krishna :- Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.

4. Arjun :- Why do good people always suffer?

Krishna :- Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer.

With that experience their life becomes better, not bitter.

5. Arjun :- You mean to say such experience is useful?

Krishna :- Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons later.

6. Arjun :- Because of so many problems, we don’t know where we are heading…

Krishna:- If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides the way.

7. Arjun :- Does failure hurt more than moving in the right direction?

Krishna:- Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.

8. Arjun :- In tough times, how do you stay motivated?

Krishna :- Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.

9. Arjun :- What surprises you about people?

Krishna :- When they suffer they ask, "why me?" When they prosper, they never ask "Why me?"

10. Arjun :- How can I get the best out of life?

Krishna:- Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.

11. Arjun :- One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.

Krishna:- There are no unanswered prayers. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live.

Stay Happy Always.....!!!

15 Self Defense Tips for a Woman Alone

15 Self Defense Tips for a Woman Alone

Most men will never understand what it is like being a woman alone on the street. Where men walk with confidence, certain they can deal with most physical threats, a woman doesn't have that sense of confidence. Many women are scared every day, because they know that if a man decides to attack them, they won't stand a chance against his enhanced strength.

That is why women carry pepper spray and rape whistles, but even those only work part of the time, and that's if the woman has time to get to them. It's just as important to be aware of a few simple tips and techniques that can help you escape or survive your attack unharmed.

Here are 15 tips and tricks to help you out if the worst happens:

1. Show that you're aware: Show the environment that you are aware of what's happening around you. Potential assailants prefer women that seem distracted or preoccupied. If you look assertive and aware, they might never initiate the assault.

2. Prepare your body: If you sense danger, immediately go to a starting fighting position. Move your hands close to your chest, place your right foot a bit ahead of the left and tilt your body forward. Your body is now ready for a physical confrontation.

3. Don't let the hair get in the way: Many attackers will choose the hair as an easy target to grab. It's better to let your hair out and tuck it into your collar.

4. Have a weapon to reach for: An umbrella, a set of keys or a pen can make all the difference in a moment of crisis. Remember where they are and be prepared to draw them if you feel threatened.

5. Call for help: Calling for help may not provide it but it may scare the attacker enough to allow you to escape. Many women get confused and don't know what to scream. Shouting 'fire' for instance, can be better and more attention grabbing than simply yelling 'help'.

6. Know the weak spots in the body: If you do find yourselves in a physical confrontation, you can scratch, pull, hit or grab, as you aim directly to one of the five weak spots: Eyes, nose, neck, knees and groin!

7. Don't be scared to fight: Many women are scared to strike back because they are scared of their assailant's anger, or are afraid to hurt themselves. The punch you give may hurt you, but the pain is minor and if it's enough to allow you to escape - it's well worth it.

8. Take an opportunity to run: If you've identified a good time to run away from the confrontation, do it. Escaping is always better than confronting, and these opportunities will not present themselves a second time.

9. Keep your ears open: Don't listen to music while walking through a bad neighborhood, and don't play around on your cellphone. You should be aware of your surroundings and be able to hear your attackers coming.

10. Use things around you: Look for stuff that might scare him away, break a window, turn on a car alarm or let some trash cans fly.

11. Remain calm: The worst thing to do is panic. This is of course a very stressful situation, but keeping your cool will do much more to save you.

How to escape various holds:

1. Chocked from behind: Use your heel to scratch the attacker's lower leg, inflicting a sharp pain he can't ignore.

2. Held from the back: Hit your head backwards or kick your heel in the direction of the crotch.

3. Head squeeze: Take hold of his leg to get him to lose his grip and fall.

4. Escaping a choke hold: Bend down and lean forward. Give him a good head butt on the chin so he bites his tongue, and finish with a strong kick to the groin.

Uses for Onions

Uses for Onions

While onions add incredible flavor to a dish, they are pretty useful outside the kitchen too. From soothing a bee sting to polishing metal, we've rounded up 15 unusual uses for onions:

1. Repel insects: For a natural alternative to bug spray, rub a halved onion on your skin or clothes.

2. Soothe an insect bite or a bee sting: If you've got an itchy mosquito bite or a painful bee sting, try rubbing a raw onion over the affected area to ease the pain or irritation.
3. Prepare some onion tea to soothe a sore throat: To soothe a sore throat, boil a cup of water with the peels of half an onion.
4. Remove splinters: Lay a halved raw onion on top of a splinter and cover it with a piece of tape or adhesive bandage. Keep the onion there for about an hour and once you remove it, the splinter should have loosened and be easier to pull out.
5. Polish metal: Prepare a mix of crushed onion and one part water. Then, using a damp cloth, rub the mixture on a metal surface, until it appears shiny and clean.

