Saturday, August 8, 2015

Doctor: Which soap do you use?
Patient: K. P. Namboodiri's soap.
Doctor: Paste?
Patient: K. P. Namboodiri's paste
Doctor: Shampoo?
Patient: - K. P. Namboodiri's shampoo.
Doctor: Is K.P. Namboodiri an international brand?
Patient: No. K. P. Namboodiri is my roommate !

ร˜ A bookseller conducting a market survey asked a woman – “Which book has helped you most in your life?”
 The woman replied – “My husband’s cheque book !!”

ร˜ A prospective husband in a book store “Do you have a book called, ‘Husband – the Master of the House’? Sales Girl : “Sir, Fiction and Comics are on the 1st floor!”.

ร˜ Someone asked an old man : “Even after 70 years, you still call your wife – Darling, Honey, Luv. What’s the secret ?
Old man : I forgot her name and I’m scared to ask her.

ร˜ A man in Hell asked Devil : Can I make a call to my Wife ? After making call he asked how much to pay. Devil : Nothing. Hell to hell is Free.

ร˜ Husband to wife – Today is a fine day. Next day he says : Today is a fine day. Again next day, he says same thing – Today is a fine day. Finally after a week, the wife can’t take it and asks her husband – since last one week, you are saying this “Today is a fine day’. I am fed up. What’s the matter?
Husband : Last week when we had an argument, you said, “I will leave you one fine day.” I was just trying to remind you……

Have a laugh, laughter is the best medicine...Pass it on!
Joke time.....๐Ÿ“ข๐Ÿ“ข๐Ÿ“ข๐Ÿ“ข๐Ÿ“ข



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