Sunday, September 13, 2020


We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty -Maya Angelou

1. Don’t settle for little when you have potential to do much more. Just, like butterfly didn’t limit itself to be a caterpillar.

2. Don’t give up. The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.

3. Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us.

4. Sometimes a “breaking down” must occur in order for restructuring to begin

5. Be open to change. Be willing to be transformed. Without change, nothing beautiful would happen. You have to give up who you are to become who you might be.

6. Life is like a butterfly — we go through changes before we become something beautiful. No stage is permanent. When bad things happen, we should say, “This too shall pass.”

7. Don’t harm others. Butterflies pass through so many painful stages of their life then also they don’t harm others but simply live their life. Similarly, if we can silently endure our hardships without hurting others then that adds beauty to our hardship and above all makes us a better human being.

Enjoy Reading. Have a great day ahead....🦋🦋🦋

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