Sunday, December 28, 2014

 One doesnt hv to prove anything to this world...including himself...

The moment he starts this proving process...he gets entangled in the very Mayaa of this world...

The least n the best an individual can do is keep moving one step forward each moment towards his very own self realization

 If I go out to perform saying that I want to better my performance compared to yesterday...them I m already in fear...of...If I dont then....

So rather comparing one to oneself...just go out everyday to give ur best on that day n leave aside the rest..

Automatically this attitude will take care of ur previous performances n one would raise his own very bar of excellence before he himself realises it

: If one perfects the very art of detaching oneself from the drama of this world n sees the things as the things actually r n not as they have been put in front of us...then one is actually on the path of enlightment

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