Friday, October 14, 2016

*A very Nice message*

*You were born in a first class hospital, I was delivered at home, we both survived.*

*You went to a private primary school and I went to a public school, we both ended in the same high school.*

*You woke up from the bed and I woke from the floor, we both had a peaceful night rest.*

*Your outfits are all expensive, mine are all simple and cheap, we both still cover our nakedness.*

*You ate fried rice and roasted chicken, I ate local made food but we both still ate to our satisfaction.*

*You ride on Lexus jeep, Range Rover, G Wagon, Hummer Jeep and I use public transport but we still got to our various destination.*

*You may be reading this post from your Sony xperia, BB Z10, Q10, Samsung Galaxy 6edge, IPhone6+ and I typed it with my Touch one broken screen, we still see the message.*
*Lifestyle is not a competition and there are different ways to get a lot of things done, different lanes all leading to the same destination. Just because your neighbour is doing things faster does not mean you are failing.*

*Happiness doesn't come from having everything, but making the best out of what you have, it's all about how you see yourself.*

*Happiness is not having what you like. Happiness is liking what you have and being content...*                                                  
*Courtesy says*
*You must never ask a woman her age and a man his salary.*

*Do you know why, Have you ever thought about it..*

*Well here is a beautiful insight...*

*It is wrong to ask a woman her age because she hardly ever lives for herself!*

*And it is wrong to ask a man his salary because he hardly ever spends on himself!.*

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