6. Clean the grill: First scrub the grill with a wire brush to remove gunk. Switch on the grill. Use a halved onion, speared through a fork and run the onion over the grill until all of the dirt is gone.
7. Ward off ants: If ants are a problem you face at home, leave a bowl of raw onion slices out. The scent should ward them off.
8. Create a DIY dye: While onions appear translucent in color, they make a beautiful vibrant red or orange dye. Just gather the skins and place them in a pair of nylon pantyhose or a nut milk bag and tie a knot at the end. Boil them in a pot for about 20 minutes. The liquid should be a bright dye, perfect for paper, yarn or fabric.
9. Soak up the smell of burnt rice: A great way to get rid of that smoky smell from burnt rice is to place half an onion next to the stove to absorb the smell.
10. Prevent your windshield from frosting up: Slice a raw onion in half and rub it on your windshield at night. This technique will help prevent frost from forming overnight.

11. Keep avocados from turning brown: A slice of red onion can be placed alongside an avocado in an airtight container to prevent it from browning. You may also add slices of red onion on top of guacamole.
12. Get rid of that 'new paint' smell: Place a couple of slices of onion in a bowl of water and leave the bowl in the newly painted room overnight to absorb the strong smell of paint fumes.

13. Clean rusty knives: If your knives are rusting, jab them into a large, raw onion.
14. Soothe a burn: Rub an onion on top of a burn to temporarily relieve the pain. Onions also have antibacterial properties to keep the wound from becoming infected.
15. Keep unwanted animals out of your yard: If you often have a problem with raccoons, chipmunks or your neighbor's cat, sprinkle a couple of onion slices around the yard or garden to keep them away.

Walking Walking Walking

Walking Walking Walking

1.Walking 30 minutes a day cuts the rate of people becoming diabetic by more than half and it cuts the risk of people over 60 becoming diabetic by almost 70 percent.

2.Walking cuts the risk of stroke by more than 25 percent.

3.Walking reduces hypertension. The body has over 100,000 miles of blood vessels. Those blood vessels are more supple and healthier when we walk.

4.Walking cuts the risk of cancer as well as diabetes and stroke.

5.Women who walk have a 20 percent lower likelihood of getting breast cancer and a 31 percent lower risk of getting colon cancer.

6.Women with breast cancer who walk regularly can reduce their recurrence rate and their mortality rate by over 50 percent.

7.The human body works better when we walk. The body resists diseases better when we walk, and the body heals faster when we walk.

8.We don't have to walk a lot. Thirty minutes a day has a huge impact on our health.
Men who walk thirty minutes a day have a significantly lower level of prostate cancer. Men who walk regularly have a 60 percent lower risk of colon cancer.

9.For men with prostate cancer, studies have shown that walkers have a 46 percent lower mortality rate.

10.Walking also helps prevent depression, and people who walk regularly are more likely to see improvements in their depression.

11.In one study, people who walked and took medication scored twice as well in 30 days as the women who only took the medication. Another study showed that depressed people who walked regularly had a significantly higher level of not being depressed in a year compared to depressed people who did not walk. The body generates endorphins when we walk. Endorphins help us feel good.

12.Walking strengthens the heart. Walking strengthens bones. Walking improves the circulatory system.

13.Walking generates positive neurochemicals. Healthy eating is important but dieting can trigger negative neurochemicals and can be hard to do.
Walking generates positive neurochemicals. People look forward to walking and enjoy walking.

14.And research shows that fit beats fat for many people. Walking half an hour a day has health benefits that exceed the benefits of losing 20 pounds.

15.When we walk every day, our bodies are healthier and stronger. A single 30 minute walk can reduce blood pressure by five points for over 20 hours.

16.Walking reduces the risk of blood clots in your legs.
People who walk regularly have much lower risk of deep vein thrombosis.

17.People who walk are less likely to catch colds, and when people get colds, walkers have a 46 percent shorter symptom time from their colds.

18.Walking improves the health of our blood, as well. Walking is a good boost of high density cholesterol and people with high levels of HDL are less likely to have heart attacks and stroke.

19.Walking significantly diminishes the risk of hip fracture and the need for gallstone surgery is 20 to 31 percent lower for walkers.

20.Walking is the right thing to do. The best news is that the 30 minutes doesn't have to be done in one lump of time. Two 15 minute walks achieve the same goals. Three 10 minute walks achieve most of those goals.
We can walk 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night and achieve our walking goals.

21.Walking feels good. It helps the body heal. It keeps the body healthy. It improves our biological health, our physical health, our psychosocial health, and helps with our emotional health. Walking can literally add years entire years to your life.
It is good to walk.