Monday, November 17, 2014

We, the people born between 1950-1980 are the blessed ones...
We are d awesome people. Our life is a living proof........
      We were never treated like a pack of animals to carry our books to school.
             While playing and riding bicycle, we never bothered to wear helmets.
             After school time we played until its dusk but never watched t-world (TV) by locking up ourselves in a room.
            We played only with our real friends, not with NET friends.
             If we ever felt thirsty, we used to drink tap water but never searched for bottled water.
             We never got ill even after sharing the same juice with four friends.
             We were never put on weight even after eating plate full of sweets and rice everyday.
             Nothing happened to our feet even after roaming bare foot.
             We never used any health supplements to keep ourselves healthy.
              We used to create our own toys and play with them.
              Our parents were not rich, they never ran behind money and wealth. They just searched for and gave only love.. not any worldly materials.
             We stayed nearby to them so that they can communicate with us. Just one word by them was enough to communicate. hence we never required any mobile phones to communicate.
            We never used to share our emotions just by emoticons in mobile phones.
           We used to listen to the truth and voice of our conscience and used to write those things only in the letters, hence we never used to change our words.
             We never had cellphones, DVDs, Play stations, XBoxes, video games, Personal computers, internet, chat but we had many real friends.
              We used to visit our friend's home uncalled and enjoyed food with them. We never had to call them and ask their permission to visit their home.
            Relatives were near to us so our hearts and souls were happy. Hence we never required any insurance policy.
             We may have been in Black and White photos but you can find good colourful memories in those photos........
    excellent .. So true

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