Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Whatsappia disease!!

1) Waking up in the morning and the first thing you do is check your WhatsApp!😎

2) Checking peoples "last seen" and judging at what time do they sleep/wake up!

3) Stalking peoples status and wishing that you could have the same one!

4) Checking out a friends profile picture for a rather long time!

5) Continuously checking a persons "last seen" if he/she hasn't yet replied!😅

6) Checking who's online on your list so that you can chat with them!

7) Trying to figure out who's texting whom!

8) Wanting to block your own "last seen" but wanting to be able to see others "last seen"!

9) Wondering how a person is perpetually online!!!

10) Randomly waking up at night and going online to boost your "last seen"!

Don't laugh alone... Share it with others if you have at least few of the symptoms!

